and im 100% sure i was told that the rain comes from heaven, and the shiekh said JANNAH and i asked him like "it comes from the clouds guy" n he quickly said
"nope comes from jannah"
like I said give me the surah and verse so I can read it and the tafsir because you just stated something that could have been made up. So is he a sheikh or an imam? I don’t care what a sheikh tells me until he comes with PROOF.
Heres my PROOF
“Have you not seen how God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it”. Surat An-Nur verse 43
and then about the sun revolving around the earth.
oh man i have asked sheikhs about that so many times n they all said "the sun revolves around the earth" n would say "but dude, they got all kinds of technologies that can EASILY prove the earth revolves around the sun"
and they would say "the scientists are lying"
That means NOTHING you are asking a sheikh about science, he knows religion not science. Next time ask him where he got this belief from, ask him to SHOW YOU from the Quran. I ask you to show me from the Quran. Its NOT there.
thats one thing ive always got from them when i would bring science up and how the new findings prove islam to be wrong n they would say that the person who brought forth the info is lying.
Show me these “new findings”, they do not exist and if there is articles out there its from anti-islamic sites that attack islam, but you can even post those because there are pro-islamic sites that refute all claims without a shadow of doubt.
for how long do they expect me to believe that?
Are you muslim? If not heres a verse
“To you be your way of life (religion), and to me my way of life (religion) Surat Al-Kafirun verse 6
plus it completely logical for them to say the sun revolves around the earth since THEY HAD NO SCIENCE BACK THEN to find out the earth is revolving.
Its great that you found a sheikh that says the sun revolves around the earth, now go ask that sheikh to give you the verses from the Quran. A sheikhs words are a mans words, the Quran is Gods words.
same as thinking the earth is flat,
but now that we got the technology to see then we can find out whos right n whos wrong.
And the Quran has not been proven wrong.
o yeah and about the earth being flat, that reminds me.
a sheikh told me that the earth is egg shaped, but sideways.
and he said that we arent stuck on earth because there somethin called gravity, but we are on earth beause we are litteraly on top of earth.
he thinks all the countries are spread on top of earth and if u go on the bottom then ull fall. *sigh*
Yeah that’s pretty crazy, but again this makes no sense, this is a sheikhs view that doesn’t come from the Quran so please bring the verses from the Quran, and the earth not being a perfect round ball is another miracle in the Quran.
and yes my friend there is such a thing as a muslim saint.
n 1: a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization
2: person of exceptional holiness [syn: holy man, holy
person, angel]
3: model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no
equal [syn: ideal, paragon, nonpareil, apotheosis,
nonesuch, nonsuch]
v 1: hold sacred [syn: enshrine]
2: in the Catholic church; declare (a dead person) to be a
saint; "After he was shown to have performed a miracle,
the priest was canonized" [syn: canonize]
Believing in any of those definitions is Kufir. So again there are no saints in Islam.
ever heard of a walee?
u never heard of a walee who has ppl over his house 24/7 learnin islam from him.
and all those ppl got stories to tell bout a time they did so n so n somethin happened?
Huh? People do follow and live with scholars to LEARN Islamic knowledge. They are called scholars and not saints you got things majorly twisted. That’s how people learn islam, from knowledgable people who use Quran and Sunnah and not their beliefs.
o i hear those all the time, yet when i ask a shiekh like what if the guy wasnt muslim and was simply meditating and became able to levitate? "oh hes working with a demon"
i mean get real
no my friend you get real with it. Again if you don’t believe in every person having a demon in them, or people actually working with the jinn then you simply don’t, to you your way of life and to me mine. Is someone forcing you to believe in Islam?
u said "islams not controlling, its a way of life"
ok tell me this then. if you were born into christianity, and christianity warned about the demon trying to get you to blaspheme, and FORBID even challenging ANYTHING you learn about it, and was as strict as islam is now, would u really find islam?
or would u be CAUGHT UP in chrisitan beliefs?
Once a person understands true islam it would be illogical to believe in anything else. You have known that you are a male ever since you can remember if someone came to you and started telling you you are a female, are you going to start believing him? Its hard to not believe once you know the truth.
im tellin it to you like it is man.
once you are muslim, theres no way u can even think of leaving islam without becomming a blasphemer.
WHY would I even think about leaving islam, its easy to get someone to the truth if he hasn’t been exposed to it. But its hard to deviate someone from the truth once someone knows it.
and not only that, you will look back at islam and say "oh i see so its the demon thats making think of opposing ANYTHING that islam says to me and thats blasphemy, therefor I WILL WORK HARDER TO REMAIN A MUSLIM AND REJECT ANY THOUGHT THATS AGAINST ISLAM"
People go through phases of weak faith, the devil is very powerful, people succumb but most don’t. AlhamdiAllah if If I die, I die a believer, InshAllah.
also, now that we brought this up i remember reading you once said something like "i respect chrisitianity, learnin bout it" n so n so.
Ofcourse I respect Christianity it’s a religion from God that is mentioned in the Quran. And im not reading the bible and learning about Christianity to find myself haha, im doing it for the cause of da’wa learn about it. So I can hold conversations with people of the Christian faith. Most Scholars of Islam study the bible and there is nothing wrong with it.
welcome to islam my friend.
AlhamdilAllah it feels good.
maybe if it wasnt changed around by the people, it would sound more real.
Keep it strictly Quran and some Sunnah. Quran DEFINITLEY untampered with.
ps. i didnt read the quranic verses because i have never read all of the quran, and i know for a fact that there are many WRONG interepretations.
kind of like the wahabies sayin "3alal arsh istawa" = God SITS on his throne
God does have a throne, and this is true but no the way we observe a throne to be. And again there is no such thing as a Wahabi. If we are talking about people like Al-Qaeda they are called the Kharijun and even the prophet Mohammad s.a.w warned us about them that they will be extremist and FAR away from the true islam.
Now my question to you is are you someone who posts under another name on the siccness? pm me if you wanna let me know