caucasoid is the original term for the caucasion race, and yes theryre genes are the same as an albino, in fact in romania white is albin,....... short for albino, which is how they say white in theyre language, i found that out by chating on the instant messenger with a romanian female from romania who told me that, so there is some relations where the white man and the albino genes are the same there is no difference!!
the african tribal mothers back in the biblical days used to have these albino babies,and these babies could not function right in the villages of the african society, they were wicked, so the mothers of these albinos got together and put them in camps outside of the villages because of theyre nature of wickedness,and they also couldn't function in the tropical heat,so these albinos would come out mostly in the noght and do wicked things,so the mothers and fathers of these albinos got together and exiled these albinos up north into europe when all the continents were together befro they were broken apart,there they found that the climate was better for them because of the less sun light and polar climates, and then also the water was rich in vitamin a which was good for theyre skin since they had no melenin in it, this is the infancy of the caucasion race which they donot want you to know about.
it is also a fact that all colors come from black as issac newton proved way back in those centuries,heres what he proved, he proved that black was the basic foundation for all colors and races on this here planet,there is only three colors that can make black,you could take three basic crayons to create black, and thats blue, yellow, and red, no other combination of colors can make black but these three colors, this is what isaac newton called the spectrum theory ,the catholic society wanted him to hang for that,because they wanted it was blasphemous to hear such,so when you look at one of those dark africans that look blueish green in the sun, yaweh used they're genes to create all races!!