Amerikans are getting dumber by the year: Majority reject Evolution.

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May 10, 2002
see unlike you i dont read these forums to out do people...

i read them to learn a few things and keep myself entertained with the discussion of certian topics..

i dont post on these forums in forms of "essays" "reports" and "speeches" attempting to impress each and every single individual that posts here. i dont see how one could feel better ones self by doing so. however this seems to your "thing". and though it is your thing, sadly your opinions and views are no larger, better or more realistic then anyone elses views on this particular subject, please do not fool yourself in thinking so.
May 13, 2002
1) matter created itself, and doesn't need proof
No, if you would read what I typed you would know that I never suggested that matter created itself. I stated that existence has always existed, which means of course there is no beginning and no end which means there is no creator.
If you reject the possibility that existence has always existed then you must also reject the possibility that god has always existed. If something cannot come from nothing then this logic must also apply to your creator.
Yet the hammer did not create itself, which is what matters.
See above, I never said matter created itself.
Additionally, the falling hammer analogy is meant to challenge your statements dismissing the big bang theory. As I stated, just because you did not see where the hammer came from does not prove gravity does not exist (which is what you’re doing by saying the big bang theory must be incorrect since we don’t know what occurred before it).

They square with faith. Faith alone would declare that matter has existed in perpetuity, without so much as one SHRED of evidence to support it, other than a perceived expansion of the universe.
Faith is something I don’t have; it is a meaningless word to me. To have faith is to abandon logic and reason.

The evidence that supports matter without beginning and end is the very fact that matter does exist. We know it exists for its all around us. We know the universe exists for we are part of it. On the other hand, we have zero evidence for supernatural phenomena, a higher power, god, etc. That requires faith – the belief in something without evidence.

The Big Bang theory has has withstood the test of time and has not been disproved. There is tons of observed evidence that supports the theory, such as Hubble's law, redshifts of galaxies, the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, Cosmic microwave background radiation, etc. The BBT is not some quack theory put together by a couple of insane college students; it is something that has been researched by thousands of the brightest intellectuals and physicists /mathematicians the world has seen.
Oct 28, 2005
Cmoke said:
see unlike you i dont read these forums to out do people...

i read them to learn a few things and keep myself entertained with the discussion of certian topics..

i dont post on these forums in forms of "essays" "reports" and "speeches" attempting to impress each and every single individual that posts here. i dont see how one could feel better ones self by doing so. however this seems to your "thing". and though it is your thing, sadly your opinions and views are no larger, better or more realistic then anyone elses views on this particular subject, please do not fool yourself in thinking so.
Likewise. Don't fool yourself into thinking that just because I type better than you or am more motivated and focused when it comes to Internet arguments, that I somehow think *I AM* better than you. I am what God made me, and that is the bottom line. You will realize this sooner or later; hopefully, sooner.

You need to understand that typing in "essays" and "speeches" isn't about trying to impress people. it is about respect. I respect the people here, and I feel its important that the Hip-Hop Community be able to speak intelligently and rationally.

If we don't practice this, how in the FUCK do you think we are going to suddenly step up to the plate and be spectacular? What is going to happen that first time an Eloquent White Supremacist makes a complete asshole out of you, and you just stand there and take it because you haven't been training for battle?

This is warfare right now. Hip-Hop Music and Culture is taking over, and people are fucking pissed off about it. But yelling and screaming at them is not going to help our cause. We need to show them we deserve to be on top in all aspects, INCLUDING Linguistically.
Oct 28, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
No, if you would read what I typed you would know that I never suggested that matter created itself. I stated that existence has always existed, which means of course there is no beginning and no end which means there is no creator.
If you reject the possibility that existence has always existed then you must also reject the possibility that god has always existed. If something cannot come from nothing then this logic must also apply to your creator.
It matters not. For all we know, the Creator has tricked us into believing that existance has always existed, and there is not a damned thing you can say that would disprove that. This is my whole point. God doesn't need to be rational or logical. God can fuck with us any time He feels like it. He leads those astray whom He wishes. This is the way it has always been.

From a Scientific POV, Existance existing forever...if thats what you want to believe, there is nothing I can really say. It makes sense and as much as I try to sit here and think of a way to cast doubt on it, I cannot.

See above, I never said matter created itself.
Additionally, the falling hammer analogy is meant to challenge your statements dismissing the big bang theory. As I stated, just because you did not see where the hammer came from does not prove gravity does not exist (which is what you’re doing by saying the big bang theory must be incorrect since we don’t know what occurred before it).
Inconsequential. We're talking about creation, which is hotly contested; not other readily-accepted, non-religious theories/laws.

"It’s like seeing a hammer fall from the sky. You observed it falling but you didn’t see where it came from. This does not disprove the theory of gravity; it simply means you’re not certain where the object came from (missing data)."

Verily, we have seen things fall. When things fall, we know that 99.99999999% of the time they come from above.

We have not ever, however, seen something come out of nothing, or seen a single atom deliver us a whole universe. It's beyond missing data; it's missing just about everything but faith.

Faith is something I don’t have; it is a meaningless word to me. To have faith is to abandon logic and reason.
Faith you surely have, you just don't label and recognize it as such.

The evidence that supports matter without beginning and end is the very fact that matter does exist. We know it exists for its all around us. We know the universe exists for we are part of it. On the other hand, we have zero evidence for supernatural phenomena, a higher power, god, etc. That requires faith – the belief in something without evidence.
Yet you are so confident that God doesn't exist, you're willing to put your faith in scientists to continue to provide you reasons that matter has always existed.

The Big Bang theory has has withstood the test of time and has not been disproved. There is tons of observed evidence that supports the theory, such as Hubble's law, redshifts of galaxies, the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, Cosmic microwave background radiation, etc. The BBT is not some quack theory put together by a couple of insane college students; it is something that has been researched by thousands of the brightest intellectuals and physicists /mathematicians the world has seen.
The existance of God has never been disproven either. Millions of people have tried, and the same exact amount have failed.

The fact of the matter is, there is a strong belief that, for example, I cannot just snap my fingers and a piece of bread will appear. That bread must come from SOMEWHERE.

And believing in a single atomic particle with the density of the entire about silliness. And the only evidence we have of this is our cheap little telescopes that have witnessed all of a few hundred years of activity. We take a few hundred years period, and apply it BILLIONS of years back.....its just craziness to me. We can do better.
Nov 27, 2005
The chance that higher life forms might have emerged by chance is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.
May 10, 2002
Dirty shoez: now your telling people they have faith when they say they have none. who would know or the person who said "i dont have faith"

do you understand how stupid you look?

you said...

"It matters not. For all we know, the Creator has tricked us into believing that existance has always existed, and there is not a damned thing you can say that would disprove that. This is my whole point. God doesn't need to be rational or logical. God can fuck with us any time He feels like it. He leads those astray whom He wishes. This is the way it has always been"

first of all, why would a "creator" do such a thing...what purpose would he have in "tricking us" doesnt sound like a very trusting "god" to me...

second, you said "and there is not a damned thing you can say that would disprove that"
well honestly, there is not a damned thing you can say that would Prove that. so shut the fuck up. thanks.

Third, you said "God doesn't need to be rational or logical. God can fuck with us any time He feels like it."
Once you prove that god DOES exist, then u could speak unknowingly about "his" intents and or train of thought, and still you could not prove these things...why do you discuss somthing you could know nothing about.....have u discoverd somthing that the rest of the world has not? we all know the answer to that.

feel free to respond with some witty comments that totally avoid all the valid points i have just made.
May 13, 2002
It matters not.
No, it does matter because I just showed the flaw in your logic. I’ll type it again:

If you reject the possibility that existence has always existed then you must also reject the possibility that god has always existed. If something cannot come from nothing then this logic must also apply to your creator.

You cannot say I’m wrong for believing the universe has always existed and then turn around and say god has always existed. That comrade would be illogical.

For all we know, the Creator has tricked us into believing that existance has always existed, and there is not a damned thing you can say that would disprove that.
And nor could you prove it.

This is my whole point. God doesn't need to be rational or logical. God can fuck with us any time He feels like it. He leads those astray whom He wishes. This is the way it has always been.
And you got this information and came to these conclusion from where? Certainly not based on logic, which is my whole point.

From a Scientific POV, Existance existing forever...if thats what you want to believe, there is nothing I can really say. It makes sense and as much as I try to sit here and think of a way to cast doubt on it, I cannot.

Inconsequential. We're talking about creation, which is hotly contested

Verily, we have seen things fall. When things fall, we know that 99.99999999% of the time they come from above.

We have not ever, however, seen something come out of nothing, or seen a single atom deliver us a whole universe. It's beyond missing data; it's missing just about everything but faith.
Again, I never stated that matter came out of nothing; I’ve stated that existence has always existed.

And once again, if you believe that something cannot come from nothing, then this logic must also apply to a creator. If you do not apply this logic to your creator then you are forced to abandon this part of your argument.

Faith you surely have, you just don't label and recognize it as such.
I beg to differ.

Faith = the opposite of logic and reason. Faith is to believe in something without, or in spite of reason.

My knowledge comes from science, mathematics, physics, etc. My views are based on logic of what we know to exist. Faith is the belief in something that is usually unproven, unsupported and unscientific and is based on irrational thought.

Yet you are so confident that God doesn't exist, you're willing to put your faith in scientists to continue to provide you reasons that matter has always existed.
Again, it’s not faith. Science allows us to test and verify ideas; the belief in the unknown or supernatural cannot be tested nor verified.

The different between you and I, other than our politics, is that you believe in an Unknown, “supernatural” creator with absolutely no supporting evidence or logic, while I on the other hand lack this belief. There has never been one single shred of evidence that suggests any supernatural forces or any type of “existence” outside of our known existence. I am a materialist that sees physical matter being the only reality. We’ve never once found anything that suggests it exists outside of our own reality so to come to the conclusion that an unknown being magically created existence is insanity, IMO.

The existance of God has never been disproven either. Millions of people have tried, and the same exact amount have failed.
No one will ever disprove the existence of god for the same reasons you cannot disprove that an invisible Supreme Being resides above the city of Seattle that sucks all the clouds and is responsible for all the rain we get.

However the difference between the BBT and the Supreme Seattle Being/God is that one has supporting evidence while the other does not.

The fact of the matter is, there is a strong belief that, for example, I cannot just snap my fingers and a piece of bread will appear. That bread must come from SOMEWHERE.
Then the very same must be said about the creator.

You still seem to dance around the point I made that if existence has always existed then there does not need to be a creator.

Maybe you forgot, but earlier you stated and I quote, “From a Scientific POV, Existance existing forever... It makes sense and as much as I try to sit here and think of a way to cast doubt on it, I cannot.”

And believing in a single atomic particle with the density of the entire about silliness.[/q7uote]

Really? Then you must also not believe in black holes.

And the only evidence we have of this is our cheap little telescopes that have witnessed all of a few hundred years of activity. We take a few hundred years period, and apply it BILLIONS of years back.....its just craziness to me. We can do better.
Actually our “cheap little telescopes” are gigantic and cost billions of dollars and not to mention, we don’t observe “a few hundred years of activity” we can literally see stars and galaxies in their beginning stages and in their final stages from BILLIONS of years ago. We can literally see what occurred in our universe BILLIONS of years ago. I think this last paragraph of yours really shows how little you know regarding cosmology. There is a good book by Stephen Hawking called, “The Universe in a Nutshell” which he does a great job taking mind-bending questions and answering them in a way regular people can understand. You might want to check it out.
May 13, 2002
Geniuses. Or people who have a great deal of knowledge about physics, space, mathematics, etc.

I'm just saying that Stephen Hawkings is a genius and can easily lose most of his readers, but in this book he does a good job at remembering not everyone is as smart as him.
Dec 18, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Really? Then you must also not believe in black holes.

Actually our “cheap little telescopes” are gigantic and cost billions of dollars and not to mention, we don’t observe “a few hundred years of activity” we can literally see stars and galaxies in their beginning stages and in their final stages from BILLIONS of years ago. We can literally see what occurred in our universe BILLIONS of years ago. I think this last paragraph of yours really shows how little you know regarding cosmology. There is a good book by Stephen Hawking called, “The Universe in a Nutshell” which he does a great job taking mind-bending questions and answering them in a way regular people can understand. You might want to check it out.
Just to elaborate...

Before a black hole forms, a collapsed star becomes a neutron star. A teaspoon of matter from a neutron star weighs as much as earth does.

Yes we do see galaxies from billions of years ago because they are billions of light years away. It takes the light so long to travel to our "cheap" telescopes that by the time we see what is happening the event is already older than our planet.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
^^^to add more, black holes are so massive, that they warp space and time...

what i cant get over, according to Einstein's special theory of relativity...if ur friend and u were standing on earth, and they went at 99% of the speed of light, to a planet lets say, 9 light years away, u would they would only be 6 months older than when they were when they left, while u'd be 18 years older.

if they went AT the speed of light...and came back, no time would have passed...thats saying that, if travelled at the speed of light, time is infinite.

if they went FASTER than the speed of light and came back? they would get back to earth BEFORE they left for that planet. it would make time NEGATIVE.
Oct 28, 2005
Cmoke said:
Dirty shoez: now your telling people they have faith when they say they have none. who would know or the person who said "i dont have faith"

do you understand how stupid you look?
If you said you didn't have any bones in your body, who would know better: You...or me?

Obviously, you wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about if you said you didn't have any bones. Likewise, some people have faith, but choose not to recognize it as such, because Faith is a buzzword with them and not a neutral term.

Also note: Don't you ever try to correct me again.

you said...

"It matters not. For all we know, the Creator has tricked us into believing that existance has always existed, and there is not a damned thing you can say that would disprove that. This is my whole point. God doesn't need to be rational or logical. God can fuck with us any time He feels like it. He leads those astray whom He wishes. This is the way it has always been"

first of all, why would a "creator" do such a thing...what purpose would he have in "tricking us" doesnt sound like a very trusting "god" to me...
It sounds like an extremely trusting God. If everyone on the planet believed in God with 0% doubt, this would be a very boring place and none of us would learn ANYTHING. God trusts that we will soon see His light and repent. This is the way it has always been.

second, you said "and there is not a damned thing you can say that would disprove that"
well honestly, there is not a damned thing you can say that would Prove that. so shut the fuck up. thanks.
Doesn't matter. doesn't. I don't need to prove a damn thing to you, and you CAN'T disprove what I say. Those 2 things combined: I'm not wrong. And that's all that matters.

Third, you said "God doesn't need to be rational or logical. God can fuck with us any time He feels like it."
Once you prove that god DOES exist, then u could speak unknowingly about "his" intents and or train of thought, and still you could not prove these things...why do you discuss somthing you could know nothing about.....have u discoverd somthing that the rest of the world has not? we all know the answer to that.
See the above answer about it not mattering.

feel free to respond with some witty comments that totally avoid all the valid points i have just made.
Friend, you don't MAKE points. You run your mouth then get smacked down. You're out of your league here, your overzealousness having convinced you you aren't. But, are. You have no business here.
May 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
If you said you didn't have any bones in your body, who would know better: You...or me?

Obviously, you wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about if you said you didn't have any bones. Likewise, some people have faith, but choose not to recognize it as such, because Faith is a buzzword with them and not a neutral term..
classic evasion of another valid point.

Also note: Don't you ever try to correct me again..
It sounds like an extremely trusting God. If everyone on the planet believed in God with 0% doubt, this would be a very boring place and none of us would learn ANYTHING. God trusts that we will soon see His light and repent. This is the way it has always been..
in your humboldt opinion...

Doesn't matter. doesn't. I don't need to prove a damn thing to you, and you CAN'T disprove what I say. Those 2 things combined: I'm not wrong. And that's all that matters..
first of all you couldnt prove a damn thing to me....u cant. second of all your not right whats the point of saying your not have won nothing here.

See the above answer about it not mattering..
again another evasion of a valid point made against you.

Friend, you don't MAKE points. You run your mouth then get smacked down. You're out of your league here, your overzealousness having convinced you you aren't. But, are. You have no business here.
I, sir am not your freind. nor are you my freind. i dont not have freinds of such nature.

Secondly, the points i make, you avoid, just as i posted. By asking a question which doesnt relate, then telling me to look above on every other valid point.

as far as me having no business here....iv been posting on these baords since old school siccness days a "vet" on these boards...u dont even have 300 posts under your belt yet jock strap. all that aside...i have just as much right as anyone to be here expressing my opinions beliefs or whatever discussion that might be at hand, so you can get the fuck on with that shit cuz u know your blowin turds out your fuckin mouth, shitface.
Mar 25, 2005
Cmoke said:
i guess im missing your point saladbowlking.....

do you have one? that relates to the topic at hand?


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
actually i think your wrong, your not born smart or stupid your born like everyone. how u grow up and how far you take educating yourself determines how much education and smarts you have, some ppl goto college and get degrees some dont. its up to the person to decide how far they want to expand thier mind.
Mar 25, 2005
Oct 28, 2005
Cmoke said:
classic evasion of another valid point.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

If someone says they "DO NOT" have Faith, this DOES NOT MEAN SHIT, because they DO IN FACT HAVE FAITH IN SOMETHING!, whether they REALIZE IT, or NOT!

Holy fucking shit you are dense.

in your humboldt opinion...
The only opinion that matters.

first of all you couldnt prove a damn thing to me....u cant. second of all your not right whats the point of saying your not have won nothing here.'re a fucking dolt, and you just don't get it.

You CANNOT prove that God doesn't exist. This is the ONLY thing that matters. AS A RESULT, EVERYTHING we type here is either, 1) I WIN, or 2) WE TIE. But it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to LOSE.

Holy fuck man, nobody better EVER give you their money to invest. Your stupid ass would run around putting it on ANYTHING just to avoid a tie, because in your dumbfuck mind breaking even is the same thing as a loss.

again another evasion of a valid point made against you.
Like i already don't make points. Even when you think you do, you're completely oblivious when your point is broken down and destroyed. You simply refuse to acknowledge it, close yourself up and act like a little girl.

I, sir am not your freind. nor are you my freind. i dont not have freinds of such nature.
You are oblivious. That about covers it.

"Excuse me, young man? Can you help me with something?"


What a fucking idiot.

Secondly, the points i make, you avoid, just as i posted. By asking a question which doesnt relate, then telling me to look above on every other valid point.
Friend, you're an idiot if you don't understand how my Bones analogy works. A complete moron who isn't worth giving the time of day.

as far as me having no business here....iv been posting on these baords since old school siccness days a "vet" on these boards...u dont even have 300 posts under your belt yet jock strap. all that aside...i have just as much right as anyone to be here expressing my opinions beliefs or whatever discussion that might be at hand, so you can get the fuck on with that shit cuz u know your blowin turds out your fuckin mouth, shitface.
I joined these boards in December 2001, sport. My original handle was Tadou. I am infamous around these parts. I thought that you thought.

"Blowin turds"? What the fuck is this, 4th grade? Get that shit out of here. Get your weight up, scrappy, and stop wasting my time.