Controlling your dreams, LUCID DREAMS

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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • Ry


If I concentrate before I fall asleep on the time I want to wake up, 9 times out of 10 I will wake up at that time. I think we all have this abiility, we all have "internal clocks" in our minds.
Apr 25, 2002
Readin this shit is crazy. I started workin on controling my dreams awhile back and I actually began remembering more and more of them but I'm lazy and gave up. I think I have the talent but it needs to be practiced.

I controlled a few dreams when I was like 5 or 6. I remember that I would be dreaming that I woke up in my bed and I would think about a ghost popping up (A ghost that looked like a sheet over a persons head with eyes cut out, hey I was fuckin young aight) and the ghost would appear.

I did this 3 times that I could remember. One time I actually crawled to the edge of my bed and looked into my parents room and thought to myself "a ghost is gonna come out of their bathroom" and sure enough this motherfucker came after me.

One time I woke up (into the dream) and I was laying on the floor looking into my hallway and the ghosts came flying out of the walls. So I closed my eyes and willed myself to wake up and all of the sudden I was in my bed again and I looked over into the hallway and the ghosts were still there.(or appeared again) I woke up right after that and actually was AWAKE that time.

About the fucking 1:11 2:22 3:33 clock shit. There isn't a day goes by that I don't see that shit. This girl told me you are supposed to make a wish on it. Well it seemed like whenever I was in good terms with this chick I would see it. We got into a fight and didn't talk for a week and I didn't see it at all sometimes I'd look at the clock and miss it by a minute. Then me and the girl got back on good terms and I started seeing it again. It's really, really, strange to me.
Jun 2, 2002
^ That's pretty crazy dreaming, I guess that ghost fear haunted you through your childhood, and who knows maybe your home was haunted or your older relatives were visiting, you never know, I get the twinkles up my spine into my neck just writing about it.

jay deuce said:
About the fucking 1:11 2:22 3:33 clock shit. There isn't a day goes by that I don't see that shit. This girl told me you are supposed to make a wish on it. Well it seemed like whenever I was in good terms with this chick I would see it. We got into a fight and didn't talk for a week and I didn't see it at all sometimes I'd look at the clock and miss it by a minute. Then me and the girl
got back on good terms and I started seeing it again. It's really, really, strange to me.
Buddy thats weird, I had a similar experience. An old girlfriend told me the same thing, I remember chilling at her house, and the time was 2:22 or 1:11, and she kissed her fingers and touched the clock. I asked her what she was doing and she said it brings good luck or to make a wish. And ever since then I started noticing it everyday, like 3 times a day.
Jun 6, 2006
i have the worst fuckin dreams,i hate sleepin,i think thats why i have insomia,i have to force myself to sleep,its not even nightmares its just to damn mainey,im highly spiritual most of the times i dont speak of em cuz i hate bein judge especially by people that doesnt believe in your ways of thinkin so i just say fuck it
Apr 25, 2002
i didn't go thru the 8 pages.. but i can do this shit on a nightly basis.. i'm well aware of when i'm dreamin'.. and i have the ability to control it... this shit comes to me naturally 'cause i can remember doin' this in elementary school.. i'd be flyin to the top of the tetherball pole and then jumpin to the top of the handball wall... since then my dreams have been more mature and off the playground... it's weirdl.. i'll be dreamin' about someshit and as soon as the situation gets hectic.. i'll realize this is a dream and i can do whatever i want.
Aug 3, 2005
i can lucid dream pretty easily after practicing a few techniques.

u know, some tibetan monks will lucid dream for the entire dream meditativly, allowing them to be present and conscious 24 hours a day.
Apr 27, 2005
EVERYTIME i realize im dreaming (which has only been 3 or 4 times in my life) and i start to take control, i wake up right away and my eyes are rolling in the back of my head, it sucks. maybe i get too excited...
Jun 6, 2006
wow im barly getting to page 4,this is great, i feel more in touch wit this subject with yal that is,knowing that im not the only person goin thru the same shit,sumtimes im scared of my dreams


Shark Finning & Grinning
May 17, 2002
Murky Bay Waters, CA
When I was younger it seemed like I would always realize I was in a dream; but pretty much everytime I would wake up once I attempted to control my surroundings. But one night (I must of been eight or nine years old) I instantly realized I was in dream mode so I tried to make myself fly. It took a little bit of time in my dreamstate but I eventually started levitating and before I knew it I was flying like I had a magic carpet. No lie that was one of the longest dreams to my memory I was on some "do whatever I want too shit". I vaguely remember peeing on some girls in a weird hallway just knowing that nothing would happen to me if i did it.

All I gotta say is nowadays I wish I could to that every time I fell asleep. I'd be hooked to dreaming like a fiend.
Dec 8, 2005
ive done this a few times; realized i was dreaming and then began to make concious (subconcious?) decisions about how to handle it. a few times i have flown around, others i just fuck the women i come across.

also i notice when i sleep with the TV on, whatever is on TV sometimes becomes part of the dream (ie im watching the news, the latest story will become part of the dream).

finally, and if anyone else has had this happen speak up, i will be in a dream and a series of events will lead me to say a telephone, and then it will begin to ring, and then i will be awaken by my actual phone ringing. the strange thing is, in the dream, a certain series of events lead to the phone ringing.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
dojasak707 said:
When I was younger it seemed like I would always realize I was in a dream; but pretty much everytime I would wake up once I attempted to control my surroundings. But one night (I must of been eight or nine years old) I instantly realized I was in dream mode so I tried to make myself fly. It took a little bit of time in my dreamstate but I eventually started levitating and before I knew it I was flying like I had a magic carpet. No lie that was one of the longest dreams to my memory I was on some "do whatever I want too shit". I vaguely remember peeing on some girls in a weird hallway just knowing that nothing would happen to me if i did it.

All I gotta say is nowadays I wish I could to that every time I fell asleep. I'd be hooked to dreaming like a fiend.

look up astral Projection.
some projectors even see the link between their "soul" and their sleeping body, a link thats mentioned in islam but they name it a "thread".
Also some hear a pop when their body begins vibrating and they pop out of their body.
Dec 29, 2005
This is a trip this is the first time i've read anything on this but i've been able to control my dreams since i was a little kid. I like dreaming, nightmares or just random ass dreams i'm able to control what i do in them. I'll wake up sometimes and then fall back asleep into the dream and take control again.
Apr 14, 2003
FunK-3-FivE said:
A few days after my grandma died I had a dream where me and some of my relatives were gathering together and my grandma's spirit came and visited us, kind of like a farewell announcement or something. In my dream, she let us know she was happy, and showed us that she was no longer confined to a wheelchair and how she could now do whatever she wished.
Well anyways later in my dream we all got a chance to ask my grandma questions, i can't remember what I asked her, but I remember my aunt asking her if she had any pain(when she died)....without a response my grandma faded away.
Trip....This dude got shot n killed, and the homie said he had a dream, and the guy was like, "It's cool dog, It's all good, I'm happy, etc"
Aug 8, 2003
i had a dream about my homie freddy bo RIP after he passed telling me not to worry cuz its not a bad place... where he was refering too i dunno
Mar 12, 2005
TROLL no offense, but if he was referring to heaven, was he a Christian? And if he was, what do you make of an afterlife? Third, if he was a Christian, is that a testament to anything pertaining to a god? Last, if he was a Christian, and he spoke to you after he died read this
Ecclesiastes chapter 9:5-6

5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

Just a notion to hold on.