Amerikans are getting dumber by the year: Majority reject Evolution.

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Oct 28, 2005
how am i contradicting myself? by saying i dont believe in god or religon but i do respect the belief's other may have....
OK then. Let's try this again.

"an imaginary man that created everything"

"i dont disrespect or look down upon those ppl who do believe (in religion)"

Friend, you cannot patronize people by saying they believe in an "imaginary man", and in the same fricking paragraph, say you "respect" them. That is pure hypocrisy.

what the fuck are u even talking about? i sure as fuck dont know....i was not speaking on allah or any other god
For fucks sake, Why are you wasting my fucking time being an idiot?

"how do plants and everything grow...what is the main light source in which this planet remains alive from? the sun. we are just the right distance away from the sun to create temperatures which creates life provided you have water. 80 % of the world is water."


Holy fucking SHIT......

Says who? Says You? Who else? Does a planet being closer to or further from the sun automatically mean it is capable of having water, let alone producing life, let alone sustaining life?

Explain yourself.

again your putting words into my mouth, i very obviously stated that i was niether for or against religon or ID however through my OWN ecperiances and beliefs that seems to be the most UNREALISTIC approach to how the world was created.
Yet another example of you being unable to keep your shit together.

please define creationism and intelligent design
I already did; not only that, i placed them both on a spectrum. If you want to define and dissect all 4 theories further, then by all means.

Cmoke said:
IE: i take everything into perspective and give it at least a quick glance....some of these bible freaks that thump the books wouldnt even consider any other option to how the world was created...this would be the only part of religon that i look down upon
Yet you don't believe the same for people who believe 100% in Darwinism, even with all its gaping holes and gaps.

The same ignorance you get on Bible-thumpers about, you champion in Darwinists who refuse to believe in anything else; knowing that they somewhere, deep down in their very core, believe with all of their heart and soul that one day the differences will be squared away.

With Religion, it's blind faith and nothing more. With Science, it's allowed to be confidence and 'logic', waiting around for the inevitable. It is a sickening double standard.

for instance, i see this stupid fuck driving 15 MPH in a 30 at least 4 ppl are honking ....and the person doesnt get a right behind them and they have a bumper sticker on the back of thier car that reads "evolution is an anti christ religion, not science" this dumb fuck then proceeds to pull into a church parking lot...i figure shes in the right place because that stupidity goes hand in hand
Oct 28, 2005
FunK-3-FivE said:
And observations.

Evolution has been observed and witnessed. The average testosterone levels in males has gradually increased with each generation.... this my friend is evolution.. durrr.
Microevolution is a fact.

Macroevolution is not, and has never been proven.
And by the way, my good friend, if testosterone levels increasing is "evolution", then i want you to explain why Taller and Healthier people are not considered evolution, but rather, the result of better diets, increased standards of living, etc.

Poor example, shithead.

The "missing link" theory is only an example given to people uneducated about evolution. There are no scientists that actually go out looking for a "missing link" between primates and humans, because quite frankly that's absurd given the facts of evolution. It's not like one day some ape type thing gave birth to a human, that's insane. Or to think that you could suddenly grow an extra appendage, that's stupidity.
It is not stupid; it is a requirement.

You can't simply say, "Z evolved from X" and not be able to provide Y. You need to be able to point to something and say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, with a 99.9% accuracy, that this particular species was the half-way mark and the turning point.

Anything else is not science. It is faith, i.e., religion. A religion with lots of smart people and fancy machines, but a religion no less.

Evolution is a slow process, taking millions of years for the smallest changes to occur. It's quite an obvious part of genetics... two people mate having offspring with mixed DNA, this offspring chooses a mate and they too have offspring with mixed DNA, the dominant traits become more dominant with each generation and some traits don't even show up until later generations when it becomes more dominant, also the choice in mate is an obvious factor.

God damn what the fook do they teach ya in school?
They taught me that Logic and Science are not the same thing. Smart teachers, huh?

Why the U.S. has failed to join the rest of the modern world in accepting evolution is beyond me.
The "Modern world" being...who exactly?

You need to understand that there is a difference between Macroevolution and Microevolution, and that most people who "reject evolution" aren't even aware of this, because they are being systematically brainwashed and bullied into believing in Evolution, PERIOD, by people like you. You are as dishonest as they come.
Jul 10, 2002
Who ever is paying attention to Tadou's science babble....

keep in mind this is the the same guy who denies that WHITE PHOSPHORUS is a CHEMICaL Weapon.

and describes science as 'Science is about experiments and proving what things ARE and DO; fixing things and making other things work'

Golly gee, that's just great, next time you'RE going to plagaireze a 3rd graders science notebook, at least give him credit!
Oct 28, 2005
Friend, White Phosphorus is a weapon containing chemicals, thus, a chemical weapon, per se. Anyone who would "deny" that would be an idiot. What is being denied is that WP fits the description of munition banned under Geneva Conventions (this specific section, we aren't a party to anyways). The answer is, no. Thus, it is not a "CHEMICAL WEAPON", the same way the flu is not a "WMD", although it could be argued that the flu is a "weapon" against humanity, and "massively destroys" lives every year, etc. You need to understand what buzz words mean, before you go yapping off at the mouth trying to be funny.

Anyhow.....White Phosphorus is not a substance that is banned for all purposes. This much is a fact. Napalm isn't even a banned weapon, as it can be used "LEGALLY" (int'l law) against military targets. What is going on right now is a smear campaign, and not a very sound one at that. The entire smear is based on watching a video clip full of dead people and believing 100% in the premise that is presented, rather than listening to ACTUAL EXPERTS describe what WP is and what it does.

Don't sit there and talk that gay shit to me. Do some research and then come at me. All your whining and talking to me in 3rd person is just fucking pathetic and shows how afraid you are of having a strong Conservative back on the boards to check you on all your bullshit. You will learn this and show signs of acceptance soon enough.
May 10, 2002
let me skip the small bitchy chit chat and skip to the main thing that concerns me...

Dirty Shoez said:
"how do plants and everything grow...what is the main light source in which this planet remains alive from? the sun. we are just the right distance away from the sun to create temperatures which creates life provided you have water. 80 % of the world is water."


Holy fucking SHIT......
you seriously sound brain washed. how do you intend on providing proof of such statements...

you cannot.

u say god created gravity...however gravity creates itself depending on mass/volume of a certian object that exists within the gravitational pull of this planet from the sun in which it revolves around...step back and read what your saying.
Jun 17, 2004
Dirty Shoez said:
And by the way, my good friend, if testosterone levels increasing is "evolution", then i want you to explain why Taller and Healthier people are not considered evolution, but rather, the result of better diets, increased standards of living, etc.

Poor example, shithead.
What the fook are you talking about, I thought you accepted microevolution as fact? Testosterone levels has little to do with living standards and diet, the point is with each generation the average testosterone level increases, on a generation to generation basis... How is that not evolution? Let me find the article and I can maybe clarify some of that for you, but one of your own American Universities was pointing it out..... Anyways change is not easily observed from just a few centuries of this but after say a hundred million years that increasing average testosterone level throughout time would have made some but very little noticeable change on the appearance of human males, more specifically they would have broader shoulders, squarer jaws, larger testicles etc.. from what the average male would have looked like some 400 million years before. Remember GRADUAL CHANGE.

Dirty Shoez said:
It is not stupid; it is a requirement.

You can't simply say, "Z evolved from X" and not be able to provide Y. You need to be able to point to something and say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, with a 99.9% accuracy, that this particular species was the half-way mark and the turning point.
What you're explaining IS NOT evolution, you entirely missed my point and have blatantly shown you have little education on the subject. There is no half-way marks and turning points. Must I explain it again? The changes are gradual, and the changes only occur on a generation to generation basis NOT on an individual basis. What you're explaining is a common misconception that the general public gets from glancing at a famous progression chart of man and dosing off in science class. What you're explaining is impossible and illogic and it's not evolution.... no wonder Americans don't accept your misconception as evolution, because they are "systematically brainwashed and bullied" by uneducated wannabe know-it-alls like yourself.

Dirty Shoez said:
The "Modern world" being...who exactly?
Any other First World country you can name.

Dirty Shoez said:
You need to understand that there is a difference between Macroevolution and Microevolution, and that most people who "reject evolution" aren't even aware of this, because they are being systematically brainwashed and bullied into believing in Evolution, PERIOD, by people like you. You are as dishonest as they come.
I agree most theories within Macroevolution are speculation, but only because it's hard to provide evidence of such long drawn out but eventual taxonomical change from billions of years ago.

Explain to me what you think the difference is and why you accept one and not the other, I have an idea that maybe it's because Microevolution is easily proven and is easily witnessed?
Oct 28, 2005
Cmoke said:
let me skip the small bitchy chit chat and skip to the main thing that concerns me...
So contradicting yourself doesn't "concern" you at all? Talk about cowardice.

you seriously sound brain washed. how do you intend on providing proof of such statements...

you cannot.

u say god created gravity...however gravity creates itself depending on mass/volume of a certian object that exists within the gravitational pull of this planet from the sun in which it revolves around...step back and read what your saying.
Name/Describe, definitively and without a shadow of a doubt, who or what created the Big Bang. Then you can resume calling ME the brainwashed one.

You need to understand that we ALL believe in a religion, in some way, shape or form; and that ALL religions have gaps in logic, INCLUDING Science.

FunK-3-FivE said:
What the fook are you talking about, I thought you accepted microevolution as fact?
Friend, stop wasting my time. If i grow longer fingernails than my father, I have not just 'evolved'; my fucking fingernails are just longer.

Testosterone levels has little to do with living standards and diet, the point is with each generation the average testosterone level increases, on a generation to generation basis... How is that not evolution? Let me find the article and I can maybe clarify some of that for you, but one of your own American Universities was pointing it out.....
I am sure.

Growing taller, being more resistant to disease, living longer lives, etc.--all of this combined has not been labeled by scientists as Evolution, but you are going to sit here and tell me that rising testosterone, alone, is. Brilliant.

Anyways change is not easily observed from just a few centuries of this but after say a hundred million years that increasing average testosterone level throughout time would have made some but very little noticeable change on the appearance of human males, more specifically they would have broader shoulders, squarer jaws, larger testicles etc.. from what the average male would have looked like some 500 million years before. Remember GRADUAL CHANGE.
Remember: LOGIC !== SCIENCE. (Before any of you idiots waste your bytes: notice, 2 =s.)

Here you are a 20-something, talking about stuff that presumably happened over 50 million lifetimes ago. If anyone sounds like they're living in a fantasy world, I know who it is.

What you're explaining IS NOT evolution, you entirely missed my point and have blatantly shown you have little education on the subject. There is no half-way marks and turning points. Must I explain it again? The changes are gradual, and the changes only occur on a generation to generation basis NOT on an individual basis.
Then you need to explain to me how one species can be said to have evolved from another species; and what EXACT scientific process (no other will be acceptable) determines when that threshhold has been crossed.

For fucks sake, talk about little education. Your knowledge on this subject is so limited, you can't even break out of the semantics portion of the argument, let alone begin to tackle the real stuff.

What you're explaining is a common misconception that the general public gets from glancing at a famous progression chart of man and dosing off in science class. What you're explaining is impossible and illogic and it's not evolution.... no wonder Americans don't accept your misconception as evolution, because they are "systematically brainwashed and bullied" by uneducated wannabe know-it-alls like yourself.
See above.

Either explain what threshhold determines one species 'officially' and 'scientifically' becoming another species, or refrain from speaking on the subject.

Any other First World country you can name.
That's not very scientific of you.

I agree most theories within Macroevolution are speculation, but only because it's hard to provide evidence of such long drawn out gradual change from hundreds of millions of years ago.
No, not most. ALL. But nice try.

Explain to me what you think the difference is and why you accept one and not the other, I have an idea that maybe it's because Microevolution is easily proven and is easily witnessed?
Because depending on how much of a shithead you want to be, anything from me liking Dolphins or Math more than my parents, to your kind, would be "evolution".

I am Microevolving as we speak, if you want to be a dickhead about it. Being less of a dickhead, of course my kids will be Microevolved from me.

The problem is proclaiming that Species X has become species Y......or no, wait, that has never happened. Let me try again. The problem is proclaiming that Species X became Species Y, but not being able to pinpoint the exact time due to a lack of a control group, etc.

Last i checked, the Scientific Method was still in full effect. And Macroevolution goes against just about every step of the process.
Jun 17, 2004
There's so many things wrong with your post I gotta come back when I have more time... some quick thoughts... There is no pinpointing an exact time when a species becomes a new species no turning points none of this is evolution but as far as classification goes, technically when the species begins to favor a different habitat, diet and certain traits have distinctly become more dominant (btw you ignored my thing on genetics) this is when it is CLASSIFIED as a different species or sub-species, but in essence it's just the same species with some small changes it has made throughout time.

Microevolution doesn't occur on individual basis, Microevolution is technically the evolution between sub-species to sub-species, more specifically changes from generation to generation. Which is easily witnessed with smaller species such as fruit flies and more importantly BACTERIA is the fastest evolving (we have observed many species of bacteria evolve even in the past century), obviously in a human's lifetime they will never be able to observe human evolution. But it's easy to look at smaller scale examples. :)

Macroevolution is geographical and taxonomical changes in classification, obviously it's hard to observe things billions of years ago, we can only look at fossils etc. and speculate.

I have a feeling you know little about genetics because from what you've stated... you seem to think that having more dominant traits from your parents is coincidence when in fact it has everything to do with DNA and evolution thereof. And the fingernail thing was a poor example-that's a static change, shithead.
May 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
So contradicting yourself doesn't "concern" you at all? Talk about cowardice.
i have not contradicted myself once in this entire thread, if you can provide your opinion on where i have, i can easly discuss to you what you do not understand..

Dirty Shoez said:
Name/Describe, definitively and without a shadow of a doubt, who or what created the Big Bang. Then you can resume calling ME the brainwashed one..
At what time did i discuss the "big bang theory" in any way shape or form in this thread or anything thread previous to this? search if u want but the answer is, none. Therefore i do not and could not Name/Describe, definitively and without a shadow of a doubt, who or what created the Big Bang.
could you? could anyone? has anyone? no no and fucking no idiot.... thats why we still dont fucking not ask questions to which u already know answers makes you seem clueless and uneducated in your apporoaches to getting 1 valid point accross.

and if your insiting im brainwashed....brainwashed from what? lol i believe in many things but not in one specific thing, because i cannot be sure, thats where i stand from my own experiances struggles, knowledge, education and which is still young. i read life from my eyes not a book which suggests i live a certian way and trust in somthing that is never seen nor felt nor proven.

Dirty Shoez said:
You need to understand that we ALL believe in a religion, in some way, shape or form; and that ALL religions have gaps in logic, INCLUDING Science.
you need to understand that YOU are not "we"(everyone in general)"all"
and you cannot speak on behalf of everyone. to think that you can makes you seriously fucking stupid or seriously fucked in your views.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
This is seriously fucking pathetic. Can we please steralize all those fucking people? lol...
Oct 28, 2005
Dos por Uno

FunK-3-FivE said:
There's so many things wrong with your post I gotta come back when I have more time... some quick thoughts... There is no pinpointing an exact time when a species becomes a new species no turning points none of this is evolution but as far as classification goes, technically when the species begins to favor a different habitat, diet and certain traits have distinctly become more dominant (btw you ignored my thing on genetics) this is when it is CLASSIFIED as a different species or sub-species, but in essence it's just the same species with some small changes it has made throughout time.
Hmmm...doesn't sound very scientific to me. Sounds like the scientists are rather exercising their personal opinions.

Microevolution doesn't occur on individual basis, Microevolution is technically the evolution between sub-species to sub-species, more specifically changes from generation to generation. Which is easily witnessed with smaller species such as fruit flies and more importantly BACTERIA is the fastest evolving (we have observed many species of bacteria evolve even in the past century), obviously in a human's lifetime they will never be able to observe human evolution. But it's easy to look at smaller scale examples. :)
Then verily this must be true. A Bacteria growing an extra hair or a squiggly thingie must certainly mean that the Human Being once had a tail, swung by trees and had his knuckles drag on the ground. Excellent work!

Macroevolution is geographical and taxonomical changes in classification, obviously it's hard to observe things billions of years ago, we can only look at fossils etc. and speculate.
No shit. That is why it is not a science; it is a pseudo-scientific faith (i.e, a religion) composed of speculation and logic.

I have a feeling you know little about genetics because from what you've stated... you seem to think that having more dominant traits from your parents is coincidence when in fact it has everything to do with DNA and evolution thereof. And the fingernail thing was a poor example-that's a static change, shithead.
Heh. Yeah, because I am fucking with you about your argument and pointing out its numerous holes, it must follow that I am not a Genetics Scholar. That is an excellent point.

You need to work on your presentation, sir.

Cmoke said:
i have not contradicted myself once in this entire thread, if you can provide your opinion on where i have, i can easly discuss to you what you do not understand..
I have already done so, TWICE now. it is not my fault you cannot read and comprehend English. Here goes the THIRD TIME:

"an imaginary man that created everything"

"i dont disrespect or look down upon those ppl who do believe (in religion)"

This is a contradiction. Your continued refusal to accept this can be construed as nothing more than crass hypocrisy.

At what time did i discuss the "big bang theory" in any way shape or form in this thread or anything thread previous to this? search if u want but the answer is, none. Therefore i do not and could not Name/Describe, definitively and without a shadow of a doubt, who or what created the Big Bang.
could you? could anyone? has anyone? no no and fucking no idiot.... thats why we still dont fucking not ask questions to which u already know answers makes you seem clueless and uneducated in your apporoaches to getting 1 valid point accross.
Uhh....friend, if you believe in Darwinism, then it does not stop with Apes. It goes ALL THE WAY BACK. Once it goes ALL THE WAY BACK, we get into how the earth created conditions for life. Going back FURTHER, we get to how the Earth was created PERIOD. And so on, until we re-trace back to the Big Bang Theory.

If you want to play the Time-Machine/Darwinism game, then you don't get to pick and choose pieces. You need to cover every part from the very beginning until the present.

and if your insiting im brainwashed....brainwashed from what? lol i believe in many things but not in one specific thing, because i cannot be sure, thats where i stand from my own experiances struggles, knowledge, education and which is still young. i read life from my eyes not a book which suggests i live a certian way and trust in somthing that is never seen nor felt nor proven.
You remind me of me, only, you're too ignorant to realize how helpful a tool a Bible or Quran or Analects can be. You are openly hostile towards religion (thus, closed-minded) and yet profess to be open-minded. It is hilarious.

you need to understand that YOU are not "we"(everyone in general)"all"
and you cannot speak on behalf of everyone. to think that you can makes you seriously fucking stupid or seriously fucked in your views.
First of all, I can speak for the entire population of Earth, and then some. For past generations; for future generations; for everyone. I have that power. I am sorry that you do not.

Second of all, friend, you need to understand that one of the broadest non-denominational definitions of god (notice, EDJ-cased G), is "the thing that occupies your mind most of the day". Thus, MONEY can be a god to you, and not God. SEX can be a god to you, and not God. MUSIC can be a god to you, and not God. And the list goes on and on.

If anybody is stupid or seriously fucked in their views, it is you for not realizing this, and for your pathetic knee-jerk reaction to being labeled religious. An open-minded man would have taken the premise and ran with it. A simple man would act exactly as you just did. And that, my friend, is REAL.
Oct 28, 2005
Likewise, sir. Only...well, mostly you.

You are a fuck-up and you are in here over your head, which is ok. You are not needed here any more. Feel free to leave at any time, or conversely, continue to be chewed up and spit out with little effort. One less liberal regular, instead of 14 we'll have 13. Nobody is going to miss you.
Mar 9, 2005
Ah Dirty Shoez, poor, misguided man

I can see this post has, once again, developed into the ramblings of one religious nut attempting in vain to protect his views over what us athiests know to be 'reality'.

Funk-3-Fives analogy using bacteria as an example of evolution was accurate. The statement holds true - if small animals such as bacteria and fruit flies evolve, then so do we. We simply have longer time frames (their generation time is quicker and we have more efficient DNA repair mechanisms).

As for paleontology being a pseudo-scientific faith (what you would like to call a religion), it is a science. Theres proof for paleontology - not one but several fossils! There is no evidence in support of religion - show me Jesus' fossil, oh wait, you can't! It doesn't exist!!

Evolution is a science, Darwin was right, and yes - it does go back all the way past the first living organisms and to the big bang. Sure, we don't know exactly how this occured, but to say that it evolved is far more believable than saying 'God did it'. God did nothing, and for one simple reason - he doesn't exist. (heres where you throw all this quran or bible bullshit at me - save your time because it's just going to sound like ramblings to all of us with an education).

I love your simple definition of good 'the thing that occupies your mind most of the day'. What if one were to think about raping girls all day, how you'd love to stab that bastard who got the promotion whilst you missed out, or any number of scenarios - are they good? Why, yes - DS said so! Besides, saying Money can be a god to you, music can be a god to you etc. is plain ridiculous. Unless you were fucked in the head, you would instead word those statements in the less ideological and more realistic version of: I like money, I like music - why do you insist on bringing God into everything?

You claim that we are openly hostile toward religion and are thus closed-minded. The point here is that you are openly hostile toward science, and are thus closed-minded. In the words you used to finish your last post - 'An open-minded man would have taken the premise and ran with it. A simple man would act exactly as you just did. And that, my friend, is REAL.'

Now, I don't have to point out that you just criticised yourself, do I?

Finally, stop using the word 'sir' to try and make it sound as though you were intelligent, we see right through it. You are a retard. And that, my friend, is REAL.
Oct 28, 2005
heh heh....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Comedy! Comedy! Look at this!!! WOULD YOU!! This man is coming at me!

No specific refutations of a quote i said! Not in response to something said to him! Just one big block of text, all of which attacks me and my views!

THIS IS FUN......BUT FRIEND!!!!!!!! You have to promise not to quit after I violate and expose you, where so many others have done (and do, and will continue to do) the same. Deal? Let us see.

Hutch said:
Ah Dirty Shoez, poor, misguided man
You start off good. I am indeed poor, and not having taken the Shahadah or formally declared a religion, I am verily misguided. Being an agnostic doesn't have too many benefits.

I can see this post has, once again, developed into the ramblings of one religious nut attempting in vain to protect his views over what us athiests know to be 'reality'.
YEAH!!! YEAH it has! You said it, so It must have! Go you!

Funk-3-Fives analogy using bacteria as an example of evolution was accurate. The statement holds true - if small animals such as bacteria and fruit flies evolve, then so do we. We simply have longer time frames (their generation time is quicker and we have more efficient DNA repair mechanisms).
Again: A Bacteria growing a squiggly tail does not automatically prove that man came from Ape. I am sorry for this. You will need more evidence, preferably either of the Missing Link or a similar specimen that is roughly the half-way point between Man and Ape.

Until you can find are nothing.

As for paleontology being a pseudo-scientific faith (what you would like to call a religion), it is a science. Theres proof for paleontology - not one but several fossils! There is no evidence in support of religion - show me Jesus' fossil, oh wait, you can't! It doesn't exist!!
Someone said Paleontology was a pseudo-scientific faith? That's strange. Who was it? Because it wasn't me.

Try again.

Evolution is a science, Darwin was right, and yes - it does go back all the way past the first living organisms and to the big bang. Sure, we don't know exactly how this occured, but to say that it evolved is far more believable than saying 'God did it'.
Heh. Sure it does. What makes even more sense is that 0+0=1, and that the universe came about, literally, out of an impossibility.

Me personally, I'll take 1/999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999(ad infinitum) odds over 0/1 odds.

To believe in Evolution is to believe in an IMPOSSIBLE Impossibility. To believe in Creative Design is to believe in a Relative Impossibility. Huge difference.

God did nothing, and for one simple reason - he doesn't exist. (heres where you throw all this quran or bible bullshit at me - save your time because it's just going to sound like ramblings to all of us with an education).
See above.

Here's a man that believes 0+0=1, criticizing me for my belief in God.

I love your simple definition of good 'the thing that occupies your mind most of the day'. What if one were to think about raping girls all day, how you'd love to stab that bastard who got the promotion whilst you missed out, or any number of scenarios - are they good? Why, yes - DS said so!
Uhhh, learn how to read, yes please?

Like I have already said (and maybe you messed this part up because it wasn't to you, and you were evesdropping and butting in): "you need to understand that one of the broadest non-denominational definitions of god (notice, EDJ-cased G), is "the thing that occupies your mind most of the day"

Pray tell, friend. Are you having trouble understanding what 'non-denominational' means? Is it too many letters for you, my esteemed colleague?

That God is what occupies your mind most of the day is a Philosophical concept. I am deeply sorry that you are not familiar with it, but i assure you, whining like a little defensive brat about it isn't going to change the fact that the concept exists, and will continue to exist.

Besides, saying Money can be a god to you, music can be a god to you etc. is plain ridiculous. Unless you were fucked in the head, you would instead word those statements in the less ideological and more realistic version of: I like money, I like music - why do you insist on bringing God into everything?
Err....see above?

You need to understand that the only group of people that believes, unequivocally, that God is some magical figure up in the sky in the form of an Anthropoid, is the Atheist population. You are alone. The rest of us understand God to be a FORCE, referred to only as "HE" in English (and other languages) for the same reason we refer to a boat as "SHE".

Fucking incredible here, Hutch friend pal. This is quality material!

You claim that we are openly hostile toward religion and are thus closed-minded. The point here is that you are openly hostile toward science, and are thus closed-minded. In the words you used to finish your last post - 'An open-minded man would have taken the premise and ran with it. A simple man would act exactly as you just did. And that, my friend, is REAL.'

Now, I don't have to point out that you just criticised yourself, do I?
By all means. I am very closed-minded and I have a lot of things to learn. heh. What, you think I'd be ashamed to admit that? Lol. You have a lot to learn, little one. But verily as you spend more time around me, you will absorb these things and more. Such is my role here, to break the monotony.

Finally, stop using the word 'sir' to try and make it sound as though you were intelligent, we see right through it. You are a retard. And that, my friend, is REAL.
Heh...hehehehehehehehe!!! :eek: The man said 'And that my friend is REAL!' What will be next to come out of this wiley character?!?! Stay tuned to find out, as he humorously applies more of my phrases, verbatim, instead of coming up with his own DS-sounding phrases in an attempt to excercise some actual creativity!

En serio, fam dog champion. This is incredible. I feel like it's Christmas 1989 and I'm getting my first bike all over again. Thank you for that!
May 10, 2002
your really into this internet arguing shit huh? u sound like a dumbfuck with too much time on your hands.

fact of the matter is you know nothing for certian along with everyone else so you have your beliefs and others have thiers...learn to accept that.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
i think the main point is that, truly, religion is ignorant and oppressive, in that, u cant deny that science helps man understand himself, and understand life, and helps with the question "WHY"?, especially when everyones here for such a short time. with religion, all the answers are there for you! however, man still has one fault, doubt. religion doesn't work for everybody, and science fills in the gap for the people that care about life, not for people who are so smug who think they know everything.
Jun 17, 2004
Man didn't come from an Ape you retard, there is NO evolutionary theory that states this. fuckin edu-ma-cate yourself.
And for the millionth fucking time there is no turning point, half-way mark, missing link species. we've gone over this, why the fook are you still trying to disprove a misconception..?, a misconception that stupid-fat-americans get after glancing at a progression chart of man and dosing off in science studies. You're going nowhere.

I'm explaining this shit to you and you just keeping comin with same rhetorical 'well those scientists don't know what theyre doing' type-ish, or your dumbass 'wheres the missing link' question, or you just ignore entire chunks of my posts.

You either lied or were misinformed when you stated that you accepted Microevolution as fact... you obviously think otherwise. My point in posting to you in the first place was to prove that one cannot accept Microevolution and not atleast the principal of Macroevolution but accept neither.