Miguel Cotto vs. Zab Judah set for June 9th

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May 5, 2002
im just sayin i know the difference between someone who has been mentally beaten versus physically. I do think Cotto busted him up good physically, but if Judah wanted it more he could've gone thru.

its a kin to when someone is lifting weights and its well within their body strength to lift the weight but they give up mentally and get psyched out.
Aug 6, 2006
4fifteenRolla said:
im just sayin i know the difference between someone who has been mentally beaten versus physically. I do think Cotto busted him up good physically, but if Judah wanted it more he could've gone thru.
Did Judah quit? No! So what is your point(not trying to be rude, but seriously)? This only proves mine since he didn't and came out of the corner every single round..
May 5, 2002
ParkBoyz said:
Did Judah quit? No! So what is your point(not trying to be rude, but seriously)? This only proves mine since he didn't and came out of the corner every single round..

aight ur not seein the big picture! Im sayin 4 Judah to make that next step, to the next level. I was 1 of those ppl pulling to see him dig deep and put it ALL on the line and understand he just went from PPV event to HBO quality and if he loses then its back down to Friday Night Fights.

What do u think his father was telling him to do?!? He was tellin him to FIGHT!!! not just stay in there and gain courage points!! This was Judah's last big chance @ bein what he was built up 2 do, to get that Tzu monkey off his back but he didnt.
Aug 6, 2006
^Yea, but obviously there was something that stagnated him in the ring, be it Cotto's relentlessness, or his eye, there was a reason. This simply goes back to the comment you made about Judah not showing any heart after catching two vicious low blows, having a puffed up eye, and still trying to fight. He did not quit on his stool(like say Kosta Tzyu did vs. Hatton) after having a tough fight, which is the point. The big picture is that Judah lacks ring smarts, resilience, and motivation, but not courage/heart(as can be seen from this fight).. Of course courage doesn't win you fights but Judah doesn't deserve to be shitted on imho..
May 5, 2002
he deserves to be "shitted on" when he's runnin around tryn to say he's the best. damn ur ridin his nuts a lil 2 hard.

in war havin courage is stayin in the fight in ur fox hole or trench
in war havin heart is when u go over the hill into no man's land
zab stayed in the fox whole and put up a good defense but didnt leave and press the attack
Aug 6, 2006
^^First off, "nuts" don't belong in this thread.. I simply hate unwarranted negativity.. End of discussion though, I had no idea that you were gay and would resort to trying to bring up a conversation about a boxer's nuts, I'm done then since you're so passionate about shitting on people and talking about "nuts". Anyone over 18 with a boxing IQ over 100, please feel free to engage..

Lamberto Quintero said:
So I guess Cotto won the fight? I expected to see Parkboyz in here defending Judah about everything and already talking shit about how Mayweather would fuck up Cotto, even though it has nothing to do with this fight...
I only commented when someone suggested that Judah showed no heart, which is a lie.. The fact that you thought about me directly proceeding the fight only exposes your obsession with Parkboyz since I only stated my opinion as it concerns boxing. No need to come in here getting personal, Cotto is in my top 15, Judah is not..
May 13, 2002
ParkBoyz said:
I only commented when someone suggested that Judah showed no heart, which is a lie.. The fact that you thought about me directly proceeding the fight only exposes your obsession with Parkboyz since I only stated my opinion as it concerns boxing. No need to come in here getting personal, Cotto is in my top 15..
Don't flatter yourself too much, I simply recalled how you were in huge favor of Judah for this fight and he lost.

And you're right about Judah's heart, he left it out on the ring and I'm not going to say otherwise. He simply got beat by a better boxer...
Aug 6, 2006
Lamberto Quintero said:
Don't flatter yourself too much, I simply recalled how you were in huge favor of Judah for this fight and he lost.
Overstatement that you're using to justify your hasty personal attack towards me.. No substance in your comment at all..
May 13, 2002
^^ Yeah, Judah showed a lot of heart IMO for lasting that long. Cotto went at him non-stop throughout the whole fight. I only watched the fight up until the end of the 9th round then I had to leave, but I finished watching it right now. It was a good fight IMO, way better than the DLH vs Mayweather fight.
Nov 7, 2005
I thought Judah showed more heart in this fight than he ever has. He was taking punishment throughout the whole fight, even more than when he fought Floyd and he didn't resort to commiting blatant fouls like he did in the FMJ fight. I gotta give him credit for lasting as long as he did because after the first 6-7 rounds, I didn't think he'd make it to the 11th. It's just too bad he never comes into a fight with a Plan B (Plan A being a KO). It seems like when he realizes he's going to have a tough time knocking someone out, he loses the mental battle and ultimately, the fight. Just check his last few fights with Floyd, Baldomir, and this fight with Cotto. They're all similar in that he starts out fast, loses the mental battle, then loses the fight. You gotta give Cotto credit in this fight, he took some hard shots and stuck to his gameplan and stayed relentless and made it a rough ass fight to get the victory.
Aug 6, 2006
Oh, fa sho, Cotto showed just as much, if not more heart for the shots he took! The difference is that Cotto kept pressing because that's what kind of fighter he is, but he looked like he was almost out a few times, especially from Zab's counter uppercut that stunned him in the first round. Cotto is the real deal, but his chin is still suspect and his style still a bit 1 dimensional, although improved. Margarito would be his best bet right now as far as elite competition imo..
Aug 6, 2006
Public Letter to Zab

My Friend Zab Judah Won

The record will not reflect a "win" for last nights bout with Miguel Cotto. History will not reflect in "punch stats" or the "judges scorecards" that Zab Judah came out on top.

Instead of the cheers from adoring fans, he will be left with a silent walk back to the dressing room, everyone will be too afraid to say the wrong thing to him, he will quietly get dressed and someone will take him to the hospital to get his eye stitched up, as will his opponant. Perhaps the two warriors will be in the same emergency room getting sewn up, and both will carry the battle scars from the fight for the rest of their lives. They are forever joined together - blood brothers now, one, gets the adoration, one, gets the jeers, but now and forever both men will look back and remember the other with a mutual respect that only true warriors know.

On this night my friend Zab Judah won, oh, he lost the fight - true enough, but he won the "big" one. He won the respect of the naysayers, the people who said he wouldn't last 3 rounds with the Champion. Those who said he has never had the heart of a Champion. (even though he has been the Undisputed Champion already, and a 2 Time Champion at that) The critics who said he could never keep his head together. Those armchair boxing
know-it-alls who have never put on the gloves, never even been to a boxing gym, some of them have never even been to a fight or in a fight for that matter - Zab beat them too.

You see, my friend Zab Judah showed the entire world that he is a fighter, not just a flashy boxer, not just a speed demon, he showed the world that he is a proud modern day gladiator - the kind that goes out on his shield - the kind of fighter that can be away from the arena for an entire year and still be able to step into the ring with the Champion and not only hold his own, he could still buckle the knees of the Champion with a single shot.

Put my friend Zabs' performance into perspective - could a track star take a year off and then go straight into the the Olympics and be able to hold his or her own?

How about a pro football team, could they take the entire year off and then hold their own against the defending Superbowl Champions - in the Superbowl at that!?

Zab Judah won the respect of the people that matter most - his fellow warriors, and more than that - he proved to himself that he is now the fighter he always wanted to be in his own heart...

I am VERY PROUD of you Zab.

Your Friend,
JD Lyons
Nov 7, 2005
ParkBoyz said:
Oh, fa sho, Cotto showed just as much, if not more heart for the shots he took! The difference is that Cotto kept pressing because that's what kind of fighter he is, but he looked like he was almost out a few times, especially from Zab's counter uppercut that stunned him in the first round. Cotto is the real deal, but his chin is still suspect and his style still a bit 1 dimensional, although improved. Margarito would be his best bet right now as far as elite competition imo..
I agree with everything you said. Cotto will always have that "suspect chin" attached to him due to being hurt so many times, but he always recovers relatively well and he went on to win those fights. It's just a matter of time before he faces someone that can put some punches together after hurting him and put him away, but until then he's still undefeated and I give him a shot at anyone in the division except Floyd and Mosley. You're right about him fighting Margarito, that's the fight he should be pressing for if Margarito gets past Williams. (Margarito-Williams should have a thread of its own) I'm hoping that fight does down because a Margarito-Cotto fight has the potential of being a FOTY candidate.
Aug 6, 2006
Anaheim*Rob said:
(Margarito-Williams should have a thread of its own) I'm hoping that fight does down because a Margarito-Cotto fight has the potential of being a FOTY candidate.
Hell yea, even if Margarito doesn't pull it off against Williams, I want to see this fight. It's just a really interesting match-up..:cool:
Oct 18, 2003
Those armchair boxing
know-it-alls who have never put on the gloves, never even been to a boxing gym, some of them have never even been to a fight or in a fight for that matter

check on all that except for a gym. no gym around here. wish we did have one though growing up i say it all the time.