SJN14 said:
What you're forgetting is that the US stole the land, and stealing is illegal by "American Law."
1st. the US did NOT steal the land, most of the land that you are talking about was large ranches owned by rich Mexicans which were stolen from them by sneaky lawyers not by the US.
2nd. the USA and Mexico both signed the treaty de guadalupe so they both knew what they were getting into. also i feel santa anna was more at fault for signing the treaty as he was a damn fool, he basically gave the land away, after the treaty was signed he even later sold away more land to USA, so your accusations that the USA stole the land isnt very accurate.
SJN14 said:
He can do as he damn pleases. So if the government said it was illegal to breather would you stop? Wake up, ever read the constitution? it reads:
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
American citizens can, we are protected by the US constitution, Mexican and/or any other illegal aliens is not afforded the same rights.
SJN14 said:
The Aztecs did do those things, and so did the Europeans but they did these things exponentially more.
oh, you mean Mexico the country made up of people from the Aztecs and Spaniards (Europeans).
SJN14 said:
But let me get back on topic, Mexico the country is the property of the Mexicans not the Aztecs. When they stole our land they stole it from ALL Mexican Citizens even those that have forgotten.
When Santa Anna singed away the right to those lands they no longer belonged to Mexico the country, the Aztecs, or the Mexicans or whatever else you want to classify us as.
SJN14 said:
I am Mexican before anything else, I maybe Amercanized but I know what I am, you obviously dont.
i know exactly what i am.
my race is Mexican, my country is United States of America, plain and simple and that my friend makes me an American