hyphy muzik_vs_oldschool mob shit

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Mar 12, 2005
Drop Out? Yes, I guess, and I aint mad that no one has listened to my preaching, it's given and it's up for you to take. By why are you speaking on my status as if you are a norteno yourself? I still have the respect of my homeboys of the past. You are quick to judge on the basis of me dropping out? So what are you? Do you justify me dropping out and being a non-norteno because you live in a pueblo puros nortenos, and you listen to homeboy rap? Get the fuck outta here with that shit. Oh yeah just to let you know, there are OG's here that I know that have killed plenty of rivals, and you know what, a few of them turned Christian, and a few of them dropped out because of Kids. What does that tell you?

You speak as though you speak for all San Jonero, when you're just that, but not a norteno. Why does Brother IG still get respected within the norteno community, BECAUSE HE STRIVES to make a difference to the youngsters and Lil peewees. Even to the current Nortenos. You're just mad because while you plan on being a Janitor, I'm planning to major in the Philosophy of Theology, trying to get my life straight, while you wish and imagine the Life of a down Ass Norteno. I bet after reading this, you'll get jump in, and put it all over the siccness.

-I'm done with your retarded ass.
Mar 12, 2005
Shark4romda408 said:
$o the way U type oN the fuckiNg INTERNET make$ U a $mart vato N doiNg it like ME with the $' aNd capitol N'$ i$ automatically makiNg me dumb? U got ME fucked up homie, it doNt meaN a damN thiNg, HE who bragg$ about hi$ educatioN i$Nt re$pected for it, He who $how$ hi$ educatioN i$ rightfully merrited for hi$/her achievemeNt$ academically, how would U feel if life dealt ya a diff. haNd N U were the 1 woth a G.E.D? would U like to B talked dowN oN? $hit, atlea$t they gettiNg $ome kiNd of diploma N RIHY ha$ a de$ire to atteNd college, mo$t homiez thiNk HIGH $CHOOL i$ it, like if they goNNa B happy earNiNg $30,000 a year wheN they caN go further their educatioN N make three txme$ that $tartiNg, $hame oN U for talkiNg dowN oN a le$$ fortuNate homie wheN it come$ to educatioN, if U $oo educated how U makiNg your$elf to B U would B iNcouragiNg the homie'$ de$ire to $ucceed, i kNow I alway$ B telliNg RICHY to go 4 it, who $aid CHICANO$ caNt graduate 4rm HIGH $CHOOL or a UNIVER$ITY???? like chavez.... " $I $E PUEDE!"....
I was just speaking from what I saw, no disrespect to you. This fools coming at me all crazy, so I had to lay him down. Instead of telling him what I did when I rode with the homeboys, I'm telling him the reality of Life nothing much. To all those who struggle, God Bless and stay educated, for those who continue to complain and don't do shit, do something or stay quiet. Shark4ronda, God bless, and hope your careers blows, to BoneKrusher didn't mean to come at you like that, but it's reality homeboy.
Apr 16, 2003
Shark4romda408 said:
Haha, fuck U N KV, yo boy i$ goiNg to college $o hate all U waNt, well $ee who$ a fuckiNg jaNitor iN a couple of year$....
LMAO this cat is trying to earn his certificate in Custodial Engineering! iN$staLl my ToIlet e$e!
Mar 12, 2005
MY LAST INPUT IN THIS, BLACKS AND MEXICANS MADE HYPHY!!!! IF MEXICAN WEREN'T A PART OF THIS, THIS WOULDN'T GO FAR. You got people in Florida, Cubanos, you got Texans Mexicans, you got Washington I can go on and on. Just to let you know, it's a big move for the Latino Community, and if you aint down with moving up I don't know what's wrong with you. On the Other hand, a quick mention of Oso saying Hyphy is about doing drugs, not the Case anymore. So do you promote the Killing of your own Raza. I know you won't answer to me, unless you bring up something like the Cause. But in reality, that's one of the reason I chose to pull out being Jumped into a Varrio 1 week before I was going to get jumped in.

You compare the Cause of The Great Cesar Chavez, it's not even close to what the Big Boys tell you. His cause is the Unity of ALL RAZA, the Norte Cause is just the Unity of Norteno Raza and elimination of "scrapas". So while everyone sees this as a disgrace to OG's, why not see it as a movement for Latinos? Drop the Thizzing, and drop the Weed, could this be used for more positive use for young kids? Maybe Dancing or rapping instead of become a gangster. Do you really want the future generations to be another statistic, when statics show that Latinos and Blacks are just that in America, another Statistic? If anyone feels me, Give the Lord a shout of Praise!
May 15, 2006
Likwid said:
LMAO this cat is trying to earn his certificate in Custodial Engineering! iN$staLl my ToIlet e$e!

HAHAHA!, U aiNt gotta tell u$ your bu$iNe$$ foo, after im makiNg $100,000 a year N U $tuck oN the iNterNet clowNiNg oN foo$ with your lil 2,000 $omethiNg po$t$ oN a web $ite theN mayB U caN come to my hou$e N i'll hook U Up with a job a$ my per$oNal "JANITOR"...
Apr 16, 2003
Shark4romda408 said:
HAHAHA!, U aiNt gotta tell u$ your bu$iNe$$ foo, after im makiNg $100,000 a year N U $tuck oN the iNterNet clowNiNg oN foo$ with your lil 2,000 $omethiNg po$t$ oN a web $ite theN mayB U caN come to my hou$e N i'll hook U Up with a job a$ my per$oNal "JANITOR"...
cHale e$e, no bUbBlez no TrubBlez pEro uR crAcKin on Mi 4 po$tInG on.....Fuck this, doesn't it take longer to type like a complete moron? Dude you're trying to bust on me for posting on a forum which is EXACTLY what you are doing!? LMAO. Aye HolMez doNt 4get 2 EmpTy La Ba$ura garbage man. The only thing that will add up to 100k in your lifetime will be 100k typos you fuckin' 6th grade educated neteno.
May 15, 2006
Likwid said:
cHale e$e, no bUbBlez no TrubBlez pEro uR crAcKin on Mi 4 po$tInG on.....Fuck this, doesn't it take longer to type like a complete moron? Dude you're trying to bust on me for posting on a forum which is EXACTLY what you are doing!? LMAO. Aye HolMez doNt 4get 2 EmpTy La Ba$ura garbage man. The only thing that will add up to 100k in your lifetime will be 100k typos you fuckin' 6th grade educated neteno.

are U iliterate or ju$t $tupid? i wa$Nt rippiNg oN U 4 po$tiNg, i wa$ makiNg a poiNt by $ayiNg U got 2,000 $omethiNg po$t$ which meaN$ all U do i$ $it your a$$ oN a computer N po$t a gaNg of bull$hit, No woNder U aiNt goNNa a$pire to be more thaN a JANITOR, N No it doe$Nt take a while to type the way i do, that$ whY i weNt to $Kool N got a certificate for typiNg 60 wpm error free U dumb $hit, 6th grade educatioN?? lmfao, yeah I Never heard of 6th grade grad $tudeNt$ of goiNg $tr8 to college U dumb mutherfucker....
Apr 16, 2003
You have the nerve to call me illiterate? LMFAO! You went to school to get a certificate that you type 60 wpm!? LMFAO! You can get that at your local manpower for $10 you retard! Error free my ass...I find that hard to believe since the dollar sign isn't in any words that I know of! I called you a janitor...and now you're calling me a janitor back!? Holy shit, pipe down on the originality there kid. You have nothing on me when it comes to intelligence or education whether it's street or books. Sounds like you need some remedial classes, or maybe some ESL courses because you no typee inglis good. By the way, your last post will be a part of my sig!
Aug 7, 2006
that hyphy shit not for me kids acting out of control why u wannna put that jacket on you that u be going stupid on the yellow bus or what ever they try to get out of the shit mayn mobb shit on mine all day
May 15, 2006
Likwid said:
You have the nerve to call me illiterate? LMFAO! You went to school to get a certificate that you type 60 wpm!? LMFAO! You can get that at your local manpower for $10 you retard! Error free my ass...I find that hard to believe since the dollar sign isn't in any words that I know of! I called you a janitor...and now you're calling me a janitor back!? Holy shit, pipe down on the originality there kid. You have nothing on me when it comes to intelligence or education whether it's street or books. Sounds like you need some remedial classes, or maybe some ESL courses because you no typee inglis good. By the way, your last post will be a part of my sig!

U are 1 dumb mutherfucker foo, wut u thiNk i wa$ tryiNg to $ay about the whole 60 wpm? U 1 dumb vato, look$ like u aiNt $tep out of your computer room 4 a while to $ee that $ome eNe$ cro$$ out their "S's", oh wait, u wouldNt kNOw cuz U aiNt a Norteno $o therefore U got No $ay iN $hit, all U do i$ jock eNe$ by joiNiNg a homeboy $ite N U got No kNowledge what $o ever about "our" life$tyle oN the "$TREET$", with your Near 3,000 po$t$ it look$ like U rarely got time 4 the "$TREET$" wheN your a$$ i$ $ittiNg behiNd da computer, im doNe with U $oN, U wa$tiNg my txme....N a$ 4 makiNg my la$t po$t your $igNature, whY doNt U take a pic of my Nutz cuz U caNt $eem to get off em....
Apr 16, 2003
You're a faggot and an idiot. I have near 3000 posts because I've been here for a few years. You're also a fuckin' cock sucker because this isn't a "homeboy site", there is more to this site beyond your e-banging clicks and dick riding. Lmfao miss me with the whole being on the computer kid, what the fuck are you doing? Posting from the street I guess? And of course I don't claim, I'm a man and don't have time to hang out with dudes all day talking about Cortez shoes and what you're going to wear to your next sausage fest. I ride solo, don't need cheerleaders and moral support like you do. Get your education up because you're definitely misguided. Clean up on aisle three sharky!
May 15, 2006
Likwid said:
You're a faggot and an idiot. I have near 3000 posts because I've been here for a few years. You're also a fuckin' cock sucker because this isn't a "homeboy site", there is more to this site beyond your e-banging clicks and dick riding. Lmfao miss me with the whole being on the computer kid, what the fuck are you doing? Posting from the street I guess? And of course I don't claim, I'm a man and don't have time to hang out with dudes all day talking about Cortez shoes and what you're going to wear to your next sausage fest. I ride solo, don't need cheerleaders and moral support like you do. Get your education up because you're definitely misguided. Clean up on aisle three sharky!

U are a fagg puto, if thi$ i$Nt a "homeboy" $ite theN i doNt kNow what i$ 1, U R $till a No-life homeboy ki$$ up Mr. 3000 po$t fagg, aiNt NothiNg wroNg woth CORTEZ'$ either U idiot, better theN the CHANCKLAZ U probably weariNg, N U doNt baNg cuz U caNt haNg with the reale$t, U caN alway$ baNg that $ewer $ide like the lil bitch U R but that$ all oN U MR. im a maN with No life N 3,000 po$t$ of bull$hit oN a $o-called "NoN-homeboy" web$ite with a buNch of NortherN item$ aNd 1 BIG Norteno arti$t (WOODIE) promotiNg the $ite,U are a$ lame a$ U type N make your$elf $ouNd peNdejo, go get laid or $omethiNg cuz U aiNt impre$$iNg No1 with your $tupid, igNoraNt $elf-coNtradictioN$ u fuckiNg lame....
Oct 3, 2006