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Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Psilo707 said:
Fuck organized religion, if you believe it you are a sheep. I, and other believers of atheism and eastern practice, are above that.

Never use these words together, please!
Aug 26, 2002
#82 this.

The Book of Job is an interesting literary work. I spent an entire semester in a graduate seminar with one of the world's foremost Job scholars reading the entire book in Hebrew, and discussing the folktale origins of the story (the story has many earlier parallels in the Egyptian Middle-Kingdom and Near Easter literature).

For JUDAISM (not how later Christianity has accepted and interpreted the text) Job is part of a literary movement called 'Wisdom Literature'--along with Ecclesiastes and Proverbs. It is an international movement when the Israelites discover the larger world around them--as opposed to their very provincial and parochial beginnings. Works from the Wisdom Movement challenge traditional Israelite theology and practice--especially the Doctrine of Divine Retribution, which forms much of the basis of early Israelite thought. If you live in a small isolated village or kingdom, it's easy to believe in Divine Retribution. But once you've come into contact with older and more sophisticated cultures like the Persians, the Egyptians, and Greeks you realize that Divine Retribution is quite a silly belief--that if you tell a lie on the witness stand in a court of law that Zeus or Yahweh will strike you with a thunder bolt.

As I mentioned before, Like Adam and Abraham, Job never existed as a real person. He is a literary creation. We know this from his name. Names are not just grunts. They have meaning. 'Job' in Hebrew asks the question "Where is the Father (i.e., God)."

According to the Doctrine of Divine Retribution, all reward and punishment is meeted out in this life. So if you are righteous you will prosper, if you are wicked, you will be punished. Job however is righteous but is made to suffer by God's doing. We should recall that GOD allows Ha Shatan (The Satan--who is NOT the same as the much later Christian concept of Satan) to torment Job and kill his wife and family. As such, it is GOD who has broken the covenant, not Job. Job now experiences what we call Disconfirming Evidence--what happens when the facts of experience do not correlate to your religious ideology?

Also part of the commentary of Divine Retribution, the Book of Job is the first time that a Jewish writer asks the provocative question: Does Job love God because God is God, or does Job love God because in return for his piety God gives Job lots of stuff. The writer has Ha Shatan (The Satan) as the protagonist to ask this explosive question to God. We discussed earlier how much of ancient religion is quid pro quo.

Job and the Wisdom Movement represent in Judaism something parallel to the Upanishads in Hinduism--a break from traditional religious piety based on priests and rituals to a more human and ethical practice with a relationship with the divine that is no longer based on fear of punishment but rather love and mutual respect. But the Israelites are not there yet when the author pens Job. But the Wisom Movement does become the catalyst that later created what we call Judaism--as opposed to the early religion of the Israelites.

Just some notes for you. We'll talk about Job later in Judaism. In the meantime, in your Western Civ class, I suggest you take on the role of Ha Shatan. Someone has to ask God the tough questions. Otherwise, God will start to think that he's omniscient and omnipotent and get a big head and become a brutal tyrant.
I found this interesting as hell. Specifically when he talks about the name 'Job', and its meaning in Hebrew.

My professor is answering a question someone rose about asking a question in his Western history class.

Mar 12, 2005
Your Excerpt said:
We should recall that GOD allows Ha Shatan (The Satan--who is NOT the same as the much later Christian concept of Satan) to torment Job and kill his wife and family. As such, it is GOD who has broken the covenant, not Job.
Might I ask which Covenant did God break here?
As I mentioned before, Like Adam and Abraham, Job never existed as a real person. He is a literary creation. We know this from his name. Names are not just grunts. They have meaning. 'Job' in Hebrew asks the question "Where is the Father (i.e., God)."
And this man or woman or heshe knows this to be true because....Assuming this man lived during his time and drank the cup of everlasting life and survived long enough to know he didn't exist then yeah.
Job however is righteous but is made to suffer by God's doing.
I know this is a redundant term, but this man is just picking straws. By allowing Satan to tempt his follower God is doing no wrong. It's a test of faith. So because God allows certain things to happen, he is accountable for every wrong doing? Ask yourself this, Why did he allow his OWN SON to go through torture, die, and rise on the third day? Why did he allow Stephen, the first Christian Martyr to die by being stoned? Why did he allow John the Baptist to be beheaded?

See look at it this way, God had allowed this to happen to Job for several reasons. One was to test his faith. If Job's faith was true, he would understand that 1. God Gives and Takes away 2. God is good therefore all these things which are evil be done upon him are in no way of God 3. He should trust God regardless of the circumstances

Job understood this and didn't put blame on God just like your professor and those misunderstanding Job's position in this story.

Peep this verse out Proverbs 3:5


Apr 25, 2002
Psilo707 said:
It would make me a fag as well, and thats a small price to pay to have "gods son" on his knees, essentially where he would belong.

Organized religion has done enough harm to the world to allow me to have as much animosity and anger towards it as i do.
And white people have possibly done more carnage to the world than every religion combined, yet you don't see me making homosexual advances towards whites do you?
Aug 26, 2002
Ill come back and answer more later but:

And this man or woman or heshe knows this to be true because....Assuming this man lived during his time and drank the cup of everlasting life and survived long enough to know he didn't exist then yeah.
So he cant say he DIDNT exist because he doesnt know that as a fact, although he has studied and reasearched this time in history. But you can say he DID exist because you just believe he did?


Mar 12, 2005
JLMACN said:
Ill come back and answer more later but:

So he cant say he DIDNT exist because he doesnt know that as a fact, although he has studied and reasearched this time in history. But you can say he DID exist because you just believe he did?


I was being sarcastic, I'm not good at using different tones, I'm notorious for being stagnant LOL (No pun intended).

Yeah, but should we take this man's word for it? There are other scholars and I'm pretty sure they are more than qualified than him, and would say Job, Adam, and Abraham were real people.

HERESY said:
Whoever said this is an idiot. Who said this? Does this person realize many eastern religions/practices are often classified as organized religions?

Organized religion quickly defined: an institution to express belief in a divine power

courtesy of

I guess he doesn't understand that LOL


Apr 25, 2002
JLMACN said: this.

I found this interesting as hell. Specifically when he talks about the name 'Job', and its meaning in Hebrew.

My professor is answering a question someone rose about asking a question in his Western history class.

Whoever wrote this is an idiot. There are SO many misconceptions and falsehoods it is pathetic. If a TEACHER wrote that he needs to be reported to staff and possibly have his teachers license suspended.
Aug 26, 2002
Whoever wrote this is an idiot. There are SO many misconceptions and falsehoods it is pathetic. If a TEACHER wrote that he needs to be reported to staff and possibly have his teachers license suspended.
why because he is teaching something not true and based on misconceptions and falsehoods?


Sounds a bit familiar.



Apr 25, 2002
No because he is teaching these things as misconceptions and flasehoods, yet he is introducing many of his own. Your fault for wasting your money taking up religious classes at college. My bad for wasting zero dollars and studying it on my own.

Now do I need to type up a lengthy essay telling your teacher in so many words that he is a dumb ass and should be suspended from teaching this class? If so, I'll get on it, YOU just make sure you stay in your place (as usual), do your job (as usual) and make sure he gets it.


Apr 25, 2002
JLMACN said:
The class is called World Religions.

Not, Othodox Christianity 101.

There is a difference.

Doesn't matter. You go to school, learn about whatever, come back and post it like the board has never seen it before. Go look at your thread where you gave definitions for an example of what I'm talking about. Now once you do so, utilize this forums search engine and do a search for those words. Their is a high probability that "someone" posted those words before you and didn't need "INTRO TO WORLDS RELIGIONS" to come across them. Do you get what I'm telling you bud?
Aug 26, 2002
Doesn't matter. You go to school, learn about whatever, come back and post it like the board has never seen it before. Go look at your thread where you gave definitions for an example of what I'm talking about.
It does matter. I am posting these things for everyone to read and I have NOT ONCE said this stuff is true. The fact is we do not get into these religions deep enough for me to argue one way or the other about them.
I see them all from an objectional point of view, thats why when 916 comes in and posts something in opposition of what I posted in Hinduism, I say "COOL, thanks for that info". I do not argue that my professor or these words are more fact than yours, his, or anyone's. I just think its funny that when you read something you totally disagree with you write that individual off as an 'idiot', 'dumbass', etc.

Now once you do so, utilize this forums search engine and do a search for those words. Their is a high probability that "someone" posted those words before you and didn't need "INTRO TO WORLDS RELIGIONS" to come across them. Do you get what I'm telling you bud?
Maybe so but this is a new time with new people.
Aaccept it bud.



Apr 25, 2002
It does matter. I am posting these things for everyone to read and I have NOT ONCE said this stuff is true.
Son, it DOESN'T matter, and judging from your past track record and current hatred for God and Abrahamic religions, I would say you believe everything this man has stated. When you say things such as, "why because he is teaching something not true and based on misconceptions and falsehoods?", and follow that up with an attempt at wit you are basically stating you agree with him in some shape, form or fashion.

The fact is we do not get into these religions deep enough for me to argue one way or the other about them.
Yet you want to argue with me about them.

I see them all from an objectional point of view, thats why when 916 comes in and posts something in opposition of what I posted in Hinduism, I say "COOL, thanks for that info". I do not argue that my professor or these words are more fact than yours, his, or anyone's.
There is nothing wrong with an objectional POV, but when you post info like this prepare to be scrutinized for it. However, I am blasting your teacher, not you. And if you can't ask your teacher questions that are contrary to what he is saying, there is something wrong with the class environment.

I just think its funny that when you read something you totally disagree with you write that individual off as an 'idiot', 'dumbass', etc.
Because what will happen is people like you will spread this madness as gospel and others will lap it up like kittens starving for milk. Yes, I am writing him off as a dumb ass and idiot in regards to what you posted and he is doing an injustice to every student in the class including you.

Maybe so but this is a new time with new people.
Aaccept it bud.
It isn't a "maybe so" it is a fact trooper, and there is no need to accept ANYTHING other than the fact that you are wasting money.


Complete O.G.
Jun 25, 2002
Gimcheon, South Korea
Haha, eastern practices like Buddhism or Taoism aren't organized religions. You guys are ridiculous if you think they are. I also wasn't stating that I followed them, I was simply lumping them in a category 'above' western-based institutions like Christianity.

Keep taking entire coursework definitions from 1 line in and see if you get anywhere in your education in life. Morons.


Apr 25, 2002
Haha, eastern practices like Buddhism or Taoism aren't organized religions. You guys are ridiculous if you think they are.

And now the death blow:

In fact, Buddhism is the fourth largest organized religion in the world. :dead:

I also wasn't stating that I followed them, I was simply lumping them in a category 'above' western-based institutions like Christianity.
Your bad for not making a distinction, and it took an atheist to tell you NOT to lump atheism in with "religious/spiritual" belief systems.

Keep taking entire coursework definitions from 1 line in and see if you get anywhere in your education in life. Morons.
This doesn't deserve an in depth response. You admit to having homosexual tendencies and have shown you don't know much of what you're talking about.


Complete O.G.
Jun 25, 2002
Gimcheon, South Korea
Haha, I remembered why I never came to this forum often. What a sad place where one or two of you "know it all's" takes words and starts twisting them to make your own argument sound better. Such as saying I have "homosexual tendencies", which obviously I would admit right away if I did, especially over the internet.

And you really need to learn the difference between words like "you're" and "your". Not trying to be the grammar police but reading your posts sometimes hurts my head when you're trying to get all smart with it.

Now I understand what people are talking about in some of the other forums about this place.

Keep on being geniuses.


Apr 25, 2002
Keep on being geniuses.
I will. I can't speak for others.

And you really need to learn the difference between words like "you're" and "your". Not trying to be the grammar police but reading your posts sometimes hurts my head when you're trying to get all smart with it.
I need to learn the diffirence in words? LMAO! When I said YOUR BAD that is used in the correct context dummy. YOUR is POSSESIVE, and I am saying YOUR BAD or YOUR FAULT not "you are bad". :dead:

When I used you're, which is a contraction of you are, it was the proper word. What the FUCK are you talking about??????? LMAO!

Son, the reason why you don't understand what I am saying is because you are an illiterate accident.

Haha, I remembered why I never came to this forum often. What a sad place where one or two of you "know it all's" takes words and starts twisting them to make your own argument sound better. Such as saying I have "homosexual tendencies", which obviously I would admit right away if I did, especially over the internet.
Son, you admitted it. You have homosexual tendencies and said you would be a homo if jesus was giving you a blow job. Now considering the fact that you consider Jesus a fictional character, it isn't a stretch to assume you have fantasies about having sex with him. Why? You basically implied it. Do you think any sane or rational person would devote those words to a fictional character they believe did not exist? No, but if they had homosexual tendencies and actually fantasized about it they would. :dead: