let me tell you something homie, your country was taken ovet too, does that mean you fogorgotten about your kind and and seek for future difference to make it better for your own,and forget who run this country and who conquered it? no it doesn't mayne, and all thats propaganda when i see in africa or in mexico also that all the safe resorts and places are ran by some type of europeans,all the resorts in mexico are ran by some european period just as in africa,but thats all bullshit because not all of africa is like they portray it and the same goes for mexico,and this is not my country, its more of yours then mine but was also taken over from you by these pale face in breeders, my ancestors were kiddnapped and bought over here and i just donot speak for myself but a lot of other black brothers as well,just like the chaldeans who run moonlight market in skyline, they tell me that befor they came to america, they never knew that there were gangs out here that would rob them and they lost they're grand pops to a robbery, they were telling me that befor they came to here that america was portrayed as a peaceful in the middle east none violent place with beautiful resorts and beaches and nice big houses and then when they got over here,and started to live here they noticed a lot of lies that america has portayed you on the opposite belivieving contrary and you grew up here,and you would realy be stupid to be brain washed to let them tell you this is your country when even you mexicans have been conquered by the spanish who are european also and lost your original tongue and there never was a mexican president and never will be just like afro american president, but arnold swarzzeneggar comes from austria and gets into office and make it to be californias government, and will be running for president also, but because hes white european he could do that, your country mexico is next door and there has never been no mexican government in cali,and there would never be a mexican government because they like making money off of us in the penal system, because they know that if they're were a mexican government then a lot of money would be lost in the penal system that these white pigs own because if there was a mexican government he would spen millions of tax payers dollas to set up prevention programs to keep his own kind out of the penal system and they know that and are afraid of that especially in california the penitentary state where billions are made from, and also the funeral homes too, and also we, us afro americans and the mexicans have lost they're original language and they're minds, and to talk about them killing there selves is more to it, we donnot manufacture the guns, we never made guns nore own andy factories that produce them all the guns are made and named from white peoples names, like smith and wesson, gloc, rugar, magnum,and the list goes on, that also is a multy billion bussiness just as well with white people owning the bussiness and at the same time illiminating us , killing two birds with one stone for them,, they know exactly how many guns are out on the streetz but as long as we are killing eachother its okay,but when that shotting in denver colorado happened all those white people had a gun drive just so that there would not be no white on white genocidal shit going on, but when its us its okay,i remember looking on t.v after that colmbine shooting thay had one of the biggest gun drives ever,all those white people were turning in they're guns, what is wrong with that picture,what i am trying to tell you that the past still does matter and if it didn't then god wouldn't have nothing to judge us on, everything becomes the past, everything so a lot of shit that you are saying is out of context because you are just looking out for your self and donnot speak for your own unfortunate people and try to help them, how ever i am not a felon and i do work and never been to the pen but i am not selfish and i speak for all minorities in this white supremist racists country my man, stop being selfish and speak for your unfortunate kind and you will see in a better light, you sound like you went to harvard or princeton or some shite and became a white washed uncle tomas with some bith ass digree, and if you say that shis country is fair as you think then why don't they go to harvard are princetojn to recruit those white people for the war in iraq,all front line soldiers are mostly black and mexican and other minorities who donnot even have an american citizenship ,but can earn one as long as they put they're dick on the line for this fucked up country, fuck that, and then come back with no legs and no dick which gotten blown off by some car bomb in iraq, and then your wife leaves you because you can't fuck and make love no more,or protect your family because you are disabled,then where is your manhood after that nigga!, after a while eating the pussy gets played out, ask any bisexual dike, after a while they want some afro or mexican american serloin sausage in them !!,and all you get is a purple heart, but you cant even fuck no more, by that time you realize that this nation is racists and donnot give a froggs fat ass about any minorities, lets keep it real my man you go to iraq and get your dick blown off and then come back talking that patriotic bull shit,lets see if you still believe in this american crap with being a no dick blown off war veteran in the fucking purple heart dickless perade smiling and waving at the people while the kids look at you as a freak war hero with no cock!!!