No no no, like I stated before, the Vedas are about 3 thousand years old.
The idea dates back to 5 thousand years.
The problem is that the scripture is very new.
There is no proof for the Vedas going back to 5 thousand years, that idea is only a claim.
I totally understand what you are saying. But you are simply twisting things around to make them compatible.
Unfortunately we don’t know much about the life of Parashara, so I can’t speak of what inspired him to write the Vedas.
Your powers of assumption and speculation are extraordinary.
It was my understanding that Krishna was a normal man who later became God.
And on top of that, the Angels are all of male gender. There are no female angels in the scriptures so the Demigods and angels aren’t the same thing because the Vedas teach of Goddesses.
I agree, one should only worship the Father. But yet Buddhists, Hindu, and Catholics pray to servants of God.
Vaisnavas worship God the Father, Lord Sri Krsna, not His servants.
That’s what everyone claims. But only a select few know him personally.
The last one who knew God personally was Jesus.
After that, no one knows him. Me might come into your life, but you don’t know him personally.
Mother Teresa didn’t even know him personally, how is that you do?
If I’m fixated with the biblical view of God it’s because it is the only view of the true God.

You’re talking about the Spirit of God.
Only those who can bring evidence to their claims get my attention.
Moses and Jesus performed many miracles with thousands of eyewitnesses, proving that God was with them..
People like the prophet Mohammed never performed a miracle, proving that God was not behind him.
All the Vedas speak of is both his physical and spiritual form.
The Vedas describe that God is PURE SPIRIT. He is NEVER manifest in a material form. His form is 100% spiritual.
"When you see that there is nothing beyond these three modes of material nature in all activities and that the Supreme Lord is transcendental to all these modes, then you can know My spiritual nature." (14.19)
Your contention that the Vedas describe a "physical" form of the Lord shows that you do not know His spiritual nature.
I am telling you that he has another form beyond what we know, even in the spiritual realm.
The physical and spiritual realms are in the same dimension because they can intertwine with each other.
Material and spiritual are like oil and water. They may be situated together in the same glass, but they never mix. So our spirit is in contact with the material and we are entangled in it, but we never intertwine with it, and the aim of life is to become untangled and return to the spiritual world.
That is why God booted Satan and his Demons down to Earth. That’s how you can explain their Satanic activities here on Earth.
That is how Jesus was able to manipulate the environments when he made miracles. Jesus is an example of the physical realm, while the Holy Spirit is an example of the Spiritual realm, But God goes beyond both these realms.
This third realm you speak of, what is it called and where do you get your information on it? It sounds alot like you are just speculating about it.
He does not reside inside these realms, they are only his creation to house Angels and man.
Think of it as a software engineer who has created this world in his PC.
The world has everything from physical life, to the spiritual after life. The simulated realm is only a creation of the software engineer, there for he exists in a totally different dimension….
The world has everything from physical life, to the spiritual after life. The simulated realm is only a creation of the software engineer, there for he exists in a totally different dimension….
Your hypotheetical 3rd realm does not make sense nor can you point to any information on it. It only resides in the speculative recesses of your mind.
So what you are saying is that even though the bible and the Vedas present different philosophies, they are referring to the same ultimate reality?
It is just a different equation, but the answer is the same.
Yeah, when you look at it that way, they are speaking of one God just like the Quran.
But you have to understand that these God’s have different ideals.
Yeah, when you look at it that way, they are speaking of one God just like the Quran.
But you have to understand that these God’s have different ideals.
What YOU have to understand is that God is not LIMITED to any one of these philosophies or descriptions of His attributes. He is transcendental and limitless, therefore He can be described in a infinite number of ways.
The Biblical God is much more strict than the Vedic God.
The Vedas describe that eating food (meat or not) which was not offered to God is a sin. Sex for pleasure is a sin. Intoxication is a sin. Gambling is a sin. These are just the four REGULATIVE principles, they do not even touch on the strict rules for Deity worship.
Compare the 10 Commandments and Jesus’ philosophy about them with the 4 Vedic laws?
These are BASIC information that are not strict at all. Common sense tells us not to do any of those things. These rules are not strict, they are rules for children.
And you will see that they contradict each other. Meaning that they didn’t come from the same being….
We agree in a lot of things, and I like your approach of trying to bridge the gap between Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Orientalism. But the only thing these beliefs have in common is the idea of one supreme God….