Muslims, chill...

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May 13, 2002
Psycho Logic said:
I'm saying.. The majority of of Muslims are not violent.

But the majority of violent extremists are Muslim.

Well, I don’t know about that. You got the KKK (Christian), The Order (Christian), various right-wing christian extremists in the US (abortion clinic bombings, anti-gay violence (, etc)) and abroad, the Jewish Defense League, Lord's Resistance Army (Christian/Pegan), Kach (Jewish), Combat 18 (British Neo-Nazi's), the Ireland conflict, etc. Plus you also have to consider all of the violent Political organizations like the Tamil Tigers (who have a special squad of elite suicide troops, called the Black Tigers that are responsible for more suicide bombings than any other group and considered to be the most effective unit of its kind in the world) for example, who are religious but aren't fighting because of religion.

Plus, Islamic fundamentalism is a relatively new phenomenon. The original Lebanese and Palestinian terrorists were more into extreme left wing politics than religion.

If there is indeed more terrorist activity coming from Islam, this doesn’t mean it’s because there is a difference with the religion compared to others, it has to do with the different socio economic conditions of the societies that practice these religions. The Middle East is and has been exploited by the west for its oil and other resources. The populations of Arab nations have been exploited by their leaders as well who have maintained vice like grip of control by utilizing Islam as a tool of oppression. Religion is a tool of oppression especially when religious enthusiasm can be directed against an infidel enemy like the West. This was the case with Hitler and the Jews. We have to keep these things in mind when we see people rioting over a cartoon and ask ourselves, “are they really rioting over a cartoon or is it much deeper than that?”
Aug 13, 2005
surcaliman said:
i agree with u there..but what i dont understand is why those millions of peacefull muslims allow the extremist to ''hijack'' their religion and never speak up when violence is used in the name of islam.they never condem shit.
Just because you dont see it on the news doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
Aug 13, 2005
surcaliman said:
^^^so then how do u know it happens?
I'll give few examples

The masjids or mosques i attend here always talk against extremism, again extremists date back since the time of the prophet s.a.w, and he called them the khawarij

Overseas in the kabba in mecca, after the eid prayer after hajj (pilgirmage) the sermon which is televised to the whole muslim world was speaking against terrorism.

Governments are cracking down big time, especially kuwait and saudi arabia, i remember a handful got executed a couple of months ago

Al-jazeera, Al-arabiya news channels are anti west for the most part just like news channels out here, and they always show coverage about stuff that isnt on cnn and this subject is one of them.
Jun 23, 2002
Muslims are, by nature, violent and excitable people. (Keep in mind most are Arabs)

The Westernized Muslims and the USA Muslims talking about "dialogue and pacifist restraint" are meaningless in the whole of the Ummah.
What the FUCK do you know about Islam? You probably don't even know any Muslims in real life, yet base your assumptions on shit you see on TV and read...

Muslims are, by nature, violent and excitable people. (Keep in mind most are Arabs)
That's what the world wants YOU to think about Muslims, and it's obviously working...
Jun 23, 2002
Formaldehyde Rx said:
FACT: Muslims believe in taking by the sword.

This is violence. Islam is a violent religion.
The Bible talks about killing non-believers. Christianity is a violent religion. But MSNBC doesn't tell you that, so I wouldn't expect you to know.

Oct 14, 2004
WHO CARES ABOUT A CARTOON. "Iam a crybaby Muslim waaahhh, Iam butt hurt over a cartoon, waaah." Dont these people have anything better to do then complain. People need to learn to take a joke.
Oct 14, 2004
mattjoke said:
The Bible talks about killing non-believers. Christianity is a violent religion. But MSNBC doesn't tell you that, so I wouldn't expect you to know.


Wrong the Bible says that God is Love. The old Testament talks of God destroying whole cities, but only because that was the time of the law. When Jesus came that was taken care of. "Love your Brother like yourself".


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
surcaliman said:
i agree with u there..but what i dont understand is why those millions of peacefull muslims allow the extremist to ''hijack'' their religion and never speak up when violence is used in the name of islam.they never condem shit.
I said this like a week ago, but I'll say it again. You are being fed a message from the mass media. They tell you what they want you to know. Most news channels are owned by big ass corporations (more than likely Christian owners or something like that). These types of people tend to have agenda's. And since our Republican leaders are the ones that are all for big business etc, who do you think is going to get their message out? Correct, the Republicans (and anyone who agrees with them, probably a decent amount of the pussy ass democrats).

Whether people like it or not, our government controls the media. I guarentee someone would be fired for going against what the network tells them. I mean really, they have reports about the most unimportant shit on the news, like people "should" care. And that's their goal, to get you to care about what they want you to care about. Kind of like with advertising, they tell you what is cool, hip, trendy and what you must have to be with the "in" crowd. It's all about presenting a message to a mass audience in a convincing manner....It's just too bad that the majority of our country is filled with half-wit sheep like some people on this board who will remain nameless.

No one thing or person is inherently bad or evil until someone or something else says that it is that way. Muslims wouldn't be considered violent if the mass media didn't portray them as such. How many years has religion been around? Saying that Islam is more violent that Christianity is like saying a snickers is the same thing as a milky way, anyone that knows whussup will know you're full of shit, most people just don't have a fucking clue.

About your final question, "why don't they speak up." With what? Do you think our country of all countries after being attacked by like 15 Muslims out of 1.2 BILLION would let them try to portray themselves in a positive light? FUCK NO. It's all about opportunity and while some might have it, most don't and most are encouraged to not speak up (in general, not just speaking on religion). Our wonderful gov't wants people to conform to the "American" ideal, hating anything and anyone that isn't "American" and only believing what your gov't tells you because they're the "good guys" who are trying to "help" us. They helping the American people to have a fat dick shoved in their ass is what's happening.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Rob S4 said:
Wrong the Bible says that God is Love. The old Testament talks of God destroying whole cities, but only because that was the time of the law. When Jesus came that was taken care of. "Love your Brother like yourself".

So the old testament was really just a big fuck up or what? When Jesus came they realized that God was nice? Give me a fucking break. It's called control tactics. Mind control. How do you get the world to do what you want? You tell them some imaginary figure will send them to the depths of hell for all eternity. And then when things aren't working so much, they write a new one (testament). Are we gonna have a fucking "new-revised" bible when the "messiah" comes back? Probably.....This shit is honestly some of the saddest shit I've experienced.
Dec 7, 2004
mattjoke said:
The Bible talks about killing non-believers. Christianity is a violent religion. But MSNBC doesn't tell you that, so I wouldn't expect you to know.


WRONG; The bible talks about killing but never does it order it; Niether does the Koran (although it has parts were it may imply it) but when you let the common man decifer ancient texts with out being educated you get dumbasses who use their religion to justify retarded acts.
Dec 7, 2004
Sixxness said:
So the old testament was really just a big fuck up or what? When Jesus came they realized that God was nice? Give me a fucking break. It's called control tactics. Mind control. How do you get the world to do what you want? You tell them some imaginary figure will send them to the depths of hell for all eternity. And then when things aren't working so much, they write a new one (testament). Are we gonna have a fucking "new-revised" bible when the "messiah" comes back? Probably.....This shit is honestly some of the saddest shit I've experienced.
You are extremely wrong in your assesment of the bible, you sound very ignorant.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^^Books are written for a purpose. I wouldn't doubt that the people writing the Bible knew exactly what they were doing. I don't think some stupid goof ball mother fucker translated the Bible and if the Christians let that happen, they deserve it because they'd be fucking morons, all of them. And if implying to do something isn't pretty much saying to do it, I don't know what is. If you imply you want to kill the president and are serious about it I think people would take notice.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Malkorasoul said:
You are extremely wrong in your assesment of the bible, you sound very ignorant.

Just cause I disagree with your stand point doesn't mean I'm ignorant. I asked some questions but you didn't answer any of them so don't fuckin talk to me until you have some answers. Until then, you're ignorant for not being able to tell me something you are arguing for.

Is this my assessment?

"You tell them some imaginary figure will send them to the depths of hell for all eternity. And then when things aren't working so much, they write a new one (testament)"?

That's hardly an assessment. That's more like giving a summarization based on what someone else had to say and what I have been told by none other than your faithful brothers and sister that probably don't know shit about shit.
Oct 14, 2004
Sixxness said:
So the old testament was really just a big fuck up or what? When Jesus came they realized that God was nice? Give me a fucking break. It's called control tactics. Mind control. How do you get the world to do what you want? You tell them some imaginary figure will send them to the depths of hell for all eternity. And then when things aren't working so much, they write a new one (testament). Are we gonna have a fucking "new-revised" bible when the "messiah" comes back? Probably.....This shit is honestly some of the saddest shit I've experienced.

Its cool man you dont have to agree, but that doenst make the truth any less true. You are stuck in a mind frame the church and the media puts on you.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^^I gotta say I appreciate your response, especially since it was finally someone who can talk without resorting to name calling...but on the topic of my mindstate...not really, I just dont' follow what others believe. I got my own ideas on stuff and it works for me. I just don't need to read a book to know that treating people like shit is a negative thing, I can figure stuff out for myself. The Church hasn't really done ish for me. I don't go. I don't listen to what they say. But I do have friends that spout that shit to me sometimes and I want to slap them because they really dont' know shit. They act like they know what the shit is about, but they don't. They just say what they've been told, like the good little sheep they are. The media? Man, I know what the media tries to do. The media has nothing to do with how I feel about religion. Another thing, I don't watch TV more than once or twice a week. For less than an hour. So the media isn't what effects me, it's all the religious fucks out there that can't control themselves. Too busy tryina control others to realize the only thing you can really control is yourself.

What has to do with how I feel about religion you may ask? My life. To me, there is no one right way to do anything. If something is right for you that's great, but it doesn't mean it's right for me. I can tell you already understand that just cause you said, "it's cool man you dont' have to agree." And honestly, you're probably the first religious person on this site, in this forum, to not act like a prissy hurt little bitch when someone questions something that you say or believe. I do have to commend you on that. But back to my point, the things that I have experienced in life etc have led me to the conclusion that I don't need to have ANYONE else tell me what I need to or should do with my life. My life is mine, and I know how to act accordingly most of the time....and nobody is perfect.

But really, will someone answer the questions I asked? So far there's been 2 people who support the Bible/religion reply directly to my post but haven't said shit about what I said. This is beginning to make me think that people can't back up what they say.