Call Of Duty: Black Ops **discussion thread**

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$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
Faggot on my team stole my death machine care package as I was using the R/C car to clear some cats coming for the package. I stood in front of dude while he was using it til we both got shot lol
yep...i LOOOOve hardline pro...
and hate when people start to grab it...
I try and grab it too, if I can...
Part of getting HLP is sharing 10 packages, so maybe they thinkyou need to share em...
I cant count how many times I leave a care package lat=ying there and no one will pick it up...
and then the enemy gets it ...

also, to get HLP, you can share care, turret, and sentry gun packages to get the 10 shres required faster...

good tip for trying to completre the challenge
Oct 9, 2008
What pisses me off is when i kill an enemy standing over one of there care packages thats somethin worthless like ammo or a spyplane, and one of my stupid teamates comes and picks it up! Fuck that i camp that shit and wait for them fags to come back to rack up some more kills! I don't need a spy plane that bad...fuck! Some of these dudes play with absolutely no strategy!
Jun 3, 2002

I have no idea why they were shooting at the ground, but they were doing it even longer than what I showed via theater mode.

It made me wonder when people on my team have garbage ass scores are they doing dumb shit like this??