Mcleanhatch said:
look california requires US american citizens to fingerprint in order to get our drivers license (which is a privlidge not a right by the way) but they wont require illegals to have to get the fingerprint.
Yeah that's what they say, "it's a privlidge and not a right".
Fuck'em! I as a citizen should have the right to drive when ever and where ever the hell I want. Why should the government dictate my form of transportation?
Mcleanhatch said:
that doesnt mean we have to make it easier for them after all they did break our laws.
I'll ask you the same question I asked Proppa,
are illegal aliens evil for breaking the law?
Mcleanhatch said:
would you like it if people cut in line in front of you at the DMV??? tht is what illegal aliens are doing to the law abiding immigrants that are trying yo come here legally.
No but at least I see the real problem here. Government workers are like union workers if you know what I mean.
People wouldn't cut the line if they pulled their thumbs out their asses and worked in a timely matter!
Do you know how long it takes to get a visa? Better yet a green card? It's fucking ridiculous.
Mcleanhatch said:
i dont, beside encouraging kids to have sex all that does is make it easy for those who might not otherwise have sex to do it because it was so easy to get the condoms, i mean the ones that are going to do it anyways will go out and get their own condoms at the store anyways.
This is a whole different subject but it ties to this one.
Giving kids condoms does not encourage them to have sex at all.
The freaks will always be freaks no matter what you do to prevent it. And as for the kids who will find condoms else where, nope! They will have sex regardless if they find condoms or not. That is why teens get pregnant.... Which then leads to abortion....
Condoms will save inocent baby lives, that's why I support the idea of giving teens condoms. I look at it in the long run unlike certain people. And I look at this license issue in the very same way....
Mcleanhatch said:
you must have a good eye, you cant expect every1 else to be as sharp as you.
i know some Mexicans from Jalisco, Mexico that i bet you if you met them you would think that they were white.
No I cannot, people do not take the time to learn about other races and ethnic groups.
Most people are ignorant when it comes to that.....
As for your white Mexican cousins, I know what you're talkin about. They are Castellano's but hey, you gotta put one and two together. In other words, common sense. You're in Jalisco, chances are these people are white Mexicans....
Mcleanhatch said:
They all had drivers linsense from states that give them to any1 even ILLEGAL ALIENS!
Who let them inside in the first place?