tadou has just straight lost it....
Yes. Then again, Liberals, Facts and Race don't all mix, so I could see why you would think I've lost it, spreading all these `blatant' truths. The only problem is that the people are unable to falsify them. I have yet to see anyone post up any numbers of their own. They are simply mouth-talking and crying.
Friend, you know you want to believe these things. They are good ammo. You are a master of argument, and recently you have been working hard to move more towards the center. This will help you with that, because it has nothing, really, to do with "personal opinion". It begins with FACTS, and goes from there.
paperclip said:
all i have to say is the natives inhabited 2 whole continents for generations, and are now nearly non existent.
It is too hard to post the chart here, but basically, if you combined the amount of Mestizos (of which there is a HUGE number in Latin America) and Natives, there are still VERY substantial numbers of them. Tens of millions of them, for those of you who are somewhat familiar with the amount of people in the respective countries. If not, you will need to cross-reference.
I would love to see a stat that says there were tens of millions of Natives inhabiting North and South America in the 1500's.
The fact is, that that argument is a failed one. There is a huge difference between NO GROWTH and being EXTERMINATED.
TROLL said:
uhm.. i think thats an argueable fact.. u fail to realize that entire villages// towns were destroyed by diseases scince colombus arrived. i think you have a problem with someone saying natives had it worse off because you feel its an oversight of the struggles slaves had.. (((not including the fact many natives were turned into slaves also))) but it isnt.. both races were fucked royally..
I will leave the "many natives" were slaves thing alone, because it is pure ignorance. And for the wiping out villages thing...it really doesn't matter. Their numbers did not DECREASE overall; only the population share did. See above.
lets put your statement into perspective real quick.. entire boat loads of slaves would have had to have been sunk every other hour for months on end to come within a quarter of the amount of deaths suffered by natives at the had of euro diseases...i remember hearing in school that it took roughly 24 months for the natives in what is now the state of washington to be dwindled to a 10% population.. sounds familiar, but, this an arguement you cannot win because your facts are twisted..
And your perception is still completely fucked up. You keep repeating this percentage shit because you know that with RAW NUMBERS.....you lose every time.
There are 2.7 million Native Americans in the United States. I want you to sit here and tell me, first of all, how many we started with, and second of all, how many were killed by disease.
Then will laugh while embarassing you with how many MORE slaves were dumped into the ocean or just executed in the same time span.
Why should you have to begin? "i think thats an argueable fact.."--these were your words, sans any kind of facts. So let us see your proof, or at the very least, a basis.