$o the way U type oN the fuckiNg INTERNET make$ U a $mart vato N doiNg it like ME with the $' aNd capitol N'$ i$ automatically makiNg me dumb? U got ME fucked up homie, it doNt meaN a damN thiNg, HE who bragg$ about hi$ educatioN i$Nt re$pected for it, He who $how$ hi$ educatioN i$ rightfully merrited for hi$/her achievemeNt$ academically, how would U feel if life dealt ya a diff. haNd N U were the 1 woth a G.E.D? would U like to B talked dowN oN? $hit, atlea$t they gettiNg $ome kiNd of diploma N RIHY ha$ a de$ire to atteNd college, mo$t homiez thiNk HIGH $CHOOL i$ it, like if they goNNa B happy earNiNg $30,000 a year wheN they caN go further their educatioN N make three txme$ that $tartiNg, $hame oN U for talkiNg dowN oN a le$$ fortuNate homie wheN it come$ to educatioN, if U $oo educated how U makiNg your$elf to B U would B iNcouragiNg the homie'$ de$ire to $ucceed, i kNow I alway$ B telliNg RICHY to go 4 it, who $aid CHICANO$ caNt graduate 4rm HIGH $CHOOL or a UNIVER$ITY???? like chavez.... " $I $E PUEDE!"....