I got one of the strongest messages IN MY LIFE, and real talk man. As a Christian(A man who openly admits Christ is his God, Savior and Creator of all things) we must no longer tolerate the bashing of Christianity. We were taught to turn the other cheek, yet we are also taught to fight amongst giants and principalities of evil. We are taught to be proud of who we are regardless how outnumbered we are. We are also taught to stand our ground, never be quick to buckle at the knees or conform to the ways of man. As Christians, we must acknowledge that self righteousness is not a reality, rather righteousness in Christ is. We Sin, we do what you "others" or non-believers do, but does that mean we are not true Christians? We make mistakes, we curse, we commit adultery, we steal, and yes I've known some that have killed.
The Bottom line is this, We as Christians preach about peace, love and salvation, but in this world in order to obtain or maintain those three things we must fight. Fight with Two swords, the Word and the Action. Yes I'll turn the other cheek, but I will not allow you to murder me. Yes I will love my brother, but I will not allow him to continue hurting me. Yes I will do good to all my brethren upon the earth, but I will also stand up for myself, my God, and what is right.
My name in Hebrew, Filipino, and Spanish(Which my real name consists of) means Peaceful Soldier, that's what we are.