Why do I discredit the vedas or anything like that?
I researched their origins and there isn’t anything solid supporting them to take them any more seriously then lets say, American Indian’s belief of nature.
Indigenous people tend to worship what ever surrounds them.
The Aztecs worshiped the Sun, Moon, and Stars and other idols.
The Sun was their supreme God, with good reason. It was the source of life.
There for, they cherished it the most.
Similar to the sacred hymns. I do feel they exist, they are great for medical purposes.
Who knows what other benefits they have, but I look at that no different then lets say “heat”. These vibrations are there, but I think it’s natural. It’s a subject science has yet to study. But I don’t see anything sacred about them. The Eastern people who were the pioneers of this “awareness” fall in the same category with western Indigenous people who view their resources as sacred….
I hope you I’ve made sense….
Do know that when you look at these people in a biblical perspective, it’s not documented that they have ever been God’s light hasn’t been shined on them.
As a believer it is your duty to illuminate them, but our ancestors didn’t get to them.
Making sense for them to go out and create their own deities and idols.
Ask me and not a pastor, priest, or minister, these people will be saved, no different than one who follows the bible. I don’t care what the guy at church may tell you,
Jesus clearly said that “other” sheep will be saved….
So it’s not like most ignorant people think,
the biblical version of God isn’t exclusive to it’s believers….
With all the research I’ve done, I have concluded that the bible is the ultimate truth.
The word…. If you have any facts that proves it other wise, please feel free speak on it….
Continue to read the bible and other religions, compare their teachings and their facts.
Compare them with life, and question everything. Never give up on finding your answers.
I am not a bible thumper, I am more of a Jesus thumper.
What ever you think of me, just know that you will find the ultimate truth as long as you have the desire to obtain it.
You will find yourself persecuted for speaking the ultimate truth as I am.
But it’s worth every minute of it.
I understand that you are approaching this whole thing from an open-minded perspective.
You know that there is a god, there for you look into all credible religion accounts of God. That is what you are doing by believing in both the bible’s claim and the
Vedic claims. I totally understand this approach.
But pick up the bible and read it.
It leaves no open windows, it clearly states that it’s the only scripture of God.
Don’t single me out calling me narrow minded and a bible thumper just because I’m shedding light on what the bible claims.
Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite? I mean honestly…
It’s written in there clearly, pick up the NIV version if you have trouble understanding it.
If you put your faith on the bible enough to accept Jesus’ divinity,
why don’t you accept the rest in the bible????
The bible makes a bold statement assuring the reader that it was the word, it is the word, and is the word that is to come.
If you question the claims of the bible then you should question its account of Christ because the whole book comes from the same source.
Don’t look at me or anyone who speaks the words of the bible, but look into yourself.
Bro if it’s not clear for you, try what I did. Ask God to shed more light on the subject.
Ask him to help you find the ultimate truth. Ask him with sincerity and desire and he WILL help you….
I researched their origins and there isn’t anything solid supporting them to take them any more seriously then lets say, American Indian’s belief of nature.
Indigenous people tend to worship what ever surrounds them.
The Aztecs worshiped the Sun, Moon, and Stars and other idols.
The Sun was their supreme God, with good reason. It was the source of life.
There for, they cherished it the most.
Similar to the sacred hymns. I do feel they exist, they are great for medical purposes.
Who knows what other benefits they have, but I look at that no different then lets say “heat”. These vibrations are there, but I think it’s natural. It’s a subject science has yet to study. But I don’t see anything sacred about them. The Eastern people who were the pioneers of this “awareness” fall in the same category with western Indigenous people who view their resources as sacred….
I hope you I’ve made sense….
Do know that when you look at these people in a biblical perspective, it’s not documented that they have ever been God’s light hasn’t been shined on them.
As a believer it is your duty to illuminate them, but our ancestors didn’t get to them.
Making sense for them to go out and create their own deities and idols.
Ask me and not a pastor, priest, or minister, these people will be saved, no different than one who follows the bible. I don’t care what the guy at church may tell you,
Jesus clearly said that “other” sheep will be saved….
So it’s not like most ignorant people think,
the biblical version of God isn’t exclusive to it’s believers….
With all the research I’ve done, I have concluded that the bible is the ultimate truth.
The word…. If you have any facts that proves it other wise, please feel free speak on it….
Continue to read the bible and other religions, compare their teachings and their facts.
Compare them with life, and question everything. Never give up on finding your answers.
I am not a bible thumper, I am more of a Jesus thumper.
What ever you think of me, just know that you will find the ultimate truth as long as you have the desire to obtain it.
You will find yourself persecuted for speaking the ultimate truth as I am.
But it’s worth every minute of it.
I understand that you are approaching this whole thing from an open-minded perspective.
You know that there is a god, there for you look into all credible religion accounts of God. That is what you are doing by believing in both the bible’s claim and the
Vedic claims. I totally understand this approach.
But pick up the bible and read it.
It leaves no open windows, it clearly states that it’s the only scripture of God.
Don’t single me out calling me narrow minded and a bible thumper just because I’m shedding light on what the bible claims.
Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite? I mean honestly…
It’s written in there clearly, pick up the NIV version if you have trouble understanding it.
If you put your faith on the bible enough to accept Jesus’ divinity,
why don’t you accept the rest in the bible????
The bible makes a bold statement assuring the reader that it was the word, it is the word, and is the word that is to come.
If you question the claims of the bible then you should question its account of Christ because the whole book comes from the same source.
Don’t look at me or anyone who speaks the words of the bible, but look into yourself.
Bro if it’s not clear for you, try what I did. Ask God to shed more light on the subject.
Ask him to help you find the ultimate truth. Ask him with sincerity and desire and he WILL help you….