Is E Dawg Racist

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Re: Re: Re: Re: @seargent hustle

Sergeant Hustle said:
Number 2.....If you scroll back, I did not call anyone a racist. Maybe Tadou did, but I did not.

The people who are so defensive are those that need to take a good look at why they are.
You didn't directly call me a racist, but you did say: "^^^^THAT!!!! was fucking hilarious. I'm glad I solicited you. I knew you'd do this argument some justice.", sounds to me like you're agreeing with him.

And the people who are so defensive are that way because you're trying to pin something on them they didn't do. I can't remember the last time I lynched someone. Me, as a white person, haven't done SHIT to any black person... and yet I'M the one pinned as a piece of shit like I was involved in slavery.

I was thinking out of the box from a different perspective and Tadou attacked me like Villain attacked you as a person. NOT COOL. We're simply arguing two ends of the spectrum... you seem to want to educate everyone here, but you're not giving us ISBN numbers to lookup are you?
May 5, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: @seargent hustle

mo-x said:
And the people who are so defensive are that way because you're trying to pin something on them they didn't do. I can't remember the last time I lynched someone. Me, as a white person, haven't done SHIT to any black person... and yet I'M the one pinned as a piece of shit like I was involved in slavery.
you're missing the point entirely, but i'm not going to retype the same posts all over again. this is about racism, not lynchings. this argument is about black people and how they cannot be racist.

you seem to want to educate everyone here, but you're not giving us ISBN numbers to lookout are you?
Apr 26, 2002
Alright you said a black guy and a white guy workin the same job can't have the same payrate and that the whiteguy will make more....WRONG! and my friend (who happens to be black) were workin at a job and kept gettin raises and promotions and I didn't get shit, best believe we worked just as hard as each other...the manager just liked him more for some reason

Another what happened to Reginald Denny not racism?...or is that still him getting "associated with white cops", really though I think natives and mexicans in this country are the ones getting discriminated against the worst..Villain brought up some damn good points. You tell us we have no idea how it is to be black, but NIETHER DO YOU...we need more blacks on this thread to say what it's REALLY LIKE.
May 5, 2002
^^^fuckin reginald denny. LMAO. that's the only leg you have to stand on. ya'll are reachin' here for reals. one or two isolated incidents are not equivalent to what black people endure on the daily.

i am not negating the struggle of any other race....mexican, asian, whatever, but that is not what this convo is about, so stop steering it all over the place and stick to the topic.
Apr 26, 2002
Alright back to the original topic, how race+power equals racism and how blacks can't be racist.. that right there lost you the whole argument, no matter what you say the definition of racism is "racial prejudice or discrimination", anybody from any race can be guilty of that, and just because you made up a new meaning doesn't mean that it's official. I agree with alot of your points but the one about blacks not being able to be racist is complete BS, and i'm sure most blacks will agree with me that blacks can be racist as well.
May 5, 2002
racism = hate + power

black people do not have the financial, social or political power to be racist. i did not make up the defintion. i've learned it through intense study on the subject....i graduated with a minor in black studies from portland state university, and solicited several sources, professors, and publications before i accepted that as the definition. i'm tired of saying the same thing over and over again. agree to disagree. you're sure most blacks would agree with you? that is to be determined.
Apr 25, 2002
the only bubble i live in is named reality....and as for music videos, i was NOT basing my comment on music videos or rappers or anything close to that for that talkin bout seein black families pullin up in some BALLIN ass cars and me seein it in 3 dimensions. youre silly! man, my old high school VP was black as night and fool rolled a new Benz, and had a different armani suit for every day of the week. just an example. but when black folks come up like that theyre usually refered to as uncle toms by other black folk.

whats the determining factor in ones success???? not color, thats for damn sure, because i can tell u ive lost many a job oppurtunity to blacks/hispanics (and no, im not ass sore over it one bit).....its ATTITUDE. if u got tha attitude like the government is out to get u and nobody wants shit to do with u on a business level, then thats whats gonna happen. what is everybody waitin for??? a handout???? damn. id like to see the racial statistics for wellfare. wonder what yall would be sayin if we took that away??? and did anybody ever think about how MANY white people died trying to free the black slaves in the Civil War??? our own PRESIDENT died for it!!!! yet im sure u dont take THAT into consideration.

last but not least, I, nor have any of my ancestors, at any point in time, have ever owned african american slaves...yet MY ancestors were slaves, were raped, were murdered, and had thier own land stolen from them....yet i can still be thrown into the same catagory as racist whites who opress black folk???? riiiight....fuck u....theres a differenc ebetween racism and opression....maybe u should learn it

P.S.....about blacks never going to europe and doin all that bad up on a group of north africans known as the Moores....they invaded what is now known as italy quite a long time ago, and slaughtered, pillaged, and most of all RAPED a vast portion of the country....italians used to be blonde hair blue eyed caucasians, but the darker aspects we know them by today were raped into them...just a piece of history for the dont knows.....time for everybody to get off the motherfuckin pity pot, change your attitude, and MAKE SOMETHIN OF YOURSELF.....u wouldnt live in the desert cuz theres no water to grow crops or keep animals why are u livin somewhere u feel doesnt give u the means to make soemthin of yourself like u insist u should be doin???

wise words....:chinese:
Apr 25, 2002
BTW, im not tellin ANYBODY to leave where there at....just sayin stop bitchin about it, yet at tha same time still be sittin in the shit thats makin u stink....change your diapers, that aint "whiteys" job
May 5, 2002
you've steered so far off the course that the argument is warped. you're snowstorming the argument with a ton of irrelevant statements that have nothing to do with the subject originally at hand. you are obviously angry and emotional and need to throw a bunch of random half-truths at me in order to feel validated in your views. our own president died to free the slaves? if you believe that, you've stepped out of your bubble and crawled under a rock.
DeluzioN said:
the only bubble i live in is named reality....and as for music videos, i was NOT basing my comment on music videos or rappers or anything close to that for that talkin bout seein black families pullin up in some BALLIN ass cars and me seein it in 3 dimensions. youre silly! man, my old high school VP was black as night and fool rolled a new Benz, and had a different armani suit for every day of the week. just an example. but when black folks come up like that theyre usually refered to as uncle toms by other black folk.

whats the determining factor in ones success???? not color, thats for damn sure, because i can tell u ive lost many a job oppurtunity to blacks/hispanics (and no, im not ass sore over it one bit).....its ATTITUDE. if u got tha attitude like the government is out to get u and nobody wants shit to do with u on a business level, then thats whats gonna happen. what is everybody waitin for??? a handout???? damn. id like to see the racial statistics for wellfare. wonder what yall would be sayin if we took that away??? and did anybody ever think about how MANY white people died trying to free the black slaves in the Civil War??? our own PRESIDENT died for it!!!! yet im sure u dont take THAT into consideration.

last but not least, I, nor have any of my ancestors, at any point in time, have ever owned african american slaves...yet MY ancestors were slaves, were raped, were murdered, and had thier own land stolen from them....yet i can still be thrown into the same catagory as racist whites who opress black folk???? riiiight....fuck u....theres a differenc ebetween racism and opression....maybe u should learn it

P.S.....about blacks never going to europe and doin all that bad up on a group of north africans known as the Moores....they invaded what is now known as italy quite a long time ago, and slaughtered, pillaged, and most of all RAPED a vast portion of the country....italians used to be blonde hair blue eyed caucasians, but the darker aspects we know them by today were raped into them...just a piece of history for the dont knows.....time for everybody to get off the motherfuckin pity pot, change your attitude, and MAKE SOMETHIN OF YOURSELF.....u wouldnt live in the desert cuz theres no water to grow crops or keep animals why are u livin somewhere u feel doesnt give u the means to make soemthin of yourself like u insist u should be doin???

wise words....:chinese:
i just gotta quote this because this is the truth... REAL TALK. Especially what he said about the Moores, President Lincoln, whites dying in the Civil War and getting off your ass and making something of yourself. Laziness has no color barrier, fuck a handout.
May 5, 2002
Lincoln did not free the slaves because he believed in liberty and justice for all. Peep the quote homie:

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause."
-- The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume V, "Letter to Horace Greeley" (August 22, 1862), p. 388.
May 5, 2002
"I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races...I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, not of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people."

Abraham Lincoln(Zinn 184)
May 5, 2002
"I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

-Abraham Lincoln
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Hopefully this dose of reality doesnt get me goes!!

Sergeant Hustle said:
LMAO, who wrote the dictionary definition of racism? LOL! Yer killin me.
Here is a direct quote from the dictionary:
rac·ism Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

I really hope you arn't trying to imply that the definition I just quoted is inaccurate, pro-white or anti-black in any way. That definition doesn't benefit anybody nor suggest any one race is 'superior' to another. If you actually want to sit here and argue that then you are a lost cause.

For someone who claims to be so 'educated', it's funny that you can't even understand the very simple & basic meaning of 'racism'.

racism = hate + power

black people do not have the financial, social or political power to be racist.
The act of 'discrimnating or prejudicing' a person based on race, or whats defined as "raciam", IS NOT an action of "financial, social or political power". Since you seem to believe otherwise (I would laugh but in truth it's not funny), maybe you can enlighten us. If it takes "hate + power" to be a racist, how is it that racism is so wide-spread when only the extremely rich, who are without question the minority of our population, have any real "financial, social or political power"?

Hilltop Hound

CEO of Bow Wow Records
Apr 26, 2002
mo-x said:
And you are absolutely correct, black people were forced here... you act as though it's a bad thing to be black living in america, to those people who think it's so shitty, get the fuck out and live the life you want to live... go back to where ever you think your homeland is, slavery doesn't exist in this country anymore so if it's so shitty, why stay?
White racism is alive... so tell me how "my ignorance" makes it prosper when I ain't done a DAMN THING to a black person EVER.
I'm black and wouldn't change my color for the world BUT it is no where near easy to be a BLACK MAN. You will never hear a black man say that neither.
This remark you said about leave America is as racist as they come. I understand where Sgt. Hustle is coming from. She didn't start this whole issue on race. She just defending good points.
It's insulting to an ethnic individual to see a white person cry about racism when no situations could be as bad as the ones their ancestors dealt out.
Slavery is still very much existent too. Just not so obvious. Like Hustle said OVER 50% of the prison population is black. And did you know that they are trying to make people pay to be in jail, and if you can't pay the $10 a day, then you can't get out? Did you also know that BLACKS are still the only people who haven't been allowed the right to vote permanently? Our expiration date is 2007.
Blacks are the only color of people you hear on the news who are constantly getting ACCIDENTLY SHOT TO DEATH by the police. What whiteman you know got shot for reaching for his wallet?
You are a little too defensive to be a debater. More like we touching some sensitive spots for ya Mo.

Hilltop Hound

CEO of Bow Wow Records
Apr 26, 2002
Tadou is finally stepping up and saying shit that makes sense. The only part I didn't care for was this:
"> Yes, i agree. Going to college *IS* in fact "doing nothing about it". A black person who goes to college is OBVIOUSLY someone who wants to keep everything the same way and change nothing.
You could be no further from the truth. A black person who goes to college is a person who is utilizing every window of opportunity and education to better themself. Education could never be a bad move for any race or creed. And it gives that person one less qualification to worry about.

Kaze said:
I havent read all the posts in this thread but why are you even concerining your self? You arent black. You are acting like its effecting your life in a major way. AND YOU ARE HALF WHITE! And honestley from the stuff i read Tadou shoulda been calling you racest. Not Mo-X.
Okay Kaze you sound stupid! She may be 1/2 white but she is still educated and at least has a better perspective of the whole picture than you. You at least have to know a little more about the struggle for you can just speak.
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