Amerikans are getting dumber by the year: Majority reject Evolution.

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Oct 28, 2005
*Wonders when this thread will "accidentally" get deleted...on accident, having been an accident.*

HERESY said:
Let us now apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to your pitiful existance. Please, do not commit suicide after I expose you for being a charlatan and emotionally unstable boy.

For those of you who have never heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, do a quick google so you can become an active participant in ridiculing our dilapidated child.

Let us compare your life with the chart:
Let us do so. For as we are all know, you are fascinated with my life, and would like nothing more than to have me respond to every single inconsistancy which you are about to say.

The truth means nothing to you. In fact, most of what you say doesn't even square with other things you say, but alas, your only goal here is to make me squirm and type up personal things about myself, etc.

So...let's see.

Physiological Needs: Your physiological needs are not being met because you spend the majority of time online debating. Your inability to meet these needs have contributed to your mental demise and constant state of agitation. Your physiological needs are also being ignored because you are poor and have no money to rectify your situation. Sex can also be considered a need, but considering you have homosexual sex and are often the "bottom" is it fair to say your needs are being met?
This is where you start off bad.

I am actually in a constant state of apathy, friend; not agitation. I care, but caring does not decide what it is i do or need to have done. This should be plainly obvious to you by the way I type, the lack of smilies and other cheesy comebacks ("Only 2 girls on this board!? Does that include you?! LoL!! I am so funny!") in my posts, etc. When all is said and done.....I'll win and you'll quit. That is just the bottom line. The only thing you'll be able to salvage out of this thread is saying, "Remember that one time i owned Tadou's life? LOL!!"-- then it will be pointed out to you that you threw heaping mounds of mud, yet were so terrified of sticking around and facing the prospect of having mud thrown back at you (and actually sticking) ran away like a little girl.

As far as money, I have what I need and then some. If i wanted to go buy a stereo system or a new computer tomorrow, it would be no problem. Again, this is where apathy enters and also where your projection comes in. You will not rest until a label is finally developed and applied to me, something that will prevent me from being the 600lb gorilla on this forum that I am. Someone like you, always mad at the world around you as evidenced by your posts here, your only solution to your own individual perpetual agitation, is to finally say "fuck it" and go buy yourself something nice. You're like a fat woman who loses her job, and her big solution is to go buy some ice cream and donuts. You're all about self-gratification.

This hypothesis ^^^above is proven by you being in the Studio forum and always talking about the trinkets and equipment you have and use. You cannot say the same for me, and bragging on my own material posessions, because i don't buy things to make myself feel better like you. I buy them because i need them. Money is not the issue.

Let us look at the next phase.

Safety Needs: In order to meet your safty needs you must first meet your physiological ones. However, due to the fact you were raised in a single parent home without a strong man (is your father currently incarcerated/did he molest you?) and nothing but a WHORE to look up to, these needs will also go unfulfilled. You have proceeded to seek safty in various online personas and continue to shun reality.
My father (and my mother's ex-husband) is a church-going man who was bad with money. I am sorry friend, but he did not molest and he has never been to jail, or even convicted of a crime. And friend, if my mother is a "whore" for having a child 2 years into her marriage...then i don't really know what to say. All it really demonstrates is that, you have so much personal pain and anguish inside of you, you will say literally anything to attempt to hurt other people and make them feel your same way.

And friend, you make `personas' sound like a bad thing. You need to understand that happy and successful people have no problem stepping outside of themselves and being different. Sad and depressed people, like you, feel the need to always be the same person ad infinitum, because you don't feel comfortable having fun. You feel like you don't deserve it. When you do have fun, it isn't real fun: its just making fun of other people. Your only joy comes from other peoples' hurt. It is a sad situation.

Let us look at the next phase:

Love/Belonging Needs: Like the typical mulatto you are ostracized and ridiculed by both races. As a child they never accepted you, and this well deserved treatment extended to your teen years and beyond. The neglect imposed upon you by your parents did nothing to fill your needs and contributed to the problem. Because these needs were never met you constantly feel left out, abandoned, hurt and depression.
We shall tackle the Belonging topic first.

Friend, I was not ridiculed by "both races" because there was not enough Black people to be had. As such, all the white people accepted me like they would accept a Red-head or an English child--a curiosity, but not a spectacle or mascot. Belonging has never been a problem. Being equally interested in those wishing to have my company has been, this being such a foreign concept to a self-hating man like you, you will struggle to accept it as the truth it is.

A hatred for the opposite sex (which has YET to be properly identified in your case) is often common for people such as yourself. Your band-aid for these many inflictions are creating various online personas and constant ramblings pertaining to your status as king of arguments. This is something a normal human being would never proclaim...but you're not normal. You feel trusting in the government 100% (something you said) will quench all of your needs, but changed your outlook when you realized it was foolish.
More fun stuff.

You having called my mother a whore already, being unequivocally incorrect in toto by doing so, the rest of your rambling here about women is really meaningless. When it is factored in that my mother took our family from welfare to the lower middle-class.....its REALLY meaningless.

Now, the King of Arguments stuff. You ascribe this to personal problems and deep-seated troubles; I ascribe this to being funny as hell. It's the same as the person who is on the playground, playing basketball at all hours. What better way to con some sucker into challenging you than to proclaim yourself King? There is no better way. And when you win all the time like me, and leave people either blurting out "OK, I"m DONE HERE YOU CAN HAVE THE LAST WORD, BYE", or purposefully deleting threads they were losing in...there is no better title to boast.

And lastly......Friend, I feel that trusting 100% in the government until after you graduate college is the only way to go...Yes. As a poor minority who is receiving grants and other aid, I am qualified to speak on this. You are not. You need to learn to differentiate between pre-college and post-college life/philosophy.
Oct 28, 2005
Let us move on.

Esteem Needs: It is a known fact your esteem needs are not being met. You constantly complain about how people call you tom and disrespect you because you vote a certain way. You type it here because you're actually afraid to lash out at the perps in real life. You also make useless attempts at respect by insulting others but fail to realize it actually destroys your self-respect. If your esteem needs were being met we would NEVER see you boast, brag and insult for no reason. However in your mind you DO have a reason, but in reality its simply because you're a self-loathing piece of shit with nothing better to do than type in a language that has not been used since the King James bible was being translated.
Your whole post basically contradicts yourself. If i YEARNED to fit in and be accepted like you, I would talk on your same level. I would have all kinds of E-Friends that i run around defending--again, like you--and I would insult all those who don't fit in with the E-Crowd--guess who does this (and is doing so RIGHT NOW in this very thread)?

I type funny English because my esteem is just fine. The more people complain about it, the more proud I am of it. This is something you don't understand because, although you run around yelling this Anti-Government shit, you're really a conformist at heart. This much is true.

I insult people, the majority of the time, only when and after they insult me, because that is the way I get down. If you want to talk that shit, then let us see you back it up. Like you, for example. After my response, you will not stick to your original analysis. And why? Because you're a chicken shit. No part about you will argue that my mother is a whore for having children during her marriage. Instead, you'll say i was "unplanned", then I'll remind you I wasn't, and you'll go onto some equally ignorant shit like "Well, your dad forced her to have you". Very pathetic the way you are so afraid to be consistent.

But then, again...your only goal here is to hurt. Not inform.

And before i forget: "You type it here because you're actually afraid to lash out at the perps in real life." -- Just did, about 3 days ago, with a Marxist student. It was exhilarating. I've since had several people walk up to me and tell me that I was correct and the other guy was wrong and disrespectful for what he said.

The man told me I "wasn't black" because i voted for Bush. I then accused myself of being a House Nigger, and he readily agreed. Do you realize how much damage that would have done if it would have been, say, Alan Keys calling himself a House Nigger, and John Kerry saying "Yes, you are."? There is no amount of PR that could correct that. That I could induce such an error and bad choice of words...again...helps my self-esteem. Doesn't hurt it. It gives me even more confidence to want to sign up for debates or things like this, and see what else i can pull out of closet-racist Liberals.

Let us address the final stage in our chart.

Self-Actualization: You have skills at arguing like a bitch. Instead of dressing in drag or becoming a lawyer you waste your talents by getting online and wasting vast amounts of time (and bandwidth) posting on If you were a self-actualizing person you would be creative, but the only creativity you posess is the ability to type a funny sentence that demands we all laugh at you. You do not feel a closeness to other people (everyone hates you including your father) and you constantly judge others with EXTREME prejudice. You overlook the problems in our society and have provided no solution other than "VOTE REPUBLICAN" when asked how to rectify social ills destroying the negro community.
...There isn't much to say. You take all your stereotypes and things you envy about me, and wrap them up in some kind of mental disorder, and it is hilarious.

I am a full-time college student, getting the best grades of my life, studying abroad on the government's dime, learning and adapting to a new culture, with countless opportunities waiting for me when i get back......and here you are, some depressed faggy guy sitting at home, working his 9-5 being the White Man's bitch every day, trying to rain on my parade. How anyone can not see right through your act is beyond me.

In closing I would like to say that I will enjoy reading your vivid response and in depth reply. Please hurry up and type at 100wpm so I can get a kick out of reading it, friend.
Verily, I do type 100wpm. And i am sure you will in fact read all of this.

The problem is, you are a quitter. You have no principles. Once you realize that the tide is turning in my favor (and it always does), you will immediately exclaim that this post is now "boring" and "a waste of time"; then you'll throw out a few quips, and set-up a scenario where I'm a loser if i reply; and then you'll quit. This is the way you operate.

You accuse me of relying on the Internet for my self-esteem and to be accepted, and here you are, the kind of man who will type a bunch of shit out then say "You can have the last word, BYE", shying away like a coward from the argument that you yourself started, instead trying to gain cool points and definitively demonstrate to the world that "it's only the internet" and that you don't care.

Friend, these replies are nothing to me. Some people smoke cigarettes, standing around doing nothing for 10 minutes at a time; I type out these huge replies and get to practice my dictation and compositional skills.

Indeed...reply. Lets get our 2 more exchanges over with before you quit as usual. The one thing that suprises me though is that you haven't challenged me to a phone debate yet. I know you've thought about it, and truly, that is your kind's usual next step. What's taking you so long?

And might i just add: It would be great if you would man up, and describe your own family situation (Divorced? Separated? Still Married? Were you a bastard? Mom was raped? etc), and not be such a coward as to only make one-sided attacks on me and refuse to share the same.
Oct 28, 2005
HERESY said:
I responded because you easily took the bait. It has nothing to do with priority. I dare not ask why YOU are responding to meaningless side-bar garbage.
......Uh, OK i guess we'll assume that even makes sense? There was no bait to be taken. You asked me a question, and I responded.

This is where our argument came from: " I am the king of this Internet argument shit." -- AND THEN YOU STRESSED: "On a serious note is this something to boast over?"

You took this something that I said to another person (talk about doing something a bitch would do), and began a whole conversation around it, each time more complicated.

We aren't discussing Evolution right now, or the need for more Science majors, or anything even close. We're discussing Tadou being the Internet king. Fun for me.....I don't see how it could be constructive at all for you. Then again, hate and smear is your favorite thing in the world, so somewhere, somehow, it must be getting your rocks off.

I have to explain myself to my pet monkey. Both Tyson and Lynch refer to eating children. Both Tyson and Lynch market and promote this to a target audience for money and profit.
That having been said, why the FUCK would you mention Tyson after I JUST GOT THROUGH SAYING A TYSON QUOTE? AGAIN: "NO SHIT" comes to mind.

You on the other hand type it and laugh while others laugh AT you. Do you see the difference now, monkey?
No, not really, comrade. Here we are wasting away thousands of characters because i said "I want to eat his children", and rather than not being a pedantic dumbfuck, you decided to make an issue out of it.

Talk about having no life.

When the "craziest things come out" are they from YOU, or do you have the ability to manipulate and make the other person blow a fuse? I know everytime I make a post you're as happy as a coon eating grapes. Wouldn't it be more fun if the person did not know you were getting a kick out of it? Do you understand this or is your skull too thick, zebra?
That would depend on your approach, friend sport. My approach is that, I am so invincible, it is actually BETTER if the person knows I am getting a kick out of seeing them suffer and struggle.

You though, you're a modest and humble man who is always fucking up, so there is no wonder you wouldn't boast and brag. It is bad karma for you; but karma is inconsequential when you are as good as I am.

See the above and please read the original statement again.
Likewise. The question was of no consequence. You should have been able to figure out my meaning from the context. That is your own fault for being either of illiterate or nit-picking and being a jackass.

How is it a fuck up to imply that the readers are winners? You NEVER implied the readers would gain something, you simply mentioned both parties.

Go back. Re-read. Find your fuck-up. Stop wasting my time, savage.
The man parodied my progression! Oh wow! That was cool! Very unique!

Friend, I have already explained this dumb ass winner shit that you are being an idiot about.

MY ORIGINAL COMMENT: "There will be no "winner", because the match would have been decided well ahead of time, but still, a good time can be had by both those participating and those spectating, depending on attitudes."

YOUR RESPONSE: "No winner? I would say the fans (in this case the readers) are winners...IF they are smart enough to read with an open mind and educate themselves further."

Having already said 'winner'--a clear realization that 'winner' in this sense meant not a victory, but having a good time--you'd have to be a fucking idiot to then RE-ITERATE what I said and infer that I left something out.

Just plain ignorance. And here you are, thinking this segment can still be won. This is exactly what you get for starting arguments about fickle shit.

Actually, you were the one who opened the doors for tv by quoting someone who was on tv and using your Ric Flair analogy. Your price comparison is not relevant.
Friend, sitcoms are TV shows. Wrestling is something that exists independent of television or cameras. And "quoting someone who was on tv"? You can do better than that.

Price is extremely relevant. Again, because you are simple, I will explain.

"IMHO most people are useless and using cool words, cliches and catch-phrases only makes it worse. I compare it to the cracker and nigger sitcoms that want to be cool and hip. They are not cool or funny. Useless." -- Your comment.

Here, you are comparing the Internet to TV. And I am letting you know that TV comes at a price, and the internet more or less, doesn't. TV has a higher standard than these internets, and it comes at a price. The counterbalance to that should be that, if you are going to pick this site out of many, the least you can do is not be yet another Conformist Liberal simpleton with a 4000 word active vocabulary.

There is also the Time is Money angle, and you saying this "is my life", if ^^^ is not good enough for you.

You see, thats what I love about laughing at you. I can throw you a bone and like a good lil puppy you go running for it. You give me an analogy of a wrestler (who is close to kicking the bucket any minute now) and how no one is the "winner" yet we may look to your NUMEROUS rants and self-proclamation of "ownage" and being the king of internet arguments. So which is it, zebra? Will you continue to make frail attempts at hiding the fact your life is pathetic, and the only way people give you time of the day is when they read your self serving, archaic lingo? Or will you tell the truth and admit every post you make is in direct violation and contradiction of your life?
Uh...first of all, as it is plain to see, my analogy went right over your head because of your being overzealous and repeating that which i had already said. Not to mention, your Heel/Face question was equally unimportant.

As far as me beating and smashing on you, friend, that is because you have been quitting and deleting threads. A conversation that ends in "agree to disagree" can fairly be called a tie. The other man pussing out and refusing to reply, or just deleting the whole conversation, is a clear indication that he has been ravaged and humiliated.

Which reminds me, how can you make the claim to be POOR yet also make the claim you are living the american dream?
A sad example of how out of touch with reality you really are.

Friend--coming from Welfare background and a family with few educational/professional goals to speak of, to being lower-middle class and attending university getting an A- average....friend, this is the American Dream in its median stages. The last part comes after I graduate, get a great job, and start my family off FROM the Middle-Class level, rather than struggling my whole life to achieve it.

This, you don't understand. According to you and your perverted psychological analyses, i should be living under a bridge by now. You would love to know that I was only holding on by a thread, but in truth, the whole rope is still there. And i'm not staying in place, yelling "HELP ME ! I'M A VICTIM! HELP!!"--I am climbing that son of a bitch, where a weaker man like you lacks the courage to do so.

So now that you have an INFINITE amount of websites at your disposal, you acquire an online persona and bore us all to death. All because you pay a couple of bucks less for internet than cable.... :hurt:

This is your life.
Yes, friend. We will go with that.

The only bores here, friend, are you and your Leftist buddies that have turned this forum into a place without an ounce of steady opposition. You have destroyed this place and turned it into a Left-wing meeting place rather than a place to converse and discuss.

Understand: where I go, excitement and thread views follow. You can either accept this, or not accept this. I don't care.

I am on republican and democrat attack mode ALL of the time. Let me set it to you straight nigger. Once and for all so your watermelon eating hide can understand it. I do not give a shit about your cooning-conservatives and your dancing-jig democrats. Both can go to hell fifteen times backwards, and I wouldn't mind you taking the trip with them.
These rantings and cliches having been are still on Republican attack mode 95% of the time.

If you were REALLY as sincere as you want us all to believe, you would be attacking Congressman Murtha for being a turn-coat, and denouncing the Tom DeLay trial right now for all its inconsistencies and lack of evidence. You attack neither of these, because you are a liar and a fake.

Why do you constantly bring other people into your battles? Who is cmoke that I should consider him? Who are you that I should consider you and your "veteran" status? You are a vet, and? I should respect you and your b.s. because of your self proclamation? LOL!
There is no proclamation about it. it is the truth.

Cmoke posted in this very thread, and he and I had exchanges. It is beyond fair to allow his name to enter my comments. It is not that I am on another forum and saying this man's name for no reason.

I do not find humor in your "condition" my, friend.
I am sure, sport.

Gay jokes...Woman jokes...what other puerile banter will you come up with?

Finally you admit the truth!
Not really.
Apr 8, 2005
# 1
dont make it seem one sided, evolutionists attack religion in schools just as much as religion nuts attack evolution in school

because some americans dont share your veiwpoints dont call them dumb, religion may come off as a non proved fairytale to you but some have seen the works of a higher force.

just a question, what does americas number of engineers have to do with a science teachers explanation of how humans and planets got here?
Oct 28, 2005
HERESY said:
This is coming from someone who speaks (types) in out-dated kings language and can't tell if he is coming or going.
Friend, I include out-dated/odd language (caitiff, dolt) because it is interesting, the same way people who use Latin/Foreign phrases (ex posto facto, raison d'etre) have their own way. The bulk of what I say would be understood by anyone with a high school education.

Why are you constantly mentioning other people? Why do ALWAYS have someone elses name in your mouth (or rolling off your fingers?) Thats what BITCHES do.
See just above, with the modification that, although not having engaged me in this very thread, ColdBlooded is a regular on this very forum, and surely will see and browse through this thread and these comments.

I was actually giving the man a compliment, by the way. So why you'd want to act like a gossipy little snitch about it, I have no idea.

I would have you know that Gabby Jay is 0-99 and I have a 9 second record for beating him. Now Nick Bruiser thats another story...

Like the majority of your posts. I am glad we have a common ground now. But, do feel free to type a long drawn out compare and contrast chart. I want you to waste your time telling teh board how we are totally different.
There is no need. It is evident.

You run off at the mouth, get checked, then cower and hide before the conversation has run its course. -- I type statements, get called on them, and am not afraid to stand my ground until the conclusion.

No really.
Seriously...Not really.

Can you be honest for once? You made it a point to stick out your chest and play "tough guy" only after a certain response was posted.

This is your life.
I repeat: "it can be easily discerned that you are miserable here"

It is sad that you keep saying this "This is your life" stuff, half-expecting me to yell out "Oh YeaH?!?! Well i'll prove it isn't by leaving for a month!", so you and your E-Buddies could have your E-Clubhouse all to yourself.

On the one hand, trying everything to persuade me to leave; on the other, swearing that you are the one who isn't in love with the internet and making e-friends. It just doesn't add up.

And, if I do so what? That gives you the ability to proudly proclaim "I AM THE KING OF INTERNET ARGUEMENTS NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME"---not even realizing YOU were the one who made retarded claims that needed to be addressed. Stop typing dumb shit and the topics will stay on point. However, I believe you often say dumb shit just so you can steer the convo away and create red herrings and straw man arguments.
Only a retard would put out as much effort as you are right now to refute a retarded claim.

This topic WAS already on point. I was having exchanges with all of Cmoke, Hutch AND Funk about Evolution. Then you decided to be an attention whore and ask me a question that was completely off topic, knowing your eventual goal was to lure me into an argument.

Again this is your life.
See the previous, attention whore.

This is "my life", and yet and still, you would do anything to be a part of it, including interrupting relevant conversations already in progress to ask retarded questions and draw me into senseless arguments.

I replied to the thread BEFORE I accidently deleted it. The mod DOES have the ability to bring the thread back. Please go back and READ my statements, nigglet. I REPLIED to rest of your B.S., deleted the thread by accident and asked the mod if it could be saved.
Just because you keep repeating it, it doesn't mean it's true, champion.

Option 4: You're an idiot for not reading what was typed.
THOUSANDS of posts, and COUNTLESS years here....and the thread was deleted. It DOES NOT ADD UP.

Actually, it is not the first time, and I had TWO that day.
You're REALLY a bumblefuck then.

Hmmm...making an honest mistake on purpose? For you to be the king of net arguments you are great at creating oxymorons.
*sigh*...thus the reason it was ironic. Try and keep up, sport.

Bumblefuck? Is that a word from your "white" side, mulatto?
If you said it, then it must be true.

The mistake was made, and I made attempts to rectify it as soon as it happened. The mod can verify.
I'm sure he can verify that you "accidentally" deleted it. Except for the small fact that he can't.

That the thread was deleted is not a question; it no longer exists. The reason for your deletion, however, is definitely up for speculation, you having already ran away from one argument just recently.

Why wouldn't it happen? You are correct it was me, but a very unimportant person (YOU) constantly replied to it, is still eager to reply to it, and is still ranting on how he can no longer reply to it.
Because you told me not to reply until you were done. Rather than being a disrespectful asshole like you would have done, I decided to respect your wish and save the contents in a text file. That text file is now taking up space on my hard drive, and I would rather prefer those words to be on Siccness' server instead.

Your word jugglery, foreseeable shenanigans and low self esteem are a hindrance to yourself. Because your life is such a wreak, you will have nothing better to do than read this post twenty times back to back and reply with a retort only you will find comical. My proper assessment will fly over your head, and you will continue to think you are in control of this situation. By all means continue to remain oblvious to the facts, for it provides me with the chance to remind myself that you're simply a monkey looking for acceptance.
"Monkey"..."Zebra"..."Nigglet"...friend, if anybody is having troubles with self-esteem, it would be you. I call you race-neutral terms; you call me racially-charged ones. It is plain to see that you have been brainwashed by the White Man to hate your own kind.

Friend, you were never in charge of this exchange. Not at a single moment. You are too lowly and simple to hold such a position. I will always be your superior.

I do not see how you can claim to be the sharpest knife in the drawer but not understand my sarcasm...
Ditto, sir.

I understood exactly what you said...and didn't care. I thought my own sarcastic reply would be the end of it, the two having canceled each other out, but alas, here you are, bitching anew about something that makes no nevermind.

It is not the first time and won't be the last. Countless years and thousands of posts, and you STILL don't get any respect from anyone here. Spare us the "I don't need respect" speech, lizard. No one gives a shit about you online or off, but the only way you can satisfy your lack of attention is on a rap message board chalk full of zombies and coons promoting buffoonery.

This is your life not mine. your words. Look at you. You are just overloaded with pain and suffering, and will do anything to take the attention off of your own failures and issues.

"No one gives a shit about you online or off"--Do you see these things? These are just pathetic. Add to that calling my mother a whore, implying my dad molested me,'re just low. You're beyond pathetic. Nothing is too outrageous or infantile for you to blurt out, if you think it will hurt someone's feelings, whether it has a basis in reality or not.

You have nearly 5000 posts, BTW. You ought to be a little more conservative with that "your life" stuff.

If I had implied you had lesbian sex with them it would be.
...Still not funny.

But let us take this thread for another spin.

(good fricking lord, my internet is pissing me off....)
Oct 28, 2005
"Friend, you were never in charge of this exchange. Not at a single moment. You are too lowly and simple to hold such a position. I will always be your superior."

"This topic WAS already on point. I was having exchanges with all of Cmoke, Hutch AND Funk about Evolution. Then you decided to be an attention whore and ask me a question that was completely off topic, knowing your eventual goal was to lure me into an argument."

"As far as me beating and smashing on you, friend, that is because you have been quitting and deleting threads. A conversation that ends in "agree to disagree" can fairly be called a tie. The other man pussing out and refusing to reply, or just deleting the whole conversation, is a clear indication that he has been ravaged and humiliated."

"The problem is, you are a quitter. You have no principles. Once you realize that the tide is turning in my favor (and it always does), you will immediately exclaim that this post is now "boring" and "a waste of time"; then you'll throw out a few quips, and set-up a scenario where I'm a loser if i reply; and then you'll quit. This is the way you operate.

"I am a full-time college student, getting the best grades of my life, studying abroad on the government's dime, learning and adapting to a new culture, with countless opportunities waiting for me when i get back......and here you are, some depressed faggy guy sitting at home, working his 9-5 being the White Man's bitch every day, trying to rain on my parade. How anyone can not see right through your act is beyond me.

There is the cliff notes
Jun 17, 2004
Dirty Shoez said:
Lmao. You need to one yourself after that one..........

"The hominids are the members of the biological family Hominidae (the great apes), which includes humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans."

What a fucking IDIOT you are! Have you EVER taken a goddamned class on Biological Anthropology, or are you just running off at the fucking mouth thinking your Liberalism will somehow make up for your SEVERE lack of knowledge on this subject?

Talk about a stupid ass statement that can't be re-worded or elaborated on to save your ass......

Friend, see above. You're a man who doesn't believe that the current theory is that man comes from apes. You must think we came from Monkeys or something...LMAO!!!
Nice work you're a complete fookin space cadet.

Do you have ANY CLUE what the fuck you're talking about??? Theres nothing wrong with my statement, THERE IS NO THEORY THAT STATES MAN CAME FROM AN APE, you fooking dumbass the theory is that we share a common ancestor with all apes, what does "The Great Apes" have anything to do with that? fucktard. you know NOTHING about Biological Anthropology why are you even trying to chat about it?

"I don't believe evolution because i don't think man came from an ape, even though theres no theory that states this" and "I dont even know what Microevolution is but I'll pretend like i do"= COMPLETE FUCKTARD and obvious BUSH SUPPORTER

I also like how you ignored the rest of my post because you thought you "sonned" me with the "The Great Apes" thing, please don't ever respond to my posts again when you...
1)Know NOTHING about the subject,
2)When you cannot explain or refuse to counteract parts of my argument,
3)Try to argue the same stupid shit that I already explained,
4)If you honestly think evolution states that man came from an ape in the first place, in which case you should realize this isn't what ANY evolutionist is arguing so what the fuck are you trying to disprove then? Your own idiotic misconception?

Please stop saying the same rhetorical dumbass uneducated shit and come back to me when you have acquired some knowledge on the subject at hand. I've argued with this Creationist Vs. Evolutionist thing many a times and although most Creationists just like to use the Bible as a reliable text there are some with some very good arguments but you sir, you're not one of them you're just very misled and confused.
Oct 28, 2005
Dirty Shoez said:
"The problem is, you are a quitter. You have no principles. Once you realize that the tide is turning in my favor (and it always does), you will immediately exclaim that this post is now "boring" and "a waste of time"; then you'll throw out a few quips, and set-up a scenario where I'm a loser if i reply; and then you'll quit. This is the way you operate.

U mad?
Oct 28, 2005
FunK-3-FivE said:
Nice work you're a complete fookin space cadet.

Do you have ANY CLUE what the fuck you're talking about??? Theres nothing wrong with my statement, THERE IS NO THEORY THAT STATES MAN CAME FROM AN APE, you fooking dumbass the theory is that we share a common ancestor with all apes, what does "The Great Apes" have anything to do with that? fucktard. you know NOTHING about Biological Anthropology why are you even trying to chat about it?

"Man didn't come from an Ape you retard, there is NO evolutionary theory that states this. fuckin edu-ma-cate yourself."

Man is an ape. Man came from apes. Man shares a common ancestor with apes.

You're a fucking idiot if you deny that ANY 1/3 OF THIS is not the CURRENT LEADING THEORY about Man and his origins.

"you know NOTHING about Biological Anthropology" -- Speak for yourself, pimp.

"I don't believe evolution because i don't think man came from an ape, even though theres no theory that states this" and "I dont even know what Microevolution is but I'll pretend like i do"= COMPLETE FUCKTARD and obvious BUSH SUPPORTER
Not that that makes any kind of fucking sense AT ALL, but OK!

I also like how you ignored the rest of my post because you thought you "sonned" me with the "The Great Apes" thing, please don't ever respond to my posts again when you...
1)Know NOTHING about the subject,
2)When you cannot explain or refuse to counteract parts of my argument,
3)Try to argue the same stupid shit that I already explained,
4)If you honestly think evolution states that man came from an ape in the first place, in which case you should realize this isn't what ANY evolutionist is arguing so what the fuck are you trying to disprove then? Your own idiotic misconception?
Uh...already covered this. This is the part you are mad that i didn't respond to:

"And for the millionth fucking time there is no turning point, half-way mark, missing link species. we've gone over this, why the fook are you still trying to disprove a misconception..?"

Looks like you and my Ph.D-holding Biological Anthropology Professor disagree. I think I know who i'll side with though.

Please stop saying the same rhetorical dumbass uneducated shit and come back to me when you have acquired some knowledge on the subject at hand. I've argued with this Creationist Vs. Evolutionist thing many a times and although most Creationists just like to use the Bible as a reliable text there are some with some very good arguments but you sir, you're not one of them you're just very misled and confused.
Lmao....and if you said it, then it must be true.

I don't need the Bible to prove how much of a fucking jackass you are, and to make you make elementary mistakes like saying Man didn't come from Apes, which is EXACTLY what Darwinian Evolution states.
Mar 9, 2005
Wow, I’ve been away from this board for far too long. Still, I’ve finally handed up my thesis and now I’m on holidays for the next 2 months so woohoo!

Dirty Shoez said:
It appears you are wrong. I do not assume it; I BELIEVE it. Only to Liberals is humility and surrender to a higher authority a bad thing.
God is in no way a higher authority. Brainwashed are those who surrender to an ancient scripture without it having any basis in reality

Dirty Shoez said:
Gee, i don't know champion. Maybe because the only thing that can even be considered to have changed from one species to another is some fricking bacteria, and yet, you are trying to extend this to ALL life on the planet with more than, say, 3 cells?

It doesn't work that way. The same way Liberals would SWEAR ON ALL THAT IS HOLY, that if every American, period, were allowed to vote (prisoners, immigrants, EVERYONE), that Democrats would win every election.

Yet when the REAL polls come out, even when there's 120 MILLION votes (a full 40% of the population), this is rejected and proclaimed inaccurate. want to take the equivalent of 5-10 voters, and apply their choices to another 300 million people? Holy shit, talk about a fascist dictatorship.
The only thing that can be considered to have changed from one species to another is a bacteria? LMFAO! Yes, I am extending this to every organism on this earth with more than 3 cells (well, more than one cell actually). Your analogy with liberals in no way supports your argument – what does the mind of a liberal have to do with evolution? You can’t compare evolution with any statement made by man, we are renown for talking shit. You must study far too much philosophy – soon you’ll tell me that gravity doesn’t really exist and that, for all the examples we’ve seen, applying gravity to the rest of the universe is flawed because ‘observing the effects of gravity in 100 billion celestial bodies and applying it to 1,000 trillion celestial bodies is a fascist dictatorship’.

Dirty Shoez said: were around 3 million years ago? Thats might want to get that checked out. I'm pretty sure you should have died by now.
Now you’re telling me that, because these middle-species aren’t alive today that they didn’t exist. That is the lamest argument I’ve heard in a long time. Let me get this right - in order for you to believe in evolution, you want me to arrive at your door with several cages containing live specimens at various evolutionary points between man and ape?

Dirty Shoez said:
And it is. Only the most looniest of religious people would look at a pile of bones and construct models of monsters and beasts in their mind that "used to roam the earth, doing X, Y and Z" and have the people eat it up.
Again, you consider paleontology a pseudo-science because you can’t see how people can find bones and reconstruct images of what these creatures would have looked like. You’re obviously not studying science because it is not really that hard. Do you go to museums, look at a fully reconstructed model of a T. rex and say to yourself – ‘T. rex never looked like that – I don’t know how they can put the bones together in such a precise way to come up with this image of T. rex’.

Dirty Shoez said:
In your Scientific faith, you believe 0+0=1. That is pure insanity. Yet in your Scientific faith, you also believe it is completely insane for someone to think God or Heaven exists, not having seen the proof.

For your people, believing in crazy shit is "logical" and "progressive"; for religious people, its "backwards" and the result of being "brainwashed". You need to look in the mirror.
Admit it - you are just another religious nutter. You claim that, based on my scientific faith, 0+0=1. Explain to me why the theory of the big bang is literally impossible whilst the theory of some ‘God-force’ creating the universe out of thin air is, however improbable, not impossible. Listen to yourself, can’t you feel the shit pouring out of your mouth? Of all the things we’ve discovered and explained in science – gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, quantum electrodynamics, the mathematical elegance of the special and general theories of relativity, Doppler shifting and microwave background radiation, all based on observation and, yes, speculation, you claim that science cannot explain anything but yet your mysterious God, with no evidence that he has ever existed, can explain it? That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. It is obvious to everyone who reads this post that X+0= the big bang and 0+0= ‘God created everything’. You need to look into the mirror my friend, and you will see that it is you who is being brainwashed! I believe in DNA because I’ve seen it through an electron microscope – you can’t tell me that you’ve ever seen God (and if you do then not only are you brainwashed, but you are a brainwashed liar)

Dirty Shoez said:
No shit, which is why the Big bang was impossible. Yet, without the Big Bang, evolution falls apart. Why? Because we MUST know where the first cell came from, where the earth came from, and so on. This is where evolution fails, because it presupposes a belief that 0+0=1.
Why must we know where the first cell came from whereas we don't even need to know whether God exists?

Dirty Shoez said:
You are insane to believe that 0+0=1. That is the reality of the situation. In fact, I am going to make a new post about it with a poll.
Well done, thats showed me! You're a joke - in what way does that post refute my argument? You are basing that on your assumptions that (a) science: 0+0=1 and religion X+0=1, and that assumption is fatally flawed. The reverse is infact true.

Dirty Shoez said:
I repeat: This is coming from a man that believes 0+0=1. Your entire scientific faith is founded upon an IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBILITY; my religious faith is founded upon a RELATIVE IMPOSSIBILITY. The greater madman, verily, is YOU.
I like how your answer to several of my arguments is ‘this coming from a man who thinks 0+0=1’. If you decided to use your brain for once, you would realise that your religious faith is based upon an impossible impossibility and that scientific faith is based upon an improbably impossibility. As I stated above, it is you who believes that 0+0=1, and no argument you can put forth will change that.

Dirty Shoez said:
'Your god is the thing that occupies your mind most of the day.' -- Either you have a refutation of this, an alternate version, or you do not have shit. But accusing this concept of not existing is about the most pathetic thing i have ever seen. Almost as ridiculous as the other day when some foreigner told me Desktop Calendars didn't exist.
(7) Regarding your obsolete concept of ‘whatever occupies your mind most of the day is god’, all I can say is – what? I clearly said that, and I quote: ‘I don’t see how the concepts ‘continual existence’ has any relevance to this argument’, and you reply by accusing me of refuting the existence of the concept. Did I say that? No.

I don’t see how you can consider yourself the king of internet arguing. You are good at arguing, I’ll give you that, but your arguments themselves are rather pathetic. I would like a few things from you – first, please outline the evidence provided by your professor which refutes Darwinism. Second, explain to me exactly why you think that, with all the observation and experimentation, construction, modification and development of new theories to explain these observations etc. that science: 0+0=1 whereas religion: X+0=1.
Nov 21, 2005
I think humans are evolving....
But not everyone is moving foward.
Some of us are evoling foward....
and evoling into something greater.
And some people are going backwards.

For Example... I am evoling into a vampire.
But most people will reamin a mere human.

I now do what others only DREAM. I make art till someone dies. :)
May 10, 2002

dirty shoez: its obvious that you, get off, on this shit but seriously what have u accomplished other then typing a large ammount of bullshit on a website forum...what have u really done? nothing. congradulations you won the unltimate internet forum championship of the world!!!

to celebrate maybe u should try evolving your pathetic opinions and speaches to somone that might actually give a fuck or actually take time to sift through the countless dissections of paragraph after paragraph, furthermore by simply doing so in itself is the very thing that makes you as pathetic as your're on the world wide web WWW, try exiting your house and speaking like you do here to ppl on the street....youll find that the response from ppl might be a little different, such as knocking some teeth down your throat. TROLL
Oct 28, 2005
God is in no way a higher authority. Brainwashed are those who surrender to an ancient scripture without it having any basis in reality
God is not a scripture, friend. God is a philosophy and a way of life.
The only thing that can be considered to have changed from one species to another is a bacteria? LMFAO! Yes, I am extending this to every organism on this earth with more than 3 cells (well, more than one cell actually). Your analogy with liberals in no way supports your argument – what does the mind of a liberal have to do with evolution?
I have already explained how. If you don't know how, then you need to go back and re-read it.

And might i add, why don't you exercise some actual thought and try to elaborate upon it, or refute it, or what have you? Why be a lazy sack of shit and simply proclaim it not relevant?
You can’t compare evolution with any statement made by man, we are renown for talking shit. You must study far too much philosophy – soon you’ll tell me that gravity doesn’t really exist and that, for all the examples we’ve seen, applying gravity to the rest of the universe is flawed because ‘observing the effects of gravity in 100 billion celestial bodies and applying it to 1,000 trillion celestial bodies is a fascist dictatorship’.
Fried, celestial bodies are very similar. They are nothing but stars, stars and more stars, all at different stages of their same lives, be they Helium/Hydrogen, or with Carbon, or otherwise.

Comparing the advancement of a one-celled bacteria to a multi-trillionaire Human, on the other hand, is just plain ridiculous.
Now you’re telling me that, because these middle-species aren’t alive today that they didn’t exist. That is the lamest argument I’ve heard in a long time. Let me get this right - in order for you to believe in evolution, you want me to arrive at your door with several cages containing live specimens at various evolutionary points between man and ape?
The first of many instances of spinning the argument by changing and replacing my words to fit your own purposes.

Your comment: "Take, for example, Australopithicus afarensis, which lived approximately 3 million years ago."

My response: " were around 3 million years ago? Thats might want to get that checked out. I'm pretty sure you should have died by now."

Sport, the underlying question in my comment is, "What about Australopithicus afarensis?" You need to understand that we don't have an UNBROKEN CHAIN of species going back (Bet you wish i didn't know that, huh?). What we have is a bunch of "species" that are placed all over, some here some there, & then we just kind of pick-and-choose which way we prefer the order to have gone. That's not science.

Once you can solidify ONE PATH back from HUMAN to APE, then you might have something. Until have nothing.
Again, you consider paleontology a pseudo-science because you can’t see how people can find bones and reconstruct images of what these creatures would have looked like. You’re obviously not studying science because it is not really that hard. Do you go to museums, look at a fully reconstructed model of a T. rex and say to yourself – ‘T. rex never looked like that – I don’t know how they can put the bones together in such a precise way to come up with this image of T. rex’.
Friend, is there something you're not understanding about the prefix PSEUDO-? It is science, YES, but it is also a PSEUDO-SCIENCE because WE ARE NOT ABLE TO PROVE ANYTHING! We are ONLY able to speculate with educated guesses on what might have been. That is NOT science.

Adding 2 and 2 = SCIENCE.

Predicting that mixing chemical X with Y will make an explosion under Z circumstance = SCIENCE.

Looking at a pile of bones and constructing a model of Animal ABC that ate plants and slept 17 hours a day = PSEUDO-SCIENCE.

Admit it - you are just another religious nutter. You claim that, based on my scientific faith, 0+0=1. Explain to me why the theory of the big bang is literally impossible whilst the theory of some ‘God-force’ creating the universe out of thin air is, however improbable, not impossible.
Talk about being oblivious.

If you believe God created the Universe, then you don't NEED to believe that science functions 100% of the time, or that things MUST have a beginning and end. Life IS ALLOWED to exist in perpetuity.

In science, these things ARE NOT POSSIBLE. EVERYBODY DIES. SOMEONE creates EVERYONE. NOBODY exists independent of a CREATOR (I.E. Parents).

The Big Bang IS IMPOSSIBLE because you CANNOT explain where this original matter came from. Thus, the 1 in the equasion, CANNOT EXIST.

0 (matter that didn't exist) + 0 (a force that didn't exist) = 1 (the universe today)

This is the Big Bang theory. Accept it. Don't accept it. I don't care. It is the REALITY.

0 (matter that didn't exist) + X (a force that may or may not exist) = 1 (the universe today)

This is the way it works, sport. Given your absolute belief in science, you'd have to be a lunatic to believe that a non-existant proverbial hand can simply snap its non-existant fingers, and thus, we exist. Completely fucking loony. As Unscientific as they come.

Listen to yourself, can’t you feel the shit pouring out of your mouth?
Can you feel the despair and frustration pouring out of your own?

Of all the things we’ve discovered and explained in science – gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, quantum electrodynamics, the mathematical elegance of the special and general theories of relativity, Doppler shifting and microwave background radiation, all based on observation and, yes, speculation, you claim that science cannot explain anything but yet your mysterious God, with no evidence that he has ever existed, can explain it? That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. It is obvious to everyone who reads this post that X+0= the big bang and 0+0= ‘God created everything’. You need to look into the mirror my friend, and you will see that it is you who is being brainwashed! I believe in DNA because I’ve seen it through an electron microscope – you can’t tell me that you’ve ever seen God (and if you do then not only are you brainwashed, but you are a brainwashed liar)
See above, sir. You can't even explain why my theory is the opposite; you just proclaim it thus & continue ranting. Not very scientific of you AT ALL.


Why must we know where the first cell came from whereas we don't even need to know whether God exists?
You tell me. God doesn't need to exist for you to be a lunatic that believes 0+0=1.

God revealing Himself to us all would be an excercise in futility. Simple logic dictates that He does in fact exist. It is up to YOU to prove He DOESN'T.
Well done, thats showed me! You're a joke - in what way does that post refute my argument? You are basing that on your assumptions that (a) science: 0+0=1 and religion X+0=1, and that assumption is fatally flawed. The reverse is infact true.
Remember that part about you changing my words to fit your own argument? It really is a slimy thing to do. Friend: BBT = 0+0=1. NOT Science.

Try again, & this time try not to lie.

I like how your answer to several of my arguments is ‘this coming from a man who thinks 0+0=1’. If you decided to use your brain for once, you would realise that your religious faith is based upon an impossible impossibility and that scientific faith is based upon an improbably impossibility. As I stated above, it is you who believes that 0+0=1, and no argument you can put forth will change that.
I have already put forth the argument that puts you in your place & you are incapable of coming out of it.

You instead cower and hide & blurt out "NUH UH!! THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE!! CUZ I SED SO!!" -- You are incapable of explaining why the reverse is true. You simply say it & expect everyone to go along with you. Verily it is a cowardly way of arguing.

(7) Regarding your obsolete concept of ‘whatever occupies your mind most of the day is god’, all I can say is – what? I clearly said that, and I quote: ‘I don’t see how the concepts ‘continual existence’ has any relevance to this argument’, and you reply by accusing me of refuting the existence of the concept. Did I say that? No.
Friend, it is relevant because it is hilarious.

We all have a God. Period. Fact of life. That you cannot accept this & squirm at such a proposal is hilarious to me & further demonstrates that 0+0 logic flies RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD. As such it is of much consequence. I have thus proven on 2 separate occasions that you are incapable of comprehending simple logic.
I don’t see how you can consider yourself the king of internet arguing. You are good at arguing, I’ll give you that, but your arguments themselves are rather pathetic.
Or rather concrete & insurmountable. We'll go with either one.
I would like a few things from you – first, please outline the evidence provided by your professor which refutes Darwinism.
Don't be rude, now. Show some manners. If you want something out of me, you need to contribute first. Anything less would be an admission that you care not what I have to say but simply want more material to work with.
Second, explain to me exactly why you think that, with all the observation and experimentation, construction, modification and development of new theories to explain these observations etc. that science: 0+0=1 whereas religion: X+0=1.
See just above. It is pathetic you would transform BBT into Science thinking nobody would notice. And then you have the nerve to call ME a "joke".
May 13, 2002
In science, these things ARE NOT POSSIBLE. EVERYBODY DIES. SOMEONE creates EVERYONE. NOBODY exists independent of a CREATOR (I.E. Parents).

The Big Bang IS IMPOSSIBLE because you CANNOT explain where this original matter came from. Thus, the 1 in the equasion, CANNOT EXIST.

0 (matter that didn't exist) + 0 (a force that didn't exist) = 1 (the universe today)
There are those that believe the universe has always existed, no begging and no end. The big bang theory fits in nicely; basically the universe is infinitely expanding and collapsing. Currently the universe is expanding, eventually it will reach a point where all the dark matter will “pull” everything back, collapsing to a point so tiny and so dense (a gravitational singularity) that eventually it will explode again, a continuous cycle of collapse (Big Crunch) and expansion (Big Bang), (as simple as I can possibly put it).

This of course would not rule out the big bang as being impossible. If matter has always existed then there needs not be a creator.

Even if we cannot prove what happened before the big bang, this does not disprove it, it simply means we are missing data.

It’s like seeing a hammer fall from the sky. You observed it falling but you didn’t see where it came from. This does not disprove the theory of gravity; it simply means you’re not certain where the object came from (missing data).

There is a whole lot of evidence for the big bang and no one thus far has been able to disprove the theory. There are some unknowns (dark energy, dark matter, etc.), but the theory still stands. Obviously your statement on this message board has not changed that, if it did, I’m sure you could win some sort of physics prize.

What’s interesting is that we can currently observe the evolution of stars and galaxies with our enormous telescopes. We already know that within the star-stuff lies all the necessary elements found in life, yet we have people like you who dismiss these elements as being responsible for life on earth simply because you're not sold on the big bang theory. We can observe evolution here on earth and yet you dismiss it because 0+0≠1.
Oct 28, 2005
Cmoke said:

dirty shoez: its obvious that you, get off, on this shit but seriously what have u accomplished other then typing a large ammount of bullshit on a website forum...what have u really done? nothing. congradulations you won the unltimate internet forum championship of the world!!!
Let's see.

I think faster and speak better.
I give better, more empassioned speeches.
I write more concrete, organized essays.
I'm more able to prove a point when I need to do so.
My active vocabulary has gone WAY up.

Shall I go on?

When you type like a little kid (like you), no, there isn't much it can translate to outside of the internet. When you are on your game with just about every post (like me), you have no problems stepping your game up. It becomes a habit.

Both of us belong on the internet, friend; you on myspace, and me on political boards. That about sums up our internet existances. There is no need to play the "leave your house" card.

to celebrate maybe u should try evolving your pathetic opinions and speaches to somone that might actually give a fuck or actually take time to sift through the countless dissections of paragraph after paragraph
As soon as i figure out how to evolve "to" someone, maybe I will give that a shot.

furthermore by simply doing so in itself is the very thing that makes you as pathetic as your're on the world wide web WWW, try exiting your house and speaking like you do here to ppl on the street....youll find that the response from ppl might be a little different, such as knocking some teeth down your throat. TROLL
I would say the same thing for you and your ignorant babble being used on an Essay.

When we are given as much time as we are given on these message boards, there is no real way to assume, logically, that this is exactly the way people talk off of them. It makes no sense. Impromptu and Prepared speech are not similar.

What you need to understand is that I don't say words like 'verily' in real life. There would be no reason to, for the same reason it's stupid as shit to say 'muhfucka' on here.

I more than make sense away from the keyboard, sport. It might suprise you to know that in real life, when I speak, people shut up and listen. This is the way it is. I'm sorry you don't know the feeling.

If you would LIKE to know the feeling, maybe you should start trying harder, and in a few months, maybe you'll notice your OWN real-life speech improving and becoming more solidified. Until then, you need to keep your dick-suckers shut. You sound about idiotic thinking I type and speak the same way.
Oct 28, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
There are those that believe the universe has always existed, no begging and no end. The big bang theory fits in nicely; basically the universe is infinitely expanding and collapsing. Currently the universe is expanding, eventually it will reach a point where all the dark matter will “pull” everything back, collapsing to a point so tiny and so dense (a gravitational singularity) that eventually it will explode again, a continuous cycle of collapse (Big Crunch) and expansion (Big Bang), (as simple as I can possibly put it).

This of course would not rule out the big bang as being impossible. If matter has always existed then there needs not be a creator.

Even if we cannot prove what happened before the big bang, this does not disprove it, it simply means we are missing data.
Damn right we are. And in the mean time, you continue to hold the contradictory opinions that, 1) matter created itself, and doesn't need proof, yet 2) God cannot exist without proof.

It’s like seeing a hammer fall from the sky. You observed it falling but you didn’t see where it came from. This does not disprove the theory of gravity; it simply means you’re not certain where the object came from (missing data).
Yet the hammer did not create itself, which is what matters.

I am not arguing Gravity or Chemistry or demonstrable, present-day things like these. I am arguing Evolution, BBT and its associated time-travel partners.

There is a whole lot of evidence for the big bang and no one thus far has been able to disprove the theory. There are some unknowns (dark energy, dark matter, etc.), but the theory still stands. Obviously your statement on this message board has not changed that, if it did, I’m sure you could win some sort of physics prize.

What’s interesting is that we can currently observe the evolution of stars and galaxies with our enormous telescopes. We already know that within the star-stuff lies all the necessary elements found in life, yet we have people like you who dismiss these elements as being responsible for life on earth simply because you're not sold on the big bang theory. We can observe evolution here on earth and yet you dismiss it because 0+0≠1.
Something along those lines.....Yes. People need to understand that the BBT, just like Evolution, is not REQUIRED to be a replacement for God. It CAN BE a supplement.

Matter perpetually existing though, or matter creating cannot honestly believe that these things square with True Science and Logic. They square with faith. Faith alone would declare that matter has existed in perpetuity, without so much as one SHRED of evidence to support it, other than a perceived expansion of the universe.