I got another question for yall

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Apr 8, 2005
Well I can grasp as well as anyone else that sentencing us to an eternity of torment for a few years of doing whatever we want to do is not love, and if I have the ability to grasp that, I'm sure God does. Besides the eternal burning hell stems from the ancient Greeks, not Adam and Eve.
YOU ARE NOT BEING SENTENCED FOR DOING WHAT YOU WANT!!! dammit, try to keep up, you are being sentenced for repeated disobedience, lack of faith, non appreciation of his sacrifice, denouncing his name, and not repenting. hell is not necessarily a firey pit in my opinion. i believe it is just eternity away from god and his creation. one of the most brutal forms of torture, was being suspended in the air in a dark soundproof room, with a taped mouth so you cant make noise. you cant tell time, cant tell where any walls or anything are in relation to you, cant tell whats going on, and you quickly become insane and see disturbing things as a mix of the shock on your body, and your brain needing to have an environment to show you. this is what i believe hell will be like, no people around, no atmosphere, no visuals, no sound, no nothing. and if you think about it, it makes sense. you cant come to terms with my existence, my sacrifice, you cant obey me, and cant humble yourself and ask to be forgiven, therefor you no longer may partake in what i have created for you.

Big E

Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
YOU ARE NOT BEING SENTENCED FOR DOING WHAT YOU WANT!!! dammit, try to keep up, you are being sentenced for repeated disobedience, lack of faith, non appreciation of his sacrifice, denouncing his name, and not repenting. hell is not necessarily a firey pit in my opinion. i believe it is just eternity away from god and his creation. one of the most brutal forms of torture, was being suspended in the air in a dark soundproof room, with a taped mouth so you cant make noise. you cant tell time, cant tell where any walls or anything are in relation to you, cant tell whats going on, and you quickly become insane and see disturbing things as a mix of the shock on your body, and your brain needing to have an environment to show you. this is what i believe hell will be like, no people around, no atmosphere, no visuals, no sound, no nothing. and if you think about it, it makes sense. you cant come to terms with my existence, my sacrifice, you cant obey me, and cant humble yourself and ask to be forgiven, therefor you no longer may partake in what i have created for you.
That's exactly what I'm saying, so YOU keep up! The only difference in what I believe hell is and what you believe hell is, is consciousness. I believe that death is exactly like what you describe, except you are not conscious of it. There is no torture, punishment, etc. Just straight up nothing, no feelings, emotions, or thoughts. From dust you are and dust you'll return. You just plain old miss out on an eternity of paradise on earth.

Big E

Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
YOU ARE NOT BEING SENTENCED FOR DOING WHAT YOU WANT!!! dammit, try to keep up, you are being sentenced for repeated disobedience, lack of faith, non appreciation of his sacrifice, denouncing his name, and not repenting. hell is not necessarily a firey pit in my opinion. i believe it is just eternity away from god and his creation. one of the most brutal forms of torture, was being suspended in the air in a dark soundproof room, with a taped mouth so you cant make noise. you cant tell time, cant tell where any walls or anything are in relation to you, cant tell whats going on, and you quickly become insane and see disturbing things as a mix of the shock on your body, and your brain needing to have an environment to show you. this is what i believe hell will be like, no people around, no atmosphere, no visuals, no sound, no nothing. and if you think about it, it makes sense. you cant come to terms with my existence, my sacrifice, you cant obey me, and cant humble yourself and ask to be forgiven, therefor you no longer may partake in what i have created for you.
In other words, sentenced for doing whatever the hell you want to do. Go to bed sir, you must be tired.
Apr 8, 2005
^ did u read the rest of the post? it isnt a sentence, it isnt for doing whatever you want. doing < implies action. acknowledging, being grateful, and having faith are not actions.

Big E

Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
^ did u read the rest of the post? it isnt a sentence, it isnt for doing whatever you want. doing < implies action. acknowledging, being grateful, and having faith are not actions.
James 2:26 - Faith without works is dead. So simply saying you have faith is not gonna do anyone one bit of good. It's those who show their faith by their works that will be saved. So if you don't show those actions of faith, or show actions that are contradictory to those of faith, (Doing whatever you want)
Will not gain favor with god. I should know, I'm doing exactly that with my life. I know what the bible says and what and how I should be living, yet I don't so I'm ready to except what's coming to me and I don't blame God for it, I blame myself. He has given me ample opportunities to repent and live in accordance with the bible and what's expected of a christian. Most people don't even know what God's name is. It's sure as hell not Jesus, and that is over half of the so called "christian" religions in america or in the world that believe in a trinity. Jehovah or Yahweh > Jesus or anything in the universe. That's who should get worship. Any religion that worships any "God" other than Jehovah/Yahweh is a false religion. Read the intro or outro to any bible and it will tell you that they took god's name out and inserted LORD in it's place. That's Satan's doing.
Apr 8, 2005
^ well people most commonly refer to him as jesus or god, why should i use terms people are not familiar with? and the only reason i brought up the whole do whatever you want, and had a problem with it is because, the lord loves a cheerful giver, if you give your faith, or your assistance to gods will with sorrow, and unwillingness, it will get you no where. and your making it sound as if you have to denounce freewill in order to follow god, which isnt the case.

Big E

Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
^ well people most commonly refer to him as jesus or god, why should i use terms people are not familiar with? and the only reason i brought up the whole do whatever you want, and had a problem with it is because, the lord loves a cheerful giver, if you give your faith, or your assistance to gods will with sorrow, and unwillingness, it will get you no where. and your making it sound as if you have to denounce freewill in order to follow god, which isnt the case.
Jesus/Michael the Archangel is the only beggotten son of Jehovah/Yahweh. Anyone that worships JESUS is part of a false religion. Simple as that. There are countless examples of people in the bible that tried to bow to Jesus and do acts of worship to him and every single time he stood them up and said give glory to my father in the heavens. Just because the majority of mankind "commonly referr" to Jesus as God, doesn't make it right.

Matthew 7:14 - Narrow is the gate, and cramped is the road leading to life and few are the ones finding it. So with that in mind, does it sound like the majority of mankind will make it? Nope. Just that 1 scripture I quoted tells me that this world will be jurasticly depopulated and the "majority" will cease to exist. People don't want to hear that but I don't care about what people "want" to hear, The bible isn't for the tickling of ones ears. That's why people who commonly referr to what a "pastor" or "Reverend" or any person who puts himself in a place to say what Jehovah/Yahweh wants us to do, says worship Christ, or anything other than what the bible says to do, are partaking of a false religion and are on the broad and spacious road to destruction thats talked about in the 13th verse of that chapter.

The bible says that you can tell who god's people are by the way they stay away from this world, their works, and the love that they share amongst themselves and fellow mankind, the way they ferverently preach the word in all parts of the earth. Any religion that doesn't use the bible, says it's ok to go to war and murder a brother of the same faith in the name of a country, accepts gays and lesbians as an acceptable practice to God, bows to idols like the cross or any other material thing, teaches reincarnation, teaches of an immortal soul, a burning hell, or how everyone is going to heaven when they die, is a false religion or Babylon the Great, and the bible says get out of her my people so that you do not partake in her destruction.

2 Tim. 3:1-5 talks about what kind of people to not be associated with and I'll leave that up to yall to read. The bible prophecises how the governments of mankind will turn on false religion and demolish them, all of them and only one religion will stan because it is the only one that has the backing of Jehovah/Yahweh, the ONE and ONLY TRUE God. That hasn't happend yet, but do you think any of these "Holy Men of Faith" in these so called "Houses of God" will talk about it? No because they know they are willfully fornicating with the word of god and twisting it to tickle the ears of more people to get more members in their churches so they can profit from them.

Which if you think about it, stems back to Adam and Eve when Jehovah/Yahweh said to Satan, "My seed will bruise you in the head, and your seed will bruise him in the heel." Jehovah/Yahweh's seed was Jesus Christ, and Satan's seed was and is, False Religion.
Apr 27, 2005
Jesus/Michael the Archangel is the only beggotten son of Jehovah/Yahweh. Anyone that worships JESUS is part of a false religion. Simple as that.
I have never met a Christian that believes what you believe. I pretty much believe the same stuff as Thatguy. But what you believe is just out there man. Jesus is michael the archangel? what is that about?

Jesus is the word of God made flesh. Jesus is God. Read the book of John. We are supposed to worship God the father/Yahweh through Jesus Christ.... I dont really know what else to say because I am so confused as to what you believe.

Big E

Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
I have never met a Christian that believes what you believe. I pretty much believe the same stuff as Thatguy. But what you believe is just out there man. Jesus is michael the archangel? what is that about?

Jesus is the word of God made flesh. Jesus is God. Read the book of John. We are supposed to worship God the father/Yahweh through Jesus Christ.... I dont really know what else to say because I am so confused as to what you believe.
The key is THROUGH Jesus, not worshipping Jesus. Because of the sacrifice he made, we are able to pray to Jehovah/Yahweh through him, in his name. When you pray, do not pray to Jesus but rather to Jehovah/Yahweh, and do it in Jesus Christ's name. God sent his only beggotten son to earth, correct? Michael the archangel was the first creation by Jehovah/Yahweh, and the only creation he directly created. Everything else, including angels, planets, stars, matter, etc. was created through Michael the Archangel, that is why he is called his only beggotten Son. Jehovah/Yahweh gave Michael the power to create, and since his creation, he has created everything in existence. When Jehovah/Yahweh sent Michael to the earth, he changed his name to Jesus Christ. That's why it's so important that he sent Jesus because Jesus is the only Person, Place, or Thing, that Jehovah/Yahweh directly created and that's how much Jehovah/Yahweh loved his human creation enough to send his firstborn to be tortured and killed by humans in order to buy back the perfect blood that was lost by Adam and Eve.

Big E

Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
all I can say is pray to Jehovah/Yahweh to take the vail off so you can see the truth and watch who pops into your life.

Big E

Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
I have never met a Christian that believes what you believe.
What is the Definition of Christian? It means Christ Like, Christ did not worship himself nor told people to worship him, he never said he was god, and if you worship Jesus, you are not Christian. You can believe in him and be thankful for what he did, but without worshipping him.
Mar 12, 2005
Big-E said:
The key is THROUGH Jesus, not worshipping Jesus. Because of the sacrifice he made, we are able to pray to Jehovah/Yahweh through him, in his name.
in Hebrew Jesus CHrist name is YahShua HaMashiach, or Yeshua HaMashiach. Do you know what Y'shua means? Yahweh's Salvation, Yahweh is Salvation, Yahweh is my salvation. So in essense, when we use the name or worship the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, his son, we worship Yahweh.

John 1:1, John 1:14, in conjunction with 1st John 5:7 clearly states, Jesus Christ is the Word of Elohim, YaHWeH, and the Father, Son, and Ruach HaKodesh(Holy SPirit) are one.
In John 20:28 Jesus appears to Thomas after the resurrection, and when Thomas Sees this is Y'shua(Yahweh's Salvation) risen, he SAYS, "MY LORD AND MY GOD."

Remember Matthew 28:19 where Jesus commanded his disciples to baptize in the Name of THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Now notice, IN THE NAME IS SINGULAR, and let us move forward to Acts 2:38, ten days after Jesus Christ commanded them to baptize IN THE NAME, Peter baptizes in the Name of Jesus Christ. Either the bible is contradicting Christ here, or it's telling us Peter did what Jesus Christ told him. Remember YAHWEH is the name of the Tetragrammaton, of the Father, Sonship, and Holy Ghost. But also remember Y'SHUA is YAHWEH's Salvation, which is Why Peter received a revelation that you baptize in the Lord Jesus Christ' Name. Adonai Y'shua HaMashiach. The is only One Lord, One True King, and One True God, The Son is one with the Father, not a unity of three, not a trinity of three distinct personalities but one substance, three offices or manifestations.

Tell me why the disciples fell and worshipped Jesus when they saw him raised from the dead? Why do you think Jesus told the Sanhedrine in the Gospel of John, "Before Abraham, I AM." I AM! I AM! He was saying he was YHWH. They wanted to kill him because he said he was YHWH.

Do you understand the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I'm not good at bible reference, but I do know my scripture. Remember Jesus said I will not leave you comfortless, but I shall send you the Comforter, HIS SPIRIT, RUACH HAKODESH. The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter many many times in the New Testament. No one knew what the Baptism of the Holy Ghost was because Jesus had not risen. He could not pour out his Spirit until he ascended to the Right hand of Jehovah. When he fulfilled the ascension, on the day of Pentocost, the Spirit of God himself came down upon the disciples and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you know who's spirit that WAS LORD JESUS CHRIST. Why do you think John the Baptist said, I baptize you with water, but he baptizes you with Fire With the Holy Ghost. Because the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Christ Jesus.

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.

notice the Bold my brother? ANOTHER comforter. Jesus Christ is the Comforter in Flesh, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE COMFORTER IN SPIRIT!

Now Look at Acts 1:2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghose had given commandments unto the apostles whom he Chosen.

Jesus Chose his Disciples through the Holy Spirit, See how interchangable God is? He works through Father Son, and Holy Ghost. Trinitarians will say Abba, THe Father is not the Son, the Son is the Not father, and The Holy spirit is not both. God is all of It, Jesus is All of it. When trinitarians bring up this argument it causes confusion, GOD IS NOT A GOD of confusion, should any trinitarian try to confuse you REMEMBER Colossians 2:9 and Matthew 1:18, If God the Father is the FATHER of Y'shua HaMashiach, why does it say Mary had the Child of the Holy Ghost? Because the Holy Spirit of God is the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Christ is the same spirit of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. God BLess HaShem!

John 14: Even the Spirit of Truth(Holy Spirit of God)' whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neitehr knoweth him: but you know him' for HE DWELLETH WITH YOU(JESUS CHRIST), and shall be in you.

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send IN MY NAME(JESUS CHRIST Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; Colossians 2:9, Isaiah 9:6), he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Bold Emphasis mine: The Holy Spirit will he send in the Name of Jesus Christ, so that The Spirit of God may give us remembrance of What he has said.

John 15: I AM the true vine, and my Father is the Husbandman.

Again with strong EMPHASIS, SAYS I AM!
Jesus is the Living Word of Yahweh, He is Yahweh's Word made Flesh, Yahweh Dwelling in Y'shua HaMashiach Ben Elohim, Yahweh's Salvation the Anointed One Son of the True God. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are worshipped THROUGH THE SON. John 12:44 JESUS CRIED AND SAID, hE THAT BELIEVES ON ME, BELIEVES NOT ON ME, BUT HE THAT SENT ME. THE FATHER GOD.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead(1st John 5:7)

Amen, if you wanna go more in depth Big E, PM me.
Mar 12, 2005
Big E said:
Which if you think about it, stems back to Adam and Eve when Jehovah/Yahweh said to Satan, "My seed will bruise you in the head, and your seed will bruise him in the heel." Jehovah/Yahweh's seed was Jesus Christ, and Satan's seed was and is, False Religion
Have you ever read the Serpent Seed? About the Seed of the Women, and the Seed of Satan Cain? Do a research, and I'm pretty sure, most orthodox Christians would disagree with it, but you're right about one thing satan's religion is false religions, and you know where he also dwells? Within the denominations of confusion and division, which Paul under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit said not to do.
Jun 15, 2005
Get em, Stockton!! Cats ain't knowing that 209 knows the bible pretty good.

The only folks I know who believe Jesus and Michael are the same are Jehovah's Witnesses.

And, if I felt the need to type 'Jesus/Yahweh every sentence, I would abbreviate it J/Y.
Apr 27, 2005
Michael the archangel was the first creation by Jehovah/Yahweh, and the only creation he directly created.
You keep telling people to believe what the Bible says, well the Bible says that the word was always with him. Meaning Jesus Christ always existed and was not created by God the father.

And Stockton. That was your best post. ever. good job