HERESY said:
Again, this so-called process is not applicable to all people.
ok but i wasnt trying to give an example of how all people learn, i was giving an example of how a person will learn based on observation.
but me n u got the same arguement on this subject, so lets fast forward cuz these replies are getting long.
HERESY said:
1. Because the ones in my area DO promote it.
2. PREACHING the religion is NOT a prerequisite to being a hypocrite. The prerequisite of being a hypocrite is being a FOLLOWER of the religion. You do NOT have to preach islam to be a hypocritical muslim.
so that means when i was a muslim, i was a hypocrit because i smoked weed and because i touched women?
u might be right but i always thought being a hypocrit is telling somebody not to do something, and then doing it, not having beliefs in something and doing the opposite.
but i guess why i was argueing this point is because me once being a muslim, i can understand that some things in islam i never gave thought to , such as marijuana, therefor i continued to smoke.
but now i think you are right in the correct way which i dont think anybody goes by which is because ISLAM is a religion, by believing in Islam, then you automatically believe that marijuana is bad.
but again, religion has been transformed and i guess i was a sinner muslim, but thats just the lack of my belief.
HERESY said:
I understand you don't care about words and the way you use them. Seriously, all one has to do is ATTEMPT to make sense of your many ramblings and one will come to this obvious conclusion. Spare me your mockery of intelligence and start giving a shit for ONCE in your life.
i do give a shit, but i also understand what you guys dont.
maybe when i learn to express myself better i can make more sense, or maybe if instead of completely rejecting what i bring to you about what you call the new age and actually listening and trying to understand my point of view then you wouldnt see me for such a weirdo guy with no beliefs.
HERESY said:
Do you now understand this, junior?
but i never said all roads lead to rome, the 2 roads would be good and evil.
you guys are just looking at religion and ONLY religion to be the roads.
u can be a good christian and have the greatest intention in all your doings , or you can be a good hindu and have the greatest intention in all your doings.
THAT is what im trying to say.
if this still doesnt make sense then would you say that being a hindu thats uneducated of what YOU know, but having the best intention in his heart the same as YOU do, then would this mean the hindu is going to hell because he hasnt come across what you know?
this is a problem i had with islam when i was a muslim also.
islam teaches that the one who never hears of "Islam" and dies will go to heaven.
but the one that just hears "ISLAM IS A RELIGION" for the first time and last time in his life, then its upon him to go seek the information about islam and become muslim or else he will go to hell for enternity?
that made me argue , ok what if this guy was a really good person, and never ever spoke,seen,heard anything evil. will he go to hell for having wrong beliefs?
HERESY said:
Before this night, I have never heard of this person. It is impossible for me to give a full opinion on her site (or of her) but this page is excellent and taken from her site:
ok why you send me ""
i aint a muslim and im not trying to defend islam.
im defending the so called sinner muslims because i was one for having a lack of islamic beleifs.
and in the next reply id like you to tell me what you think of her.
is she doing evil? good?
id just like to know what you think of her.