yea my mics dead too but im not trippin ill get my replacement adapter for my mic headphones in a week or so...does anyone know if you can use bluetooths for xbox like ps3?
this nigga nefarious from siccness was DESTROYING me ....ill give him props for that...dude destroyed my kill/death ratio i was like still not used to using the right analog for the knife and the buttons being somewhat sure i can change the controller layout but i dunno how
i was classic my first three games. 31-5, 25-3, 15-5... then here nefarious come placing 1st every time and shit...dude killed me eight times in one game....
i think the one wack thing right now is you get tired of your guns quick....because youre either buying attachments, perks, equipment, killstreaks, etc etc etc...and you have limited money...and alot of the perks are kinda the same...reflex sensor and ret dot are damn near the same shit to me...
i think ive gotten 24,000 altogether in the game so far and i probably have two guns of each caegory..and all of them have one or two attachments...usually acog, grip, or reflex sensor..
i might need to try the flame thrower and bllistic knives cuz those look dope....i got fucked up by both of um
i haven seen any big noob tubing go down yet so i havent got the flak jacket, i got hit with one or two, you get the RPG wearly in the game...
im level 20 right now..
im gonna try to prestige before sunday then imma astart playin the solo game
i clocked in about 6 hours of multiplater game play so far
I just got the AK