Amerikans are getting dumber by the year: Majority reject Evolution.

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Mar 9, 2005
(1) you consider yourself misguided because you have not formally declared a religion. It appears to me that you assume that accepting religion sets you on the path to knowledge. If that is the case, then get off your agnostic arse and pick one.

(2) definitive proof of mans common ancestry with apes isn’t required. The process of evolution is real and is taking place all around us every minute of every day (albeit often too slow to measure). Why are humans different? If every other organism on this Earth evolved from previous species, then what makes human evolution immune to this process? Take, for example, Australopithicus afarensis, which lived approximately 3 million years ago. It shares many phenotypic attributes of the chimpanzee, including body size and skull shape. However, it was also bipedal, and many believe that this was the origin of Homo sapiens. How about Homo erectus? Inhabiting the Earth between 1.8 million and 300,000 years ago, it had a large brain, small generalized teeth, modern arm proportions and a modern hand, was fully bipedal and had long legs, equal to those of Homo sapiens. There are so many to choose from – Australopithecus robustus, Australopithecus boisei, Homo habilis, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo heidelbergensis, each one showing characteristics more and more like modern humans, evolving over a 3 million year period. You require a missing link? Here are several.

(3) In one of Funk-3-Fives previous posts, he stated ‘obviously it's hard to observe things billions of years ago, we can only look at fossils etc. and speculate.’ In reply, you claimed that ‘it is not a science, only a pseudo-scientific faith (i.e. a religion)’. I’m not sure if you’re just really bad at stating your claims, but to me it sounded as though you were saying that looking at fossils (paleontology) is a pseudo-scientific faith, i.e. religion. Ofcourse, you got that wrong too – religion has nothing to do with science – remove the scientific from that statement and you have religion – pseudo.

(4) You obviously failed math because 0+0≠1. Why is it so hard for you to believe in evolution? Are you too good to be part of the animal kingdom? You claim that the chance of the universe being created from nothing and the concept of evolution itself is, as you so eloquently put it, an impossible impossibility. That is rubbish and you know it. All I can gather from that statement is that you are scared of not knowing, you require an explanation for everything, even if you have to resort to ‘God did it’. As DubbC said, “science fills in the gap for the people that care about life, not for people who are so smug who think they know everything”.

(5) your assumption that I do not know the meaning of non-denominational is yet another attempt for you to belittle me. Wow, big words! I bet you sit there and think to yourself (in regards to that statement) ‘wow, that’s deep!’. I stopped smoking marijuana several years ago (and with that most of my philosophical debates), and, although I studied several philosophy topics during my undergrad years, I don’t see how the concepts ‘continual existence’ has any relevance to this argument

(6) I don’t believe God to be a magical figure up in the sky. I am an atheist. Therefore, I do not believe in God at all, regardless of what form you may think ‘HE’ takes. If God is a force to you, then what separates ‘him’ from gravity, electromagnetism or the strong and weak nuclear forces? Why do you impart on him the ability to think, of intelligence beyond that which we have the capacity to understand? This argument of yours makes no sense to me. Please explain, using logic offcourse (and not resorting to religious ramblings)

(7) Finally, I used your phrase, verbatim, because it was ironic. Do you not think that I could have come up with something different if I tried? Is it that, because you are obviously so very wise, that you cannot comprehend someone else utilizing their brain? I admit that I have a lot to learn, but you are certainly not the person to be teaching.

I am unfamiliar with your ‘En serio, fam dog champion’ comment, it sounds funny though. What does it mean, my esteemed colleague? (that ones just for you DS, you laughable little freak). You need to do better than that if you want your petty unintelligible arguments to result in my violation and exposition.
Oct 28, 2005
FunK-3-FivE said:
Man didn't come from an Ape you retard, there is NO evolutionary theory that states this. fuckin edu-ma-cate yourself.
Lmao. You need to one yourself after that one..........

"The hominids are the members of the biological family Hominidae (the great apes), which includes humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans."

What a fucking IDIOT you are! Have you EVER taken a goddamned class on Biological Anthropology, or are you just running off at the fucking mouth thinking your Liberalism will somehow make up for your SEVERE lack of knowledge on this subject?

Talk about a stupid ass statement that can't be re-worded or elaborated on to save your ass......

And for the millionth fucking time there is no turning point, half-way mark, missing link species. we've gone over this, why the fook are you still trying to disprove a misconception..?, a misconception that stupid-fat-americans get after glancing at a progression chart of man and dosing off in science studies. You're going nowhere.
Friend, see above. You're a man who doesn't believe that the current theory is that man comes from apes. You must think we came from Monkeys or something...LMAO!!!

I'm explaining this shit to you and you just keeping comin with same rhetorical 'well those scientists don't know what theyre doing' type-ish, or your dumbass 'wheres the missing link' question, or you just ignore entire chunks of my posts.

You either lied or were misinformed when you stated that you accepted Microevolution as fact... you obviously think otherwise. My point in posting to you in the first place was to prove that one cannot accept Microevolution and not atleast the principal of Macroevolution but accept neither.
Lol, see above. Your entire existance has been officially shitted on.

Don't even talk to me any more until you do some research.

Cmoke said:
your really into this internet arguing shit huh? u sound like a dumbfuck with too much time on your hands.

fact of the matter is you know nothing for certian along with everyone else so you have your beliefs and others have thiers...learn to accept that.
Holy fucking shit, dude. Talk about being a hypocrite ONCE AGAIN.

Why didn't you say this AS YOUR FIRST COMMENT IN THE THREAD? You DO notice the word DUMBER in the title, don't you???

Man, you and Funk both............just leave.

Oct 28, 2005

WE R FRENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hutch said:
(1) you consider yourself misguided because you have not formally declared a religion. It appears to me that you assume that accepting religion sets you on the path to knowledge. If that is the case, then get off your agnostic arse and pick one.
It appears you are wrong. I do not assume it; I BELIEVE it. Only to Liberals is humility and surrender to a higher authority a bad thing.

(2) definitive proof of mans common ancestry with apes isn’t required. The process of evolution is real and is taking place all around us every minute of every day (albeit often too slow to measure). Why are humans different? If every other organism on this Earth evolved from previous species, then what makes human evolution immune to this process?
Gee, i don't know champion. Maybe because the only thing that can even be considered to have changed from one species to another is some fricking bacteria, and yet, you are trying to extend this to ALL life on the planet with more than, say, 3 cells?

It doesn't work that way. The same way Liberals would SWEAR ON ALL THAT IS HOLY, that if every American, period, were allowed to vote (prisoners, immigrants, EVERYONE), that Democrats would win every election.

Yet when the REAL polls come out, even when there's 120 MILLION votes (a full 40% of the population), this is rejected and proclaimed inaccurate. want to take the equivalent of 5-10 voters, and apply their choices to another 300 million people? Holy shit, talk about a fascist dictatorship.

Friend, there is only so much stretching you can do.

Take, for example, Australopithicus afarensis, which lived approximately 3 million years ago. were around 3 million years ago? Thats might want to get that checked out. I'm pretty sure you should have died by now.

It shares many phenotypic attributes of the chimpanzee, including body size and skull shape. However, it was also bipedal, and many believe that this was the origin of Homo sapiens. How about Homo erectus? Inhabiting the Earth between 1.8 million and 300,000 years ago, it had a large brain, small generalized teeth, modern arm proportions and a modern hand, was fully bipedal and had long legs, equal to those of Homo sapiens. There are so many to choose from – Australopithecus robustus, Australopithecus boisei, Homo habilis, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo heidelbergensis, each one showing characteristics more and more like modern humans, evolving over a 3 million year period. You require a missing link? Here are several.
Already learned about them....already had my professor, in a mournful tone, admit that (although he is a leftist), he is not a Darwinist, then explained all the holes in Darwinian Evolution.

I am sorry for this. Darwinism is not enough. You need more.

(3) In one of Funk-3-Fives previous posts, he stated ‘obviously it's hard to observe things billions of years ago, we can only look at fossils etc. and speculate.’ In reply, you claimed that ‘it is not a science, only a pseudo-scientific faith (i.e. a religion)’. I’m not sure if you’re just really bad at stating your claims, but to me it sounded as though you were saying that looking at fossils (paleontology) is a pseudo-scientific faith, i.e. religion.
And it is. Only the most looniest of religious people would look at a pile of bones and construct models of monsters and beasts in their mind that "used to roam the earth, doing X, Y and Z" and have the people eat it up.

A Pile of bones or a skull here and there is not enough. You need more people.

Ofcourse, you got that wrong too – religion has nothing to do with science – remove the scientific from that statement and you have religion – pseudo.
Sure it does, and i have already explained why. You chose to ignore that because you knew it was correct. Here it goes again:

In your Scientific faith, you believe 0+0=1. That is pure insanity. Yet in your Scientific faith, you also believe it is completely insane for someone to think God or Heaven exists, not having seen the proof.

For your people, believing in crazy shit is "logical" and "progressive"; for religious people, its "backwards" and the result of being "brainwashed". You need to look in the mirror.

You believe 0+0=1. I believe X+0=1. That is the only thing that separates us, no matter how you try to frame this debate.

(4) You obviously failed math because 0+0≠1.
No shit, which is why the Big bang was impossible. Yet, without the Big Bang, evolution falls apart. Why? Because we MUST know where the first cell came from, where the earth came from, and so on. This is where evolution fails, because it presupposes a belief that 0+0=1.

Why is it so hard for you to believe in evolution? Are you too good to be part of the animal kingdom? You claim that the chance of the universe being created from nothing and the concept of evolution itself is, as you so eloquently put it, an impossible impossibility. That is rubbish and you know it.
Not really. See above. The fact you aren't even ARGUING IT, and that you're just calling it "rubbish" and personally attacking me is basically the proof it is ANYTHING BUT Rubbish.

You are insane to believe that 0+0=1. That is the reality of the situation. In fact, I am going to make a new post about it with a poll.

All I can gather from that statement is that you are scared of not knowing, you require an explanation for everything, even if you have to resort to ‘God did it’. As DubbC said, “science fills in the gap for the people that care about life, not for people who are so smug who think they know everything”.
I repeat: This is coming from a man that believes 0+0=1. Your entire scientific faith is founded upon an IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBILITY; my religious faith is founded upon a RELATIVE IMPOSSIBILITY. The greater madman, verily, is YOU.

(5) your assumption that I do not know the meaning of non-denominational is yet another attempt for you to belittle me. Wow, big words! I bet you sit there and think to yourself (in regards to that statement) ‘wow, that’s deep!’. I stopped smoking marijuana several years ago (and with that most of my philosophical debates), and, although I studied several philosophy topics during my undergrad years, I don’t see how the concepts ‘continual existence’ has any relevance to this argument
Sounds like a personal problem. I pointed out the word non-denominational because you are still having problems understanding that what i said was not a Christian Fundamentalist concept, but rather a philosophical one.

'Your god is the thing that occupies your mind most of the day.' -- Either you have a refutation of this, an alternate version, or you do not have shit. But accusing this concept of not existing is about the most pathetic thing i have ever seen. Almost as ridiculous as the other day when some foreigner told me Desktop Calendars didn't exist.

(6) I don’t believe God to be a magical figure up in the sky. I am an atheist. Therefore, I do not believe in God at all, regardless of what form you may think ‘HE’ takes. If God is a force to you, then what separates ‘him’ from gravity, electromagnetism or the strong and weak nuclear forces? Why do you impart on him the ability to think, of intelligence beyond that which we have the capacity to understand? This argument of yours makes no sense to me. Please explain, using logic offcourse (and not resorting to religious ramblings)
Surely. As soon as you explain how 0+0=1. Then you can move on to explaining how it is impossible for X to equal 1.

(7) Finally, I used your phrase, verbatim, because it was ironic. Do you not think that I could have come up with something different if I tried? Is it that, because you are obviously so very wise, that you cannot comprehend someone else utilizing their brain? I admit that I have a lot to learn, but you are certainly not the person to be teaching.
Verily I am. I am the king of this Internet argument shit. I am devastating. I want to eat your children.

I am unfamiliar with your ‘En serio, fam dog champion’ comment, it sounds funny though. What does it mean, my esteemed colleague? (that ones just for you DS, you laughable little freak).
It means we r frends. It means I am ur friend, and u r my frend, and between us exists a friendship.

You need to do better than that if you want your petty unintelligible arguments to result in my violation and exposition.
I think you believing 0+0=1 is doing a good enough job in exposing and violating you.
Oct 28, 2005
Not really. Neither is boasting about wanting to eat someone's children, but when I'm being facetious and demonstrating that I am truly enjoying this argument shit, the craziest things are liable to come out.

It's like stepping into the ring with Ric Flair. There will be no "winner", because the match would have been decided well ahead of time, but still, a good time can be had by both those participating and those spectating, depending on attitudes. The same with these boards. There is no "winner"; your performance is all that matters.

If you perform like a snide little bitch, whining about this and that every second, never using any cool words (verily, dolt, etc.) or dropping any funny cliches or catch-phrases ('I am sorry for this') are basically useless. Just another joe with an opinion that you convey in a boring, uninteresting manner. And when you're just another Liberal joe with an opinion...I mean, come on now.

I want people to attack and argue with me, because it makes me laugh and gets my juices flowing. If only you realized how much of my repertoire has come from an impromptu origin.


Apr 25, 2002
Not really. Neither is boasting about wanting to eat someone's children, but when I'm being facetious and demonstrating that I am truly enjoying this argument shit, the craziest things are liable to come out.
Actually, boasting about wanting to eat children is marketable. Think about Tyson and Lynch. When the craziest things do come out are they from you or the other person?

It's like stepping into the ring with Ric Flair. There will be no "winner", because the match would have been decided well ahead of time, but still, a good time can be had by both those participating and those spectating, depending on attitudes. The same with these boards. There is no "winner"; your performance is all that matters.
Let us stick with the wrestling analogy for a moment. Are you a HEEL or a FACE? No winner? I would say the fans (in this case the readers) are winners...IF they are smart enough to read with an open mind and educate themselves further.

If you perform like a snide little bitch, whining about this and that every second, never using any cool words (verily, dolt, etc.) or dropping any funny cliches or catch-phrases ('I am sorry for this') are basically useless.
IMHO most people are useless and using cool words, cliches and catch-phrases only makes it worse. I compare it to the cracker and nigger sitcoms that want to be cool and hip. They are not cool or funny. Useless.

Just another joe with an opinion that you convey in a boring, uninteresting manner.
Most people are uninteresting, but some are able to partake in a fantasy world (the internet) and appear to be the monks, scholars and people of virtue.

And when you're just another Liberal joe with an opinion...I mean, come on now.
Can't the same be said for for the average Conservative carl with opinions?

I want people to attack and argue with me, because it makes me laugh and gets my juices flowing.
Have you considered the people who do attack and argue with you? Do you realize some people will NOT entertain you or provide you with what you seek?

If only you realized how much of my repertoire has come from an impromptu origin.
If you only realized how much of my time has been wasted trying to defeat Seven Force....DAMN!!!
Oct 28, 2005
Friend Heresy, we are still waiting on your response you were supposed to type up to Handcuffed Child thread. You politely asked that I hold off on posting my response (which is saved in a TXT and waiting) until you could finish, and i obliged; now here you are, responding to nonsense.

Prioritize, sir. Prioritize.

HERESY said:
Actually, boasting about wanting to eat children is marketable. Think about Tyson and Lynch. When the craziest things do come out are they from you or the other person?

Let us stick with the wrestling analogy for a moment. Are you a HEEL or a FACE? No winner? I would say the fans (in this case the readers) are winners...IF they are smart enough to read with an open mind and educate themselves further.
Friend, I already said ' no "winner" ', clearly hinting at the fact that no one person officially defeats the other; winner without the quotes would have implied having a good time.

IMHO most people are useless and using cool words, cliches and catch-phrases only makes it worse. I compare it to the cracker and nigger sitcoms that want to be cool and hip. They are not cool or funny. Useless.
That is TV. People pay X amount to access X amount of TV channels, which works out to about 50 cents a channel, give or take. And if you only watch a dozen or so channels, it can work out to a couple dollars for each.

Compare that to the internet, where you might visit hundreds of unique sites every month; and many people access the internet for free. This having been explained, we pay only a fraction of a dollar to be able to access the Siccness each month. -- They are not very comparable.

If you are going to go on this site out of billions, and this message board out of millions, you need to bring something new to the table. And seeing as though no/few women come here, that thing needs a combination of intelligence and entertainment.

For example, so far in your response, you are not entertaining at all. Boring, really.

Most people are uninteresting, but some are able to partake in a fantasy world (the internet) and appear to be the monks, scholars and people of virtue.

Can't the same be said for for the average Conservative carl with opinions?
Not on this board, No.

Have you considered the people who do attack and argue with you? Do you realize some people will NOT entertain you or provide you with what you seek?
Most do, whether they realize it or not. You for example are entertaining me by avoiding the White Schoolgirl thread, and instead, responding to my bullshit here. It lets me know that your whole "I need more time" angle was bullshit, and that really, you were just looking for an out. How can that not amuse me?

In fact....where the fuck did that thread even go? I know i was royally shitting on people left and right, but damn. Now that is TRULY amusing, because there is no way a thread where i was getting stepped all over would get deleted.

So.....whodunnit? 2-0 being politically correct because the word nigger was said about 50+ times? Was it you, afraid you were losing steam and couldn't make a come-back? Or was it some random glitch? Surely it couldn't have been a a glitch.

If you only realized how much of my time has been wasted trying to defeat Seven Force....DAMN!!!
May 10, 2002
off the topic you exit your house? how many hours a day are you in front of a computer screen...i think i can almost picture what you look like but i wont go stereotypical on your ass lol.


Apr 25, 2002
Friend Heresy, we are still waiting on your response you were supposed to type up to Handcuffed Child thread. You politely asked that I hold off on posting my response (which is saved in a TXT and waiting) until you could finish, and i obliged; now here you are, responding to nonsense.

Prioritize, sir. Prioritize.
I did respond, and I will address it later, but maybe you are not a priority...

Why the questionmark, mark?

Friend, I already said ' no "winner" ', clearly hinting at the fact that no one person officially defeats the other; winner without the quotes would have implied having a good time.
I never implied one person was the winner,but I did imply the people are winners and may benefit from the readings.

That is TV.
And this is the internet.

People pay X amount to access X amount of TV channels, which works out to about 50 cents a channel, give or take. And if you only watch a dozen or so channels, it can work out to a couple dollars for each.
Useless information.

Compare that to the internet, where you might visit hundreds of unique sites every month; and many people access the internet for free. This having been explained, we pay only a fraction of a dollar to be able to access the Siccness each month. -- They are not very comparable.
See the above.

If you are going to go on this site out of billions, and this message board out of millions, you need to bring something new to the table.
Is that what you are doing? For a minute I thought you only moaned and groaned about being an ostracized zebra! Thanks for opening my eyes. :cool:

And seeing as though no/few women come here
Do you mean we have no/few women in GOM or on the board? In the GOM I count merceidez and yourself. Hustle doesn't post here anymore...oh wait, CROW! Crow still posts here so that makes a total of three.

For example, so far in your response, you are not entertaining at all.
I am quite honored that my response is a reflection of your life and daily routine.

Damn I must have struck a nerve.

Not on this board, No.
Sure it can Carl.

Most do, whether they realize it or not.
Sure... :rolleyes:

You for example are entertaining me by avoiding the White Schoolgirl thread, and instead, responding to my bullshit here. It lets me know that your whole "I need more time" angle was bullshit, and that really, you were just looking for an out. How can that not amuse me?
Actually, I DID reply. Since I must explain myself to you, I went back to the post where I asked you to wait and tried to add the rest of my response. I was unable to do so because of length and so I made a new reply.

In fact....where the fuck did that thread even go? I know i was royally shitting on people left and right, but damn. Now that is TRULY amusing, because there is no way a thread where i was getting stepped all over would get deleted.
I deleted the thread by accident, and after noticing it I sent a pm to the mod and asked him if he could retrieve it. I also asked if he could do it to WAIT just so I could see if you would make a fuss over it or not. Thanks for proving me correct my predictable sock puppet. Would you like to read the pm? :dead:

Now that is TRULY amusing, because there is no way a thread where i was getting stepped all over would get deleted.
See the above, Mr. Socko.

So.....whodunnit? 2-0 being politically correct because the word nigger was said about 50+ times?
I don't think it was said 50+ times, mud.
Forty nine would be a more reasonable number.

Was it you, afraid you were losing steam and couldn't make a come-back?Surely it couldn't have been a a glitch.
Loosing steam? LOL! I REPLIED to rest of your B.S., deleted the thread by accident and asked the mod if it could be saved. Why do I have to explain myself to my pet?

Have a nice thanksgiving, and tell Will I said hello.
Oct 28, 2005
I did respond, and I will address it later, but maybe you are not a priority...
Sure i was, or you wouldn't be responding comment-by-comment to this meaningless side-bar garbage.

Why the questionmark, mark?
I say a Mike Tyson quote, and then you go into some stupid ass rant about eating children is marketable; and to "Think about Lynch and Tyson" ("well no shit" comes to mind).

You end by asking a question that makes no sense.

I never implied one person was the winner,but I did imply the people are winners and may benefit from the readings.
And it still doesn't matter. What you did was the equivalent of me saying "That girl is kinda tall", and then you adding "Yeah, and she's pretty tall too!"

Go back. Re-read. Find your fuck-up. Stop wasting my time.

And this is the internet.
YOUR Original comment: "I compare it to the cracker and nigger sitcoms that want to be cool and hip."

My Response: "People pay X amount to access X amount of TV channels, which works out to about 50 cents a channel, give or take. And if you only watch a dozen or so channels, it can work out to a couple dollars for each." -- and so on.

If you don't want to talk about TV, then don't bring up TV. This having been pointed out to you, being a smartass about it really isn't helping you much.

Useless information.
It was very useful. It is not my fault you are uncomfortable with your shitty analogies, and that they fall apart under pressure. Me myself, I enjoy taking analogies and running with them, to see how far they can develop. Maybe you're just too closed minded and impatient for this.

See the above.

It is not my fault that you don't understand the difference between paying $.50-1 each channel, for a FINITE amount of TV channels; and paying a fraction of a cent each internet site, for a nearly INFINITE amount of websites. The standards and expectations are nowhere near the same.

Is that what you are doing? For a minute I thought you only moaned and groaned about being an ostracized zebra! Thanks for opening my eyes.
You tell me, friend. You're just like all these other clowns who claim not to be a Democrat or a Republican, yet, you're on Republican attack-mode 95% of the time.

Your funny quips can not save you from your fuck-ups. I am sorry for that. You need to be more careful. I'm not Cmoke or one of these other passers-by, I am a veteran at this shit.

Do you mean we have no/few women in GOM or on the board? In the GOM I count merceidez and yourself. Hustle doesn't post here anymore...oh wait, CROW! Crow still posts here so that makes a total of three. now we're doing that? Cutting sentences in half and making quips out of them? Wow...that's really something.

"Hey Tadou, you mean you're not a Woman? LoL!!!That is so funny!!" -- Not really.

I am quite honored that my response is a reflection of your life and daily routine.
Something along those lines.

You have all the grammar and vocabulary there, but your attitude is not up to par. have none. You sound like watered-down version of ColdBlooded. You're like the Gabby Jay, 20-9 mid-carder I have to run through before I can get to the real competition.

Damn I must have struck a nerve.
Or said something of no consequence...Yes.

Sure it can Carl.
Not really.

Look at yourself, friend. You're all quips and smilies, and it can be easily discerned that you are miserable here and looking for a reason out. Does the pride in you REALLY think I'm just going to suddenly fall apart, and forget how to pull your cards and point out every one of your mistakes?

I give it one more exchange before you loudly proclaim "SINCE THIS IS NOT EVEN ON TOPIC, I AM GOING TO STOP RESPONDING, YOU CAN HAVE THE LAST WORD, BYE :cool: " --- not even realizing YOU were the one who started this dumbfuck exchange, which doesn't even come CLOSE to speaking about the topic.

Actually, I DID reply. Since I must explain myself to you, I went back to the post where I asked you to wait and tried to add the rest of my response. I was unable to do so because of length and so I made a new reply.
Friend, the thread does not exist anymore. Either that, or it is being hidden REALLY well. Or there's always Option 3: you're just flat-out lying. Take your pick.

I deleted the thread by accident, and after noticing it I sent a pm to the mod and asked him if he could retrieve it. I also asked if he could do it to WAIT just so I could see if you would make a fuss over it or not. Thanks for proving me correct my predictable sock puppet. Would you like to read the pm?
Uh....Yeah, there's a good one. Despite your countless years and thousands of posts here, you "accidentally deleted" the thread. So either you're a complete bumblefuck or made an honest mistake on purpose. Neither choice is particularly appealing.

Friend, you can do better than this.

See the above, Mr. Socko.
Likewise, sir. Re-read my post. There is no way a thread would get 'accidentally deleted' if it was a Tadou exposure thread or I was getting dissed by everyone. It just wouldn't happen. But when its you, and a relatively unimportant thread....I could see why you'd want to X it out before you really got in too deep over your head.

I don't think it was said 50+ times, mud.
Forty nine would be a more reasonable number.
And you wonder why i respond with "."

Loosing steam? LOL! I REPLIED to rest of your B.S., deleted the thread by accident and asked the mod if it could be saved. Why do I have to explain myself to my pet?
I repeat: Countless years, thousands of posts, and you "deleted the thread by accident". I smell bullshit.

Have a nice thanksgiving, and tell Will I said hello.
5/10. Hillary or Ashley would have been funnier.


Apr 25, 2002
Sure i was, or you wouldn't be responding comment-by-comment to this meaningless side-bar garbage.
I responded because you easily took the bait. It has nothing to do with priority. I dare not ask why YOU are responding to meaningless side-bar garbage.

I say a Mike Tyson quote, and then you go into some stupid ass rant about eating children is marketable; and to "Think about Lynch and Tyson" ("well no shit" comes to mind).
I have to explain myself to my pet monkey. Both Tyson and Lynch refer to eating children. Both Tyson and Lynch market and promote this to a target audience for money and profit. You on the other hand type it and laugh while others laugh AT you. Do you see the difference now, monkey? When the "craziest things come out" are they from YOU, or do you have the ability to manipulate and make the other person blow a fuse? I know everytime I make a post you're as happy as a coon eating grapes. Wouldn't it be more fun if the person did not know you were getting a kick out of it? Do you understand this or is your skull too thick, zebra?

You end by asking a question that makes no sense.
See the above and please read the original statement again.

And it still doesn't matter. What you did was the equivalent of me saying "That girl is kinda tall", and then you adding "Yeah, and she's pretty tall too!" Go back. Re-read. Find your fuck-up. Stop wasting my time.
How is it a fuck up to imply that the readers are winners? You NEVER implied the readers would gain something, you simply mentioned both parties.

Go back. Re-read. Find your fuck-up. Stop wasting my time, savage.

If you don't want to talk about TV, then don't bring up TV. This having been pointed out to you, being a smartass about it really isn't helping you much.
Actually, you were the one who opened the doors for tv by quoting someone who was on tv and using your Ric Flair analogy. Your price comparison is not relevant.

It was very useful. It is not my fault you are uncomfortable with your shitty analogies, and that they fall apart under pressure. Me myself, I enjoy taking analogies and running with them, to see how far they can develop. Maybe you're just too closed minded and impatient for this.
You see, thats what I love about laughing at you. I can throw you a bone and like a good lil puppy you go running for it. You give me an analogy of a wrestler (who is close to kicking the bucket any minute now) and how no one is the "winner" yet we may look to your NUMEROUS rants and self-proclamation of "ownage" and being the king of internet arguments. So which is it, zebra? Will you continue to make frail attempts at hiding the fact your life is pathetic, and the only way people give you time of the day is when they read your self serving, archaic lingo? Or will you tell the truth and admit every post you make is in direct violation and contradiction of your life?

Which reminds me, how can you make the claim to be POOR yet also make the claim you are living the american dream?

It is not my fault that you don't understand the difference between paying $.50-1 each channel, for a FINITE amount of TV channels; and paying a fraction of a cent each internet site, for a nearly INFINITE amount of websites. The standards and expectations are nowhere near the same.
So now that you have an INFINITE amount of websites at your disposal, you acquire an online persona and bore us all to death. All because you pay a couple of bucks less for internet than cable.... :hurt:

This is your life.

You tell me, friend. You're just like all these other clowns who claim not to be a Democrat or a Republican, yet, you're on Republican attack-mode 95% of the time.
I am on republican and democrat attack mode ALL of the time. Let me set it to you straight nigger. Once and for all so your watermelon eating hide can understand it. I do not give a shit about your cooning-conservatives and your dancing-jig democrats. Both can go to hell fifteen times backwards, and I wouldn't mind you taking the trip with them.

Your funny quips can not save you from your fuck-ups. I am sorry for that. You need to be more careful. I'm not Cmoke or one of these other passers-by, I am a veteran at this shit.
Why do you constantly bring other people into your battles? Who is cmoke that I should consider him? Who are you that I should consider you and your "veteran" status? You are a vet, and? I should respect you and your b.s. because of your self proclamation? LOL! now we're doing that? Cutting sentences in half and making quips out of them? Wow...that's really something.

"Hey Tadou, you mean you're not a Woman? LoL!!!That is so funny!!" -- Not really.
I do not find humor in your "condition" my, friend.

Something along those lines.
Finally you admit the truth!


Apr 25, 2002
You have all the grammar and vocabulary there, but your attitude is not up to par.
This is coming from someone who speaks (types) in out-dated kings language and can't tell if he is coming or going. have none. You sound like watered-down version of ColdBlooded.
Why are you constantly mentioning other people? Why do ALWAYS have someone elses name in your mouth (or rolling off your fingers?) Thats what BITCHES do.

You're like the Gabby Jay, 20-9 mid-carder I have to run through before I can get to the real competition.
I would have you know that Gabby Jay is 0-99 and I have a 9 second record for beating him. Now Nick Bruiser thats another story...
Or said something of no consequence...Yes.
Like the majority of your posts. I am glad we have a common ground now. But, do feel free to type a long drawn out compare and contrast chart. I want you to waste your time telling teh board how we are totally different.

Not really.
No really.

Look at yourself, friend. You're all quips and smilies, and it can be easily discerned that you are miserable here and looking for a reason out. Does the pride in you REALLY think I'm just going to suddenly fall apart, and forget how to pull your cards and point out every one of your mistakes?
Can you be honest for once? You made it a point to stick out your chest and play "tough guy" only after a certain response was posted.

This is your life.

I give it one more exchange before you loudly proclaim "SINCE THIS IS NOT EVEN ON TOPIC, I AM GOING TO STOP RESPONDING, YOU CAN HAVE THE LAST WORD, BYE " --- not even realizing YOU were the one who started this dumbfuck exchange, which doesn't even come CLOSE to speaking about the topic.
And, if I do so what? That gives you the ability to proudly proclaim "I AM THE KING OF INTERNET ARGUEMENTS NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME"---not even realizing YOU were the one who made retarded claims that needed to be addressed. Stop typing dumb shit and the topics will stay on point. However, I believe you often say dumb shit just so you can steer the convo away and create red herrings and straw man arguments.

Again this is your life.

Friend, the thread does not exist anymore. Either that, or it is being hidden REALLY well. Or there's always Option 3: you're just flat-out lying. Take your pick.
I replied to the thread BEFORE I accidently deleted it. The mod DOES have the ability to bring the thread back. Please go back and READ my statements, nigglet. I REPLIED to rest of your B.S., deleted the thread by accident and asked the mod if it could be saved.

Option 4: You're an idiot for not reading what was typed.

Uh....Yeah, there's a good one. Despite your countless years and thousands of posts here, you "accidentally deleted" the thread.
Actually, it is not the first time, and I had TWO that day.

So either you're a complete bumblefuck or made an honest mistake on purpose. Neither choice is particularly appealing. Friend, you can do better than this.
Hmmm...making an honest mistake on purpose? For you to be the king of net arguments you are great at creating oxymorons.
Bumblefuck? Is that a word from your "white" side, mulatto?

The mistake was made, and I made attempts to rectify it as soon as it happened. The mod can verify.

Likewise, sir. Re-read my post. There is no way a thread would get 'accidentally deleted' if it was a Tadou exposure thread or I was getting dissed by everyone. It just wouldn't happen. But when its you, and a relatively unimportant thread....I could see why you'd want to X it out before you really got in too deep over your head.
Why wouldn't it happen? You are correct it was me, but a very unimportant person (YOU) constantly replied to it, is still eager to reply to it, and is still ranting on how he can no longer reply to it. Your word jugglery, foreseeable shenanigans and low self esteem are a hindrance to yourself. Because your life is such a wreak, you will have nothing better to do than read this post twenty times back to back and reply with a retort only you will find comical. My proper assessment will fly over your head, and you will continue to think you are in control of this situation. By all means continue to remain oblvious to the facts, for it provides me with the chance to remind myself that you're simply a monkey looking for acceptance.

And you wonder why i respond with "."
I do not see how you can claim to be the sharpest knife in the drawer but not understand my sarcasm...

I repeat: Countless years, thousands of posts, and you "deleted the thread by accident". I smell bullshit.
It is not the first time and won't be the last. Countless years and thousands of posts, and you STILL don't get any respect from anyone here. Spare us the "I don't need respect" speech, lizard. No one gives a shit about you online or off, but the only way you can satisfy your lack of attention is on a rap message board chalk full of zombies and coons promoting buffoonery.

This is your life not mine.

5/10. Hillary or Ashley would have been funnier.
If I had implied you had lesbian sex with them it would be.

But let us take this thread for another spin.
Apr 1, 2002
Damn right Americans are getting dumber. I know this topic is about evolution but I'm speaking in general. I fucking hate the ignorant and nonchalant bigots, which is about 80% of the motherfuckers on this board. In the word of Napoleon Dynamite "GOSH." Sometimes I wish I could magically reach through the screen of these people and slap a dummy.


Apr 25, 2002
Let us now apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to your pitiful existance. Please, do not commit suicide after I expose you for being a charlatan and emotionally unstable boy.

For those of you who have never heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, do a quick google so you can become an active participant in ridiculing our dilapidated child.

Let us compare your life with the chart:

Physiological Needs: Your physiological needs are not being met because you spend the majority of time online debating. Your inability to meet these needs have contributed to your mental demise and constant state of agitation. Your physiological needs are also being ignored because you are poor and have no money to rectify your situation. Sex can also be considered a need, but considering you have homosexual sex and are often the "bottom" is it fair to say your needs are being met?

Let us look at the next phase.

Safety Needs: In order to meet your safty needs you must first meet your physiological ones. However, due to the fact you were raised in a single parent home without a strong man (is your father currently incarcerated/did he molest you?) and nothing but a WHORE to look up to, these needs will also go unfulfilled. You have proceeded to seek safty in various online personas and continue to shun reality.

Let us look at the next phase:

Love/Belonging Needs: Like the typical mulatto you are ostracized and ridiculed by both races. As a child they never accepted you, and this well deserved treatment extended to your teen years and beyond. The neglect imposed upon you by your parents did nothing to fill your needs and contributed to the problem. Because these needs were never met you constantly feel left out, abandoned, hurt and depression. A hatred for the opposite sex (which has YET to be properly identified in your case) is often common for people such as yourself. Your band-aid for these many inflictions are creating various online personas and constant ramblings pertaining to your status as king of arguments. This is something a normal human being would never proclaim...but you're not normal. You feel trusting in the government 100% (something you said) will quench all of your needs, but changed your outlook when you realized it was foolish.

Let us move on.

Esteem Needs: It is a known fact your esteem needs are not being met. You constantly complain about how people call you tom and disrespect you because you vote a certain way. You type it here because you're actually afraid to lash out at the perps in real life. You also make useless attempts at respect by insulting others but fail to realize it actually destroys your self-respect. If your esteem needs were being met we would NEVER see you boast, brag and insult for no reason. However in your mind you DO have a reason, but in reality its simply because you're a self-loathing piece of shit with nothing better to do than type in a language that has not been used since the King James bible was being translated.

Let us address the final stage in our chart.

Self-Actualization: You have skills at arguing like a bitch. Instead of dressing in drag or becoming a lawyer you waste your talents by getting online and wasting vast amounts of time (and bandwidth) posting on If you were a self-actualizing person you would be creative, but the only creativity you posess is the ability to type a funny sentence that demands we all laugh at you. You do not feel a closeness to other people (everyone hates you including your father) and you constantly judge others with EXTREME prejudice. You overlook the problems in our society and have provided no solution other than "VOTE REPUBLICAN" when asked how to rectify social ills destroying the negro community.

In closing I would like to say that I will enjoy reading your vivid response and in depth reply. Please hurry up and type at 100wpm so I can get a kick out of reading it, friend.
Dec 18, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Evolution is not a science. This is true. Science does not consist of picking things up, and making guesses about what they were or did. Science is about experiments and proving what things ARE and DO; fixing things and making other things work; and so on.

Biological Anthropology (i.e., the search for the 'missing link', darwinism, et al) is about the most pathetic branch of science to ever exist. It does absolutely does no good other than to DISPROVE something else (that something being Religion), which interestingly is the exact reason why people are so against Intelligent Design being taught.

The key is not sweeping all of Darwinism's flaws under the rug and teaching it anyways. The key is to create a new culture where people don't run around like faggy assholes, wasting their days away, believing the country sucks and the gov't can't be trusted. People need to believe in our Financial Aid systems and our Education Department, or they won't even start touching Chemistry, Physics, etc. degrees (especially Masters and above) with a 39-1/2 foot pole.

Why waste your time arguing with this guy?
May 10, 2002
exactly. im glad this idiot posted in this thread and came uncorrect with all this bullshit. it just further more PROVES what religon does to ppls shuts them off to other possibilities. accept the truth.
Jun 13, 2002
HERESY said:
Let us now apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to your pitiful existance. Please, do not commit suicide after I expose you for being a charlatan and emotionally unstable boy.

For those of you who have never heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, do a quick google so you can become an active participant in ridiculing our dilapidated child.

Let us compare your life with the chart:

Physiological Needs: Your physiological needs are not being met because you spend the majority of time online debating. Your inability to meet these needs have contributed to your mental demise and constant state of agitation. Your physiological needs are also being ignored because you are poor and have no money to rectify your situation. Sex can also be considered a need, but considering you have homosexual sex and are often the "bottom" is it fair to say your needs are being met?

Let us look at the next phase.

Safety Needs: In order to meet your safty needs you must first meet your physiological ones. However, due to the fact you were raised in a single parent home without a strong man (is your father currently incarcerated/did he molest you?) and nothing but a WHORE to look up to, these needs will also go unfulfilled. You have proceeded to seek safty in various online personas and continue to shun reality.

Let us look at the next phase:

Love/Belonging Needs: Like the typical mulatto you are ostracized and ridiculed by both races. As a child they never accepted you, and this well deserved treatment extended to your teen years and beyond. The neglect imposed upon you by your parents did nothing to fill your needs and contributed to the problem. Because these needs were never met you constantly feel left out, abandoned, hurt and depression. A hatred for the opposite sex (which has YET to be properly identified in your case) is often common for people such as yourself. Your band-aid for these many inflictions are creating various online personas and constant ramblings pertaining to your status as king of arguments. This is something a normal human being would never proclaim...but you're not normal. You feel trusting in the government 100% (something you said) will quench all of your needs, but changed your outlook when you realized it was foolish.

Let us move on.

Esteem Needs: It is a known fact your esteem needs are not being met. You constantly complain about how people call you tom and disrespect you because you vote a certain way. You type it here because you're actually afraid to lash out at the perps in real life. You also make useless attempts at respect by insulting others but fail to realize it actually destroys your self-respect. If your esteem needs were being met we would NEVER see you boast, brag and insult for no reason. However in your mind you DO have a reason, but in reality its simply because you're a self-loathing piece of shit with nothing better to do than type in a language that has not been used since the King James bible was being translated.

Let us address the final stage in our chart.

Self-Actualization: You have skills at arguing like a bitch. Instead of dressing in drag or becoming a lawyer you waste your talents by getting online and wasting vast amounts of time (and bandwidth) posting on If you were a self-actualizing person you would be creative, but the only creativity you posess is the ability to type a funny sentence that demands we all laugh at you. You do not feel a closeness to other people (everyone hates you including your father) and you constantly judge others with EXTREME prejudice. You overlook the problems in our society and have provided no solution other than "VOTE REPUBLICAN" when asked how to rectify social ills destroying the negro community.

In closing I would like to say that I will enjoy reading your vivid response and in depth reply. Please hurry up and type at 100wpm so I can get a kick out of reading it, friend.

Wow, I have never seen someone get "pwn3d" that bad.