Call Of Duty: Black Ops **discussion thread**

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Jun 3, 2002
I feel like Treyarch doesn't want you to snipe in this game. I was never a quickscoper cuz that shit is gay but i used to snipe pretty comfortably. In this game they give you three piece of shit sniper rifles and one that is actually a consistent one shot kill. The rifle that is a one shot kill is incredebly inaccurate, sometimes i swear i got crosshairs right on a dudes chest and some how miss? Not to mention it takes me forever to steady the fuckin scope cuz it sways all over the fuckin place! I'm not going to cry bout the maps cuz i think i could adapt if they hadn't made the sniping class in general suck so bad. Trying to master it the way it is but damn that shit is frustrating and i never see anyone else even attempting to snipe in this game. Treyarch pretty much ruined the whole class. Seems like i gotta go to hardcore every time i want to snipe..
Map design was always my biggest issue with sniping in the game. I have adapted to the zoom in sway ( still causes me to miss quick shots though ) but at the same time like you said the hit markers are all over the place and plenty of times I have I guy dead on and dont get shit, other times I seem way off and its a head shot?? Makes no fucking sense what so ever.

Treyarch really fucking hates snipers, which sucks cause I have always sniped half the time in every COD game now with BO its like 10% of the time.
Oct 9, 2008
Map design was always my biggest issue with sniping in the game. I have adapted to the zoom in sway ( still causes me to miss quick shots though ) but at the same time like you said the hit markers are all over the place and plenty of times I have I guy dead on and dont get shit, other times I seem way off and its a head shot?? Makes no fucking sense what so ever.

Treyarch really fucking hates snipers, which sucks cause I have always sniped half the time in every COD game now with BO its like 10% of the time.
Finally got file share working...

May 3, 2002
Haha, BP your first video looked like you were playin bots on easy.. i can't believe they were all standing around like that..

2nd video.. I love to dive and do shit like that.. I dove out of the 2nd story window on WMD, and broke through the window.. it was sick.. Should have record it.. but what usually happens is i don't wanna loose the room I'm in if I have a good connection. Then I just forget about it. :ermm:
Jun 3, 2002
More Black Ops Updates Now Live on Xbox, PS3

After yesterdays full title update addressed a large number of issues with Black Ops on the Xbox and PS3, Treyarch have applied several more fixes via the live update system today. Included in todays Black Ops update was a major fix for the spawn system – which has been dodgy at-best. The knife lunge range, or melee, has been nurfed in this latest update too, albeit on a trial run.

Improvements to the spawn system to resolve an issue where negative spawn influencers from specific game events were not always being deleted after the danger had cleared – in some matches, this was causing good spawns to be erroneously flagged by the game as bad spawns, which in turn forced actual bad spawns to get selected later in the match

Experimental slight reduction in knife lunge range – this is a trial change

Prevention of Prestige glitching – trying to prestige from Combat Training will reset your stats but not give you prestige


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
i noticed the spawns on nuketown were much improved today, in fact you could go as far as to say they were perfect, my team spawned in one garden and the enemies spawned in the opposite garden

as for zombies, kino der toten - about level 15, five - about level 8 or 9
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
I feel like Treyarch doesn't want you to snipe in this game. I was never a quickscoper cuz that shit is gay but i used to snipe pretty comfortably. In this game they give you three piece of shit sniper rifles and one that is actually a consistent one shot kill. The rifle that is a one shot kill is incredebly inaccurate, sometimes i swear i got crosshairs right on a dudes chest and some how miss? Not to mention it takes me forever to steady the fuckin scope cuz it sways all over the fuckin place! I'm not going to cry bout the maps cuz i think i could adapt if they hadn't made the sniping class in general suck so bad. Trying to master it the way it is but damn that shit is frustrating and i never see anyone else even attempting to snipe in this game. Treyarch pretty much ruined the whole class. Seems like i gotta go to hardcore every time i want to snipe..
I usually go pretty good sniping on array, jungle, and havana
May 3, 2002
had one of my best games going,and then the game shuts down wtf is that?
It was weird, it seemed like something was off earlier. I would do bad and then pick it up and barely break even. Then the last match I did it was lagging bad, the whole match like it was a silent film camera from the 20's it was weird. I know its not my connection.. just checked and its 19 down, 2 up, bout to jump back on.. hope its better.
Oct 9, 2008
Not the money! After you prestige you can get the PRESTIGE LEADERBOARDS for 50 g's and it ranks you! I figured for 50 g's you would get to keep it, but no! Just hit 3rd prestige, no shit you can't keep your money! Only thing i find you can keep is emblems for your gun and you only gots to pay once..
Oct 19, 2008
San Diego
Has this game frozen on anyone else? I fuckin swear it's worse than Fallout: New Vegas when it comes to freezing. At least half of the time that a match goes into host migration the damn game freezes and I have to restart my PS3. Then all of my XP/challenges/contracts/COD points gets reset...fuckin annoying.
Jun 3, 2002
So I am playing some groundwar and I always run hacker pro and I always see these camping ass bitches that put a motion sensor and wait for someone to run by for some cheap kills ( way to promote camping Treyarch ) so I saw this guy doing this ( you can see the sensor in the corner ) and well he got me the first time but not the second two times lmao....

I present to the Siccness "The anti camper"