Call Of Duty: Black Ops **discussion thread**

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Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
I love killing whinny faggots in this game who complain everytime they die. Its good we got voice chat and can type in game.
Oct 9, 2008
Good news, just read this from Vonderhaaaaaaaaaaar

"Will work on Hardcore modes this week. Perhaps ready as early as this weekend depending on what else is going on. HQ for sure. What else? about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone "

@Jerryst1 No. We haven't touched the guns and won't till we get more data.

@DavidVonderhaar Why remove offensive emblems? (other than swastikas) It IS an M rated game after all.

@chasze That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. Honesty. Temp bans will turn into perma bans if you keep it up.
That last question is a good question. I'm kinda suprised dude came back at em wit that response. After all dude gave treyarch $60, sound like they don't appreciate it much.. What did they think was gonna happen when they let people make their own emblem? And what is this about nurfing guns?? All the guns are fine, which ones are people bitching about?
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
That last question is a good question. I'm kinda suprised dude came back at em wit that response. After all dude gave treyarch $60, sound like they don't appreciate it much.. What did they think was gonna happen when they let people make their own emblem? And what is this about nurfing guns?? All the guns are fine, which ones are people bitching about?
i think people are saying ak74u is too powerful. what i dont understand is why if its more powerful they dont use it instead of crying about it.


Mar 15, 2010
Ak74u no doubt my favorite weapon..Got Lightweight, Sleight of hand and Ninja with it....Thinking of switching it up and going with Hardline....Just got the AK47 might try it out tonight
Oct 9, 2008
I got a lot of experience with the ak74u.. But i just dont see it. I mean its a cool gun but I think the MP5 shits on it as far as damage, same with the Scorpian. You know it was some lil bitch who kept gettin raped by it and started crying! I think the guns are actually pretty balanced and i hated the mp40 in WAW.. If anything the need to nurf the melee distance that shit is ridiculous!

Edit: On a side note i think AK74U in MW1 shits all over the one in this game..


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
I got a lot of experience with the ak74u.. But i just dont see it. I mean its a cool gun but I think the MP5 shits on it as far as damage, same with the Scorpian. You know it was some lil bitch who kept gettin raped by it and started crying! I think the guns are actually pretty balanced and i hated the mp40 in WAW.. If anything the need to nurf the melee distance that shit is ridiculous!

Edit: On a side note i think AK74U in MW1 shits all over the one in this game..
the ak74u has the most damage out of all the smg's in BO


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
fuck that it took me forever to shoot down those two copters when your in a copter mothafuckaz lit me up
that was a fun stage, I kept going around that hill thing in the middle so they couldnt shoot me

the boat stage or tunnel stage was my fav
Oct 9, 2008
you use claymores which is 1000x worse
Wow are you serious? You probably use cameras or somthin worthless right? I use what get kills and now that you can move your claymores i get hella kills wit that shit. Sometimes i'll post that shit outside a door and just shoot in the air so they come and trip my claymore. lol

It's actually the anti camper. Clear em out and leave a little gift for em when they comeback as demonstrated in this video below.

Poor bastard thought he was gonna camp up there and snipe.. smh

Jun 3, 2002
I love claymores I have 300 something kills with them so far and that number is only going to rise.

I love to go to popular spots on maps and set one down and then keep it moving, I always get kills from it because there are certain parts on every map people just always go to.

I will also run down one side of a map, set one down then run back to the other side, another easy way to get a kill from them.

There great in Domination ( even more so when your on a garbage team ) I will set one down on one side of the point I am trying to capture and then watch the other side so it has my back so to speak.

The real trick is learning to put them in spots that will get you kills but were people would never expect one, those kills just make me smile everytime.