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Jun 2, 2005
First off gang bangin is some retarded sh*t... If you grew up in it or around it you would no, that bangin is something you don't want to be a part off... But you can't say there are no bloods or crips here or there or if there are, then they are not real... Reality is what a muthafucka believes it to be, so if a cat thinks he is a banger and willing to act upon his beliefs than what the fuck is he...is it right hell no, but is it the truth yes... I believe there are a lot of fake rappers, but they make real money..some from my viewpoint they are fake, but they are as real as it gets coming from their side of the fence... I think the focus should be if these wannabee gang bangers are real or fake, the focus should be "WHY ARE OUR YOUNG AND OLD FOLKS SO OBSESSED WITH BEING HARD"... Does beating someone up make you a man or hard, Does killing someone who had no intentions of killing you make you man, Why would you want to be a part of something that has no positive end to it...That's like shitting on the floor in your house, it doesn't make sense, you might not mind the smell, but what happens when you step in it...???

Ghost Dance

America's Nightmare
Nov 1, 2007
Oak Park...916
just be glad we're not in some 3rd world country where they actually have problems, u BITCH!
I hate when people try to use this argument.You act like because this country is rich that it dont have real problems. Tell that shit to the family members that lost a loved to these streets "oh just be clab were not some third world country". Please, get the fuk out of here with that shit. I lost 7 close homies I grew up with just in this last year to gun violence, so dont try to tell me we aint got "actual problems".

In a single year, 3,012 children and teens were killed by gunfire in the United States, according to the latest national data released in 2002. That is one child every three hours; eight children every day; and more than 50 children every week. And every year, at least 4 to 5 times as many kids and teens suffer from non-fatal firearm injuries. (Children's Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics)

Yeah and thats just kids 15 and under and those numbers are way higher than American deaths in iraq, and thier livin in a war zone. So think about what kind of problems we realy have in America. And dont try to pull that "well Americas hella bigger than iraq" bullshit becuz every life counts and every death effect whole comunitys.

Ghost Dance

America's Nightmare
Nov 1, 2007
Oak Park...916
Niggaz that bang colors is stupid.. so is niggaz that bang turfs.. but the whole idea behind gangbangin is just retarded..
Yeah its so easy to say ppl are just stupid, but the truth is bangin or wanting to bang goes way deeper than that. It has alot to do with pplz social status, family structure and much much more than just being stupid, but im not gonna try to explain in all right now. Next time try to do some critical thinking before posting cuz only a ignorant person would think "niggaz that bang color or turfs" are just stupid. Its really stupid to actually belive its that simple.


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
First of all jt the bigga figga be kickin it with krips man i never really heard alot of his stuff but he lost a fan today that nigga's a joke promoting krips haha that will get you nowhere krips aint shit so fuck jt the bigga figga and fuck blue. And fuck anyone who opposes me.
Wait, Im Guessin You Hate Blue And Crips Cuz Your A Norteno?

This Is Why Certain People Shouldnt Bang
Feb 7, 2006
First of all jt the bigga figga be kickin it with krips man i never really heard alot of his stuff but he lost a fan today that nigga's a joke promoting krips haha that will get you nowhere krips aint shit so fuck jt the bigga figga and fuck blue. And fuck anyone who opposes me.
Jun 2, 2005
First of all jt the bigga figga be kickin it with krips man i never really heard alot of his stuff but he lost a fan today that nigga's a joke promoting krips haha that will get you nowhere krips aint shit so fuck jt the bigga figga and fuck blue. And fuck anyone who opposes me.
See you are an example of one of the dumb muthafuckas being talked about in this thread... You are a norte right? so inherently (look that shit up in the dictionary if you don't know what inherently means) are enemies with surenos right? So why do you bang against them? Is it because they were blue or is it a different reason? So if you see a sureno wearing red you have no problem with him right? Did you even read the thread.. Do you even know gang alliances go deeper than the colors you wear... Because where I am from crips fuck with nortes, but not with surenos... My homie who is a GD says GD's fuck with bloods, but not crips... why is that if they both wear blue... You say Jt be kicking it with Crips, who does the man kick it with, how do you know... Are you saying he kicks it with crips because snoop is a supposed crip, you say he promoting crips because he fucks with snoop? You just one dumb muthafucka and oh yeah fuck you too, because I do oppose the bullshit you typing on here...
Dec 6, 2005
First of all jt the bigga figga be kickin it with krips man i never really heard alot of his stuff but he lost a fan today that nigga's a joke promoting krips haha that will get you nowhere krips aint shit so fuck jt the bigga figga and fuck blue. And fuck anyone who opposes me.
calm ur azz down u outta state wanna be gang member u been hearing 2much of dat sir dyno b.s. wit da oppose talk N u need 2stop wit ur half baked responses on threads first da east co co now da bart N quit trippin off another cities politics cuz i didnt know fillmoe waz in utah
Jan 15, 2006
Yeah its so easy to say ppl are just stupid, but the truth is bangin or wanting to bang goes way deeper than that. It has alot to do with pplz social status, family structure and much much more than just being stupid, but im not gonna try to explain in all right now. Next time try to do some critical thinking before posting cuz only a ignorant person would think "niggaz that bang color or turfs" are just stupid. Its really stupid to actually belive its that simple.
I know its alot deeper then that but that doesnt mean that its not stupid as fuck. You dont have to explain that to me. But as far as gangbangin and really when i say gangbangin i mean crips and bloods. The whole idea of killing over gang affiliation will always be stupid to me. But i guess yall niggaz that idolize this 'gangsta shit' will always have an explanation for it. Out here atleast niggaz dont kill eachother over gang affiliation. And there is a difference between having funk with someone cuz he is cool with someone that did something to you (close affiliation) and killing someone cuz he is a part of a gang that is 10,000 deep and that person and his never did you and yours any harm and dont not even know anyone that did.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
This is all i wanna say.

If you dont get on a plane, get on a greyhound, get in a car, and get OT in other cities to the point where you got real niggas in other states, To the point where you in the spots and bangin for your homies when funk drops off in spots where banging is more serious, you dont get it.

Im talkin about when niggas come through and funk. you part of your niggas shit.thats just how it go.

Now i aint gettin at JT's head cuz he be outta state too, but what i'm saying is mess got the fuck up and hit other cities, stayed with rich the fact in kc and you dont understand what the biz is with other cities until you sit down and get part of it or you sit down and know a nigga history with other cats

i dont really care if yall dont respect mess for being a blood or you dont respect whomever or whatever for banging but the fact is whether you got in a set at 14 or 25 you still need to put in work to be respected

if you didnt grow up around gangs you dont get it. you got 8 friends, 4 are bloods, you go somewhere saturday and 2 of them niggas get into funk and you back them up, you part of it whether you bang or not

what they say about a nigga who say he bang and u got a prollem with it...
simple banging.... 1) where you from 2) ______ 3) punch

otherwise u hatin

if a nigga part of a group it aint even ya business really

but yeah bloods in fillmore..never seen it
but he explained this shit in a murder dog a long time ago when he was on the cover i believe

say i got a nigga outta state and i been down for 7-9 years, comin through OT keepin shit 100, always showin up and out there like the cats that actually live out there..and they show alliegance to me..i'm not supposed to rep that?

thats why i dont say im from just SD..i just got back from hayward and oakland....im all over cali...

Young M

Feb 14, 2006
First of all jt the bigga figga be kickin it with krips man i never really heard alot of his stuff but he lost a fan today that nigga's a joke promoting krips haha that will get you nowhere krips aint shit so fuck jt the bigga figga and fuck blue. And fuck anyone who opposes me.

This motha fucka LMAO!!!
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