Mcleanhatch said:
first of all, they were here on expired Visas, so they were here illegally.
Yes but didn't they get their visas legally?
Mcleanhatch said:
they got drivers lincesces from states that have laws like this one california is trying to pass.
and ya, by getting these drivers license any1 can get them, they dont even have to show legitimate proof of ID, dont have to get the finger prints taken (like we do).
Ok so what's the solution?
Shouldn't every state finger print people who get their driver's license?
Here's reality, these people are going to drive anyway, whether they are illegal aliens or terrorists.
They will find a way....
We need to give these people license's because it will make better drivers out of them. Right now they're driving regardless and many don't even know how to fucking drive in the first place.
This is similar to the controversy surrounding the idea of putting condoms in schools (which I support)....
Not only are we gonna benefit from giving these people licenses but like I said earlier, people like you will benefit from it as well.
People who are anti-illegal aliens....
Mcleanhatch said:
do you know how easy it would be for a terrorist to impersonate a mexican illegal alien and get himself a drivers lisence?? weather you want to admit it or not arabs and hispanics have simular charcteristics. i mean tell me Sadam Husdsein and Vicente Fox dont in a way look similare.
Any Mexican can tell the difference. Fuck everyone else who can't! That's what they get for stereotypin people.
And before you say that it's not everyone else's fault if they can't tell the difference, you're talking to someone who can tell the differences within Asian people....
Mcleanhatch said:
what is the major form of ID they you need to board a flight within the USA (i know on ther few flights that i got on all i needed was a california state drivers lisence).
Ok so what does illegal aliens, people who come in illegally have to do with the 911 high jackers who came in with visas????