Floyd Mayweather Sr discredits a future champion to satisfy his sons ego!
May 12th, 2014 | Post Comment - 111 Comments
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By Jaime Ortega: After Floyd Mayweather’s controversial fight with Marcos Maidana, fans are looking forward for riskier fights to challenge the current Welterweight world champion.
When Floyd Mayweather Sr. was asked in a video interview by PB Insideer, if he saw someone out there capable of beating Floyd Mayweather Jr. he said,” there is nobody out there, right now! that I can see technically beat Floyd.”
A reporter then asked Mayweather Sr. about Keith Thurman since he is a fighter who is getting a lot of buzz from the boxing community.
Mayweather Sr. responded, “Is that they guy who got corn roles?”, and waved his hand down like it was a joke question.
“Floyd beat people who hit harder than him (Thurman), and guess what? They get their [expletive] whooped, every time!” Mayweather Sr. Said.
Mayweather Sr. has been partly responsible for filtering out opponents for his son in the past. In fact , Mayweather Sr. was the first one to ever mention in a radio interview that ‘he’ told Floyd not to fight the “little man” (Manny Pacquiao) because
he was concerned about his sons health.
He discredits young upcoming fighters to make them seem weak or unworthy opponents. Mayweather Sr. is partly the real reason why the mega fight will never happen because in the end of the day, he advises Floyd alongside with Roger Mayweather when it comes down on taking risky decisions.
Floyd listens to their advice, just as much as other athletes would rather council with their family before stepping into an important financial decision. Nothing new and unseen there.
After the knockout against Julio Diaz, Thurman has been scouting possible opponents for his next bout, and called out Floyd, since it’s the next mandatory fight in line.
It would be close to absurd to suggest The Money Team is not acquainted with the young Clearwater native and his boxing skills. Thurman has not passed unnoticed under the underground boxing radar, but has passed undetected under the mainstream media radar because every serious and smart welterweight is afraid, trying to avoid at all cost crossing roads with him as his Coach Dan Birmingham mentioned on multiple video interviews.
Thurman is a real boxing beast and a serious contender to be considered for 147lb. He knows Floyd very well, and he is even willing to counter attack the champion with his own ‘offensive’ medicine, a strategy only a few boxers can execute against the so called and self proclaim ‘best ever’ to have ever step on the ring.
On multiple occasions Thurman has said that in order to beat Floyd’s defense, all he needs is to land a few clean hits while he throws a powerful combination. He also said that when Floyd is on “offense very few boxers” can counter back like he can.
It only takes one punch to beat Floyd, and unlike Maidana, every punch Thurman lands is a devastating shot into the body. With Floyd’s last performance if Thurman had ’800′ shots, all true boxing fans should know that ‘One Time” would capitalize just with one punch with knockout results.
Throw back to the old school. Decent boxing technique, willingness to engage and one punch power. Add a stellar amateur pedigree from the age of six, trained by Sugar Ray Leonard’s amateur coach Dan Birmingham and you have the real deal. This guy is a natural 147lb fighter; knocking out other people. Designed to destroy.
Sorry, but a fight with Floyd would not last more than five rounds, via-knockout in favor of One Time.
But One Time, will never fight Floyd, so Floyd fans need not to worry about the consequences. Even if Thurman outclassed Shawn Porter or knocked Amir Khan out, the fight would not create the Pay-Per-View hits required to attract a future Floyd fight.
But let’s forget about Pacquiao. Let’s say for instance, Thurman beats Pacquiao first and knocks the little Pilipino down. What would be the excuses to not fight Floyd? Drug testing? Promoter problems? Insert excuse here please (…

Floyd has all the tools to beat any fighter. But if he doesn’t take on his most dangerous opponents, and instead takes on boxers with 4 loses on their records, what is that tell you?
As an analyst, It seems to me, most people cheer for boxers that represent their culture and ethnicity. Most Pilipino’s root for Pacquiao with bias, Cubans root for Erislandy’s Lara {…} and inside the U.S. without a doubt most hardcore Floyd fans are Afro-Americans who always look for excuses to praise their untested champion. It’s understandable, first rule of life cheer for your own, but do it with common sense.
But one thing is being a fan and a supporter, and another an absolute tail chaser. One thing is being open minded, and another is to ‘drop your brains on the floor.’
He is not ‘The Best Ever’ as he claims to be, he is afraid of Pacquiao (In life people who give seven excuses are mostly liars and get fired in any job), and most importantly he is not giving you (Floyd fans) the fights everyone wants.
Now, If you believe that this is what true champions consist of, it’s not Floyd’s fault anymore, It’s 100% your fault and personally blame his fans for blindly defending his posture. I wish for money not ruin the sport of boxing, wishful thinking maybe, call me old school, probably!
If he doesn’t want to fight Pacquiao, fine! Have him fight Lara, Sergio Martinez, Porter. But stop with the excuses because Thurman deserves credit as he is the most avoided welterweight at 147lb, and no boxer wants to tarnish their record against him. Mayweather Sr. you know Thurman is a man to fear, and you just don’t want to risk it. Just say it, be real and lets end the notes that way. But don’t discredit a future champion, to satisfy your sons own ego.
Floyd Mayweather Sr discredits a future champion to satisfy his sons ego!