The text is only about 3 thousand years old. The great flood happened much further back. It’s only predicting the past.
The text is over 5,000 years old, and prior to them being written down they were passed on strictly by mantra for millenia.
While the oldest Old Testament scripture “found so far” dates back to almost 4 thousand years. It’s safe to say that the Vedas and the Sumerian tablets were inspired by the book of Genesis.
LMAO! Dog you have got to be kidding!? The book of Genesis is like pre-school material when contrasted with the Vedas. There is NO WAY that the transcendental knowledge of the Vedas are inspired by that book, because the Vedas predate it.
"Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the Vedas are directly manifested from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently, the all-pervading Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice." (B.G. 3.15)
Meat eating a Sin?
And illicit sex a sin? Can you describe to me what’s illicit sex in the first place?
Meat eating is an act of ignorance. It is sinful if one does not offer the meat to Kali before eating it, and eating anything without offering it is also sin.
"The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin."(B.G. 3.13)
Jesus speaking in the Essene Gospel of Peace:
"For I tell you truly, he who kills, kills himself, and whoso eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death...Kill not, neither eat the flesh of your innocent prey, lest you become the slaves of Satan. For that is the path of sufferings, and it leads unto death."
Illicit sex is sex for the purpose of sense gratification. Sex is permitted only for begetting children. Because sex pleasure is the highest pleasure one can have through his material body, it is the most common sinful activity and the hardest to refrain from. Sex binds us to the material world and hampers spiritual progress. Why do you think the Bible says that to even LOOK at a woman in a lustful manner is to have already commited adultery with her?
If sex were only for child bearing purposes then there wouldn’t be orgasms in sex.
This claim is totally contradicted by the female clitoris.
Orgasms and the clitoris have NOTHING to do with child bearing. The fact that we enjoy sex does not mean it is not sinful to endlessly indulge in it. There is some sick fucks who get an orgasm when they kill people, does their enjoyment mean that the act is not sinful?
Sex pleasure is the highest pleasure, no question, and it is on the basis of sex attraction that we are in this material world in the first place. Women are the personification of
maya, or the illusion of the material world, and our inability to resist their allure and form is what keeps us here in conditioned entanglement. The whole world is spinning and the universe is oscillating due to sex attraction alone. Sex attraction is so strong it binds the atoms together.
The difference between demons and demigods is that a beautiful woman very easily attracts the minds of demons, but she cannot attract the mind of a godly person. A godly person is full of knowledge, and a demoniac person is full of ignorance. Just as a child is attracted by a beautiful doll, similarly a demon, who is less intelligent and full of ignorance, is attracted by material beauty and an appetite for sex. The godly person knows that this nicely dressed and ornamented attraction of high breasts, high hips, beautiful nose and fair complexion is
maya. All the beauty a woman can display is only a combination of flesh and blood. Sri Sankaracarya has advised all persons not to be attracted by the interaction of flesh and blood; they should be attracted by the real beauty In spiritual life.
And wasn’t Kama Sutra Indian? I wonder if he subscribed to the Vedic beliefs….
I wonder if you have any idea of what you are talking about, because the author of the Kama Sutra NEVER HAD SEX.
The Vedic writers bit their tongue big time!
You continue to display ignorance. There is ONE author of the ENTIRE Vedic scripture, Sri Vyasadeva. There was not a group of writers. The Vedas were written by an incarnation of Visnu.
That’s contradictory because why in the hell would God make us a carnivorous species in the first place????
We are NOT a carniverous species, that is simply what you have been conditioned to believe. Our teeth are obviously designed not for tearing and ripping flesh, but for chewing fruits, grains, and vegetation. Any semi-intelligent dentist will tell you that. It is due to the canine teeth that people think we are omnivores, and while we have the ability to chew and tear meat, we are not meant to do so.
We need to eat other animals for our own survival, which is what God stated in the book of Genesis.
Nonsense. There have been countless vegetarians who have lived into their 90s and 100s who NEVER ate a piece of meat. Meat is NOT necessary for survival, and if you want to quote Genesis, what does
"Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." mean to you? God clearly says "I have given you plants, trees, and fruits, and to you it shall be for meat."
Or Genesis 9:3-4 "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat."
Can you imagine what would happen to the eco system if animals stopped eating each other?
HUMANS are NOT ANIMALS. You may have adopted animalistic behavior as a result of your conditioning, and maybe you can't put your animalistic desires in check, but you are a HUMAN, *NOT* an ANIMAL.
We need protein in our diet!
Meat is NOT the only source of protein.
That’s why a lot of Hindus eat poultry in spite of what the Vedas teach.
As I said earlier, one may eat meat if he offers it to Kali. Most "Hindus" don't even do that though, so they still incur the karmic reaction. They don't eat meat to get protein, they eat meat because they can't control their tongue.
Man This goes to show that the Vedas were written by some dude claiming to be inspired by God just to brain wash people for personal gain.
More nonsense. How does people not eating meat = personal gain?! The opposite is true, by conditioning man to eat meat, the slaughterhouses have reaped personal gain. Meat eating is unhealthy, it is sinful, and it dulls the mind. You are simply proving the Vedic teachings correct.
Dogg, and please don’t even try to debate the fact that we are a carnivorous species because I’m gonna have to spend another few days debating a proven fact.
Whatever mayn, keep dulling your mind and believing what you want. Your arguments are simply trying to justify your uncontrollable tongue. You don't eat meat because it is necessary for your survival, you eat it because you like how it tastes. Just be honest.
The Vedic poets shot themselves in the foot about 3 thousand years ago, let it go bro….
V, you should really study the origins of the Bhavisya Purana and you will see that this text is not trustworthy. It has been revised a few number of times through out history, even in the 19th century.
Miss me with your dimestore analysis. All you know about the Vedas is what you have seen on some website. That info is not trustworthy. I have gone to India, learned Sanskrit, and studied the Vedas with college professors. On top of that I follow Srila Prabhupada, who is a
guru in the line of disciplic succession which originated with Krsna. I am not receiving any distorted information, contrary to your baseless assertions.
And if you knew anything about what happened with the Vedas in the 19th century, you would know that it was English scholars who attempted to discredit the Vedas because the knowledge found in them is too great and it overshadows the dogma they were trying to establish in the name of Christ.
And if this isn’t enough to convince you that the Purana’s have been subjected to a number of alterations then how do you explain the addition of English words in the Bhavisya Purana? Words such as "Sunday", "February" and "Sixty", very clear indications of tampering during the 19th century.
YES! EXACTLY! They were tampered with by the English who wished to DISCREDIT THEM! Therefore if one is referring to the Puranas which have been changed and altered, they are not getting the pure original message. I do NOT refer to any changed literature, I have the original, translated by a spiritual master who was a consummate Sanksrit scholar, who also spoke perfect Bengali, Hindi, and English.
The need by the English to poison the Puranas only goes to strengthen the argument that the knowledge contained in them THREATENED the control that the "Christian" church wished to impose on the masses. The Vedas blow the lid off all that dogmatic and poisonous nonsense that the church promulgates, and that is why the church had to try and change them, in vain I might add.