the FACT is in EACH major doctrine/writings etc etc etc a DIFFERENT god is described. allah is NOT the same god in the torah. YHWH is not the same god in the vedas. the fundamentals are different.
Of course they are different descriptions, yet there is still only ONE GOD, who is the Absolute, who is ALL-ENCOMPASSING. God is limitless, therefore He has unlimited names and descriptions.
allah is described as having no partners yet krsna or brahma has SONS and MANY partners. YHWH does NOT accept the worship of others yet BRAHMA does....
So what? The Supreme Being is known by different people in different capacities, depending on time, circumstance, and their level of sincerity in wanting to know Him. These apparent differences that we may view in different doctrines, are completely inconsequential to the transcendental Lord.
yet MANY would say that its the "jesus" or "CHRIST SPIRIT" that matters.
Christ was not different from his body. His body was 100% spiritual. You and I are different from our bodies. We are a mixture of spiritual and physical.
If one views Christ as just some "man" who happened to be God's son, then he does not understand the spiritual being that Jesus was.
christ is not "attraction" and has never been attraction.
Really? Then why is it that over a BILLION people have become "attracted" to "Christianity"? Because of the flawless philosophy of the dogma? Maybe because people need an extra place to waste their money?
No, they are ATTRACTED to "Christianity" because of the pure character of Jesus Christ. He is the truth, and the truth attracts sincere people. He spoke the truth about God, and God is the all-attractive Supreme Being.
the word means ANOINTED. i suggest you look up CHRIST in a GREEK LEXICON before you reply again. STRONGS NUMBER 5547 AND 5548.
I understand. And do you interpret this to mean that Christ was and is the ONLY anointed one, and that due to his anointed status HE is the ONLY way to reach God?
this does not answer my question. a simple yes or no is all that is neded. did jesus come in the flesh? yes or no.
It is not a simple yes or no question.
Yes, he appeared to be made of flesh as a normal man does. You and I also appear to be flesh beings, but we know that we are actually spiritual beings. Our flesh is impure while the flesh of Jesus was 100% spiritual. For Jesus's body to ascend into heaven requires that his body be 100% spiritual, because material is temporary and impure and the spiritual is pure and eternal.
first of all im not teh person on here claiming that all spiritual ways lead to the same door. nor am i in contradiction or error. its YOU.
I am not in error nor in contradiction, and I never said that all spiritual ways lead to the same door. All I have said is that all doors reside within the ONE SUPREME LORD.
so keep your insults and low blows to a minimum. if YOU dont know the meaning of a simple word (christ) how can ANYONE expect you to know anything else?
What insults and low blows? From what you have said it seems that you do not truly understand what it means for a soul such as Christ to be
eternally liberated. He is eternally a 100% spiritual being, but you claim that he was under the influence of material nature.
And you are the only one who claims that I don't know the meaning of Christ, and it is you are in error in that belief.
i KNOW that my flesh is simply that. thats not the TRUE HERESY. i understand this concept. this si why i try to walk in the SPIRIT daily. this is why i try to put off the old man and CRUCIFY the flesh on a DAILY basis.
That's good. What exactly is "Walking in the spirit"? Let's say you had no need for money. You have a billion in the bank and all the time you needed to "walk in the spirit". What are the activities of one who walks in the spirit, and what activities does he avoid?
And I aint sayin this to be sarcastic, the reason I am asking is because those who follow the Vedas and those who worship the Deities or Krsna, they are "walking in the spirit" and are acting in transcendence.
Is your opinion that "walking in the spirit" can only be done by those who adhere to the judeo-christian literature and their doctrine/dogma/philosophy?
and this god FORBIDS the worship of angels,demigods demons etc etc etc.
So what? Don't worship them then.
so are you saying jesus sugar coated and worshipped one god just to get by???????
Not at all. I am saying that Jesus appeared in a particular time and in order for his word to be accepted, he had to preach within the established parameters of that time.
A college professor who has a degree in advanced calculus, does not go into his algebra 2 class and give lessons on calculus. He teaches what the time and circumstance dictate be taught. That does not mean the professor is "sugar coating" anything, he is simply following protocol.
so you are saying that pagans removed it....interesting.......
"I'm" saying it? No, this is verifiable objective data.
and you have access to these vaults? how do YOU know whats hidden in them?
No, potna, *I* don't have access to them, but the person who DID have access to them for his research of Saint Francis found what was hidden in them. His name was Edmond Bordeaux Szekely and he discovered the hidden texts in the vaults of the Vatican in 1923.
This is a quote from Jesus from the Gospel of the Twelve, and it was also hidden away in the Vatican.
"After my departure there will arise the ignorant and the crafty, and many things will they ascribe unto Me that I never spake, and many things which I did speak will they withhold, but the day will come when the clouds shall be rolled away, and the Sun of Righteousness shall shine forth with healing in his wings."
Sounds like Jesus was talking about the Catholic church and modern "Christianity" if you ask me.
this has to do with the **MINISTRY** of john not him being reincarnated.
And there are those who say that the spirit of Eliyah was present alongside the spirit of John in one body. Then there are those who say that it is about the "ministry". Then someone else has a different interpretation.
"Christians" can't even agree on what that passage means but they will say ANYthing to disagree with the obvious reference to reincarnation.
if john the baptist was elijah reincarnated why did john DENY being elijah in JOHN 1:21??
He was talking to the Pharisees! What, he was going to claim to be Eliyah and be killed on the spot for blasphemy?
this has NOTHING to do with reincarnation and many lives. this is a letter to the church of philadelphia. this has to do with TRIBULATION. once again you are in error.
It has EVERYTHING to do with reincarnation, but you refuse to view the passage objectively. The letter is about those who overcome the world, who successfully crucify the flesh.
Those who overcome, Christ will make a pillar in the temple of God, and NO MORE WILL HE GO OUT. The verse is crystal clear, it refers to the soul leaving the body, and when one returns to the spiritual world, there is no more birth and death, there is no more going out.
you are in error once again. this pertains to the last ressurection and the last death. you can die physically and spiritually.
You cannot die spiritually. That is a controlling element of "Christian" dogma, and is complete nonsense. Even common sense tells us that if a paticle of material is temporary and destructible, then the ANTI-material particle, which is the spirit soul, is necessarily indestructible and eternal.
The elimination of reincarnation and karma, this bogus "spiritual death", these are controlling factors which keep people chained to a dogma and church EVEN if they intrinsically know it is incorrect. The fear of "not being saved" or of "spiritual death" are simple mind control methods of a poisoned message.
Bhagavad-Gita 2.20: "For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain."
2.22: "As a person puts on new garments, giving up the old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones."
these 3 contradict each other. they CANNOT all be true. they are NOT cohesive.
These 3 contradict each other, they CANNOT all be true. They are NOT cohesive.
no jesus did NOT die because of the sins of the pharisees alone. his death was to reconcile man with creator.
That is a by-product of his death, that many would see that as an impetus to serve God, but Christ did not die as a barter for your sinful activities.
To relegate Jesus to nothing but your sin merchant is a sin itself.
You are in delusion.
you are in error. sin is a DIRECT violation of the commandment /will of god. it is DIRECT rebellion.
Yup, and indulging in the illusion of
maya for our sense gratification is sin because it is a DIRECT violation of the will of God.
sin=spiritual death/seperation from god.
Spiritual death/separation from God = nonsense. God is the Absolute. Everything is an emanation from Him yet He is the all-encompassing totality of all existence.
One is never separated from God, but one
can be illusioned and mistakenly assume such a thing.