My original reply was lost.
So now I'll make a new one.
Muslims = People of the way. (truth hurts)
Muslims who own liquor stores = sinners. (muslims who sell alcohol publicly acknoweledge that selling alcohol is a sin therefore they are not hypocrites, but sinners.)
Scholars/Ulema = Who teach the Quran and sunnah, and give advice using their knowledge of Quran and sunnah.
Quran = Word of God
Sunnah = the way of the prophet hence it should be the way of the people.
after the prophets and the messengers come the people of knowledge, the knowledge of Guidance and those people are the scholars.
I honestly believe you thought typing all of that (especially the first line) would offend me or help your cause. It doesn't offend me one bit, and you are entitled to your views no matter how warped and foolish some may believe they are. I have no problem with you believing the same thing as those who strap bombs to their face in order to blow up infidels (which are often women and children.) Please spare me the "christians do worse" speech because I am not a christian and the dogma is not applicable to me.
Be gone.
@Hemp you said:
so because those muslims arent fundamental like the ones you see on the news, they are hypocrites?
No. Muslims aren't hypocrites because of the way they are portrayed on the news. Muslims are hyprocrites (and sinners) because of the beliefes they claim to hold but actually forsake. Can you please tell me how you BELIEVE tv is relevant to my position? This is not an issue of fundamentalism and media. This is an issue of morality and what is right.
If muslims claim islam is the CORRECT religion and all people should convert why are they HINDERING this process by supplying people with items that are forbidden in islam, cause destruction to the body and cause addiction? Such items would be tobacco products, liquor, gambling products (scratch off and lotto tickets), pork products (pig skins, hot dogs, links) and porn.
if those muslims selling alcohol were the ones preaching that alcohol is a sin and you are never to sin, then thats where they would be hypocrites
Not true and you should broaden your scope a bit. I said LIQUOR STORES and liquor stores carry two or more of the products I listed. Again, muslims are preaching islam is the correct religion yet they are providing the means to sin and the means to remain an infindel. Where does morallity and true observence of islam come into play when you are selling would be muslims spicy pork skins for your monetary gain?
i dunno man u actin the same way the media wants the people to act and feel.
Please support your claim. How am I acting "the same way the media wants the people to act and feel?"
Please present your assessment in the form of a logical and cogent paragraph. If you are incapable of doing this refrain from typing out of boredom. If it is not out of boredom you are doing it to
appear intelligent before your peers and that is a no-no.
tell me somethin real quick, before 9/11 did you have that much anger towards the muslims?
No, and I do not have anger towards muslims. Please show the board how I am angry towards muslims and I will clear these misconceptions. I can ridicule islam, muslims and YOU without being angry. Anger has nothing to do with my position, and I encourage you to start reading my posts (in depth) before replying.
i mean we all know you didnt like them
Who is the "we" that you are speaking of/for? How many people here share the same opinion of me as you?
because rarely you will find a "nonbeliever" willin to put up with the muslims actions that they HONESTLY BELIEVE IS THE RIGHT THING
I can't make heads or tails of this. Please rephrase your entire sentence (even the part I previously quoted) and try again.
yup, the same way i would believe that teaching ppl that religion is man made is the RIGHT THING, the same way they believe are doing the right thing. its all about mentality and just about how strong the mind control is
You are entitled to believe and teach what you want. This has nothing to do with mentality or mind control. Again, this an issue of morality and observing a religion FAITHFULLY.
so whos really the better person? one who thinks hes doing right or the other who thinks he doing right?
This is circle talk not deserving of an answer. Try again. Look at your previous statement and try again. :dead:
please dont feed into the media man i know youre better than that
My position has nothing to do with the media.