I'm glad we can come to agreement on a few things, and try to understand one another. Starting off on equal ground is a very good way of learning the truth. AMEN?
Ok notice in that Chapter, the 7th Trumpet sounds, This is the Last Trumpet sounded Before Jesus Christ comes back. Then the Voice of the Archangel(Michael) will prepare the World for his coming. REMEMBER in the book of Isaiah, he said there would be a voice in the desert that would prepare the Way of the Messiah? John the Baptist was that voice, just as Michael is the voice that will prepare Jesus Christ' Second Advent or return. see? Is John the baptist the voice of JESUS CHRIST?
John the baptist was the voice to prepare earth for his first coming, Jesus/Michael will be his own voice in the return.
John 1:1 in it's entirety now ok?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, AND THE WORD WAS GOD
It says that THE WORD was "A" God, like I said, Jesus is a god only because men have made him a god, not because he is GOD, Yahweh said that there was and will be many god's but that HE as in Yahweh himself, is the only True GOD
JOhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and Truth.
Here it says the Word was God and that God the Word dwelled among them.
The WORD was "A" GOD and the WORD, Dwelled with men.
Do you not see what I was trying to make you see? YAHWEH said He is the First and the Last,
It says that Yahweh is the ALPHA and OMEGA or Beginning and the End, Yahweh is the beginning because there was nothing before him except him until he created Michael/Jesus.
then in Revelation, JESUS CHRIST his Begotten Son, Says I am the First and the Last. This is a major hint.
Exactly, Jesus/Michael is the first, because he was the first creation by Yahweh and everything in existence has been created by him as gifts of worship to his Father Yahweh. They will not be an end to either one or any man or woman that makes it on to the paradise that god will make of the earth after Armaggeddon
You're right EliYahu, is not God's name it's an expression, meaning My God is YAHWEH, YAHWEH MY GOD, MY GOD is I AM
The point I was trying to make with this is not not debate about what EliYahu means but what Yahweh means. Do me a favor and look up Jehovah or Yahweh in any dictionary and it will tell you that it is the sacred name of GOD. It was originally in the bible over 7,000 times. Knowing that, why do you or anybody for that matter have a version of the bible where it takes his name out?
Ok notice in that Chapter, the 7th Trumpet sounds, This is the Last Trumpet sounded Before Jesus Christ comes back. Then the Voice of the Archangel(Michael) will prepare the World for his coming. REMEMBER in the book of Isaiah, he said there would be a voice in the desert that would prepare the Way of the Messiah? John the Baptist was that voice, just as Michael is the voice that will prepare Jesus Christ' Second Advent or return. see? Is John the baptist the voice of JESUS CHRIST?
John the baptist was the voice to prepare earth for his first coming, Jesus/Michael will be his own voice in the return.
John 1:1 in it's entirety now ok?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, AND THE WORD WAS GOD
It says that THE WORD was "A" God, like I said, Jesus is a god only because men have made him a god, not because he is GOD, Yahweh said that there was and will be many god's but that HE as in Yahweh himself, is the only True GOD
JOhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and Truth.
Here it says the Word was God and that God the Word dwelled among them.
The WORD was "A" GOD and the WORD, Dwelled with men.
Do you not see what I was trying to make you see? YAHWEH said He is the First and the Last,
It says that Yahweh is the ALPHA and OMEGA or Beginning and the End, Yahweh is the beginning because there was nothing before him except him until he created Michael/Jesus.
then in Revelation, JESUS CHRIST his Begotten Son, Says I am the First and the Last. This is a major hint.
Exactly, Jesus/Michael is the first, because he was the first creation by Yahweh and everything in existence has been created by him as gifts of worship to his Father Yahweh. They will not be an end to either one or any man or woman that makes it on to the paradise that god will make of the earth after Armaggeddon
You're right EliYahu, is not God's name it's an expression, meaning My God is YAHWEH, YAHWEH MY GOD, MY GOD is I AM
The point I was trying to make with this is not not debate about what EliYahu means but what Yahweh means. Do me a favor and look up Jehovah or Yahweh in any dictionary and it will tell you that it is the sacred name of GOD. It was originally in the bible over 7,000 times. Knowing that, why do you or anybody for that matter have a version of the bible where it takes his name out?