Bernard Hopkins vs Chad Dawson [Staples Center]

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Feb 3, 2006
^^It's already been confirmed he dislocated his AC in his shoulder. You're argument is invalid at this point.

It was cool seeing Dewey do his thing. but damn

No one believed me when I said Oscar will fight again soon. LOL. Oscar is getting that fighting bug and he wants to fight.
May 6, 2002
After thinking about it, I believe it was the right call.

So if a fighter believes he wont win, he can just fall back, fake an injury and get a NC? Imagine if the other fighter was getting knocked around, then just falls on his elbow in round 3 and starts rolling around calling foul? That wouldnt be fair to call that a NC. He wanted a way out.

Not saying Hopkins wanted a way out, because he didn't.
Just saying that if no foul is called and the fighter cannot continue, it's a TKO.

If you think it should be a NC, then any fighter would just pull that move to avoid the L.


Apr 25, 2002
After thinking about it, I believe it was the right call.

So if a fighter believes he wont win, he can just fall back, fake an injury and get a NC? Imagine if the other fighter was getting knocked around, then just falls on his elbow in round 3 and starts rolling around calling foul? That wouldnt be fair to call that a NC. He wanted a way out.

Not saying Hopkins wanted a way out, because he didn't.
Just saying that if no foul is called and the fighter cannot continue, it's a TKO.

If you think it should be a NC, then any fighter would just pull that move to avoid the L.
You're missing several important things here. The first being different states have different rules, and like 206 posted California has very specific rules when it comes to this. The ref didn't call a foul, that's ok, but why was Bernard down? He wasn't down from a punch he was down from an accident. So you can't rule a TKO (especially when we aren't past the 4th) in a situation like this.
May 6, 2002
I don't believe anyone here knows the exact rules in California. I'm not so sure this will be overturned. If it does get overturned, they are basically giving the green light for any fighter to force a NC before 4 rounds.
May 13, 2002
I don't believe anyone here knows the exact rules in California. I'm not so sure this will be overturned. If it does get overturned, they are basically giving the green light for any fighter to force a NC before 4 rounds.
Lederman had the rules and quoted from them after the fight. I don't think it can be any more clear than that.

and what you said earlier, I don't see hopkins at that point would possibly think he couldn't win. I mean it was 1.5 rounds. Basically feeler rounds. Both hopkins & dawson landed a total of 5 punches each according to compubox. Neither guy landed a significant punch. So it's not like a case where dawson was beating him and hopkins was looking for a way out. I think hopkins was hurt, probably milked it to try to get a point, it backfired and the ref never explained to hopkins the circumstances of HIS ruling. I believe if the ref said, "if you dont continue, you're losing by TKO" Hopkins would have continued, hurt or not. I base that on his own history against Echols. And in that case he would have won by DQ since it was ruled a foul, but after the ref gave bhop some time to recover, hopkins continued regardless of the fact he could have walked away with a DQ win.


Apr 25, 2002
I don't believe anyone here knows the exact rules in California. I'm not so sure this will be overturned. If it does get overturned, they are basically giving the green light for any fighter to force a NC before 4 rounds.
What 206, said. The man quoted from the rules after the fight. They aren't giving the green light to anyone if there is already a provision in the rules stating that an accidental that causes the fight to end must be ruled as a no contest.

Moreover, here are the rules from ABC (not csac)

Heres what would be at play. Was Chad shoving him/throwing him considered a fair "blow?" If yes, then the TKO will probably stand. If not, you have to look at intentional and accidental fouls. For the sake of argument we'll just focus on the accidental foul (from the link above):

1. If an accidental foul causes an injury severe enough for the referee to stop the bout immediately, the bout will result in a NO DECISION if stopped before four (4) completed rounds. Four (4) rounds are complete when the bell rings signifying the end of the fourth round.

The ref fucked up. He asked if Hopkins could continue and he said yes. The ref then says NO and rules a TKO from something that wasn't boxing related???? And then he says he isn't calling it a foul?
May 13, 2002
the WBC said they were in mexico and haven't watched the fight but will have the DVD tomorrow and make a ruling.

Also Golden Boy filed a protest with the state of California as well.

I'm pretty sure this will be a NC. I just don't see how dawson can take all the belts from something like that.

Dan Rafael from ESPN has pictures of the medial statements too on his twitter, so I just think there is too much evidence for this not to be overturned.
Dec 3, 2005
the WBC said they were in mexico and haven't watched the fight but will have the DVD tomorrow and make a ruling.

Also Golden Boy filed a protest with the state of California as well.

I'm pretty sure this will be a NC. I just don't see how dawson can take all the belts from something like that.

Dan Rafael from ESPN has pictures of the medial statements too on his twitter, so I just think there is too much evidence for this not to be overturned.
good to know. i bet my boy money on this fight and I told dude I aint paying shit until theres a final ruling cuz that was some boolchit!
May 6, 2002
good to know. i bet my boy money on this fight and I told dude I aint paying shit until theres a final ruling cuz that was some boolchit!
It whatever it's ruled as once the fight is over.
Vegas, online books or any local bookie has to hold to the initial decision. Appeals never count.

Everyone in Vegas probably flocked to the sports book to cash out.