Top Rank & Golden Boy agree to all terms - the fight is in floyds hands

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Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
^That makes sense..... Pacman's willingness to take the drug test closer to the fight means that they really want the fight to happen. If they gave in to the drug testing and if they're willing to give Floyd the bigger share of the purse split, then they're doing all they can to make this fight happen.

So it looks like 206 is ready to smash Beyonce raw dog....
May 13, 2002
Damn, Manny accepted all drug tests requests from floyd, NO CUTOFF DATES. Man up floyd!

Manny Pacquiao agrees to drug testing all the way to the fight

July 14th, 2010
By Simon Sheppard: The generosity of Manny Pacquiao can not manifests itself better than in this light. He could have turned away and rejected Floyd Mayweather’s demands on the testing using the NSAC as his point of argument. But no, he conceded to the demand.

Bob Arum told Dan Rafael of ESPN that Pacquiao accepted the terms of the random drug testing, blood and urine, leading up to the fight. He wasn’t forthcoming on the details, but Michael Koncz, the advisor of Pacquiao, said that there was also no argument regarding the 50/50 purse split.

Manny Pacquiao seemed to have got tired of all the nonsense. Like ok, whatever you want, let’s just fight. Knowing it’s the fight everybody wants to see, he did everything on his part to make it happen. Going against his principles to please all the boxing fans. Wanting to leave a lasting legacy. Wanting to answer the big question, once and for all, inside that squared circle.

However the negotiations turn out, Pacquiao will still fight on November 13th . What is still undecided is if it’s going to be against Miguel Cotto or Antonio Margarito. Whomever he faces of the two, Pacquiao is gunning for another record, an 8th weight class, the Junior Middleweight 154 title. Against Miguel Cotto it’s for the WBA belt. And against Margarito for the WBC version, which Sergio Martinez vacated.

Now it’s up to Floyd whether the fight gets made or not.

Floyd can forget the fans.
He can forget the legacy, of which he doesn’t care anyway.
Floyd can do it even just for the money.
We would understand perfectly, even applaud him for it.

Like Arum said “It’s Friday, and it’s 11:00 pm, if Floyd says we have a deal, we have a deal.”
But if Floyd wants to fight next year, they even gave him that option.
Both fights, Cotto and Margarito, would be a hard sell to most fans.

Cotto was dominated by Pacquiao in their previous fight, while Margarito lost a lot of his fans after the handwrap incident.

It is very rare in an era, or in a generation, that two prime fighters at their peaks get to face each other. Many questions will be answered with this fight. Questions like who will prevail – slugger vs. the pure boxer? Offense vs. defense? Who will be faster?
And the biggest question of all – who is truly the Pound for Pound King in this generation?

It’s all up to Floyd now to have the chance to answer all those questions.
Feb 21, 2006
tonight is the ESPY awards and both Pacquiao and Mayweather will be there. lmao this whole thing could be a perfect setup/platform to announce the fight. I hope so any way...
^^^LOL that would be dope if they announced it tonight. I could just picture it now...Mayweather jumping on stage as if he was Kanye West and just starts talkin shit about Pacquiao/Top Rank. That right there would get a TON of media coverage and would give non-boxing fans a reason to order the fight hahaha EVERYBODY and their momma loves drama these days

EDIT: Pacman agreeing to take tests all the way to the fight? Mayweather HAS to agree/sign now...would be some straight bullshit if PBF still refuses to fight.
May 13, 2002
I would denounce atheism and become a full believer in the almighty god if the winner of the award announces that the fight is signed, and the loser rushes the stage, tackles the winner and a full fledged brawl occurs leaving the ESPY's in chaos and prompting headlines across the world tomorrow describing the brawl and announcement of the fight. lmao

I can dream.
May 6, 2002
I watched 2.5 hours of garbage when all I wanted to see was the fighter of the year.
This is why the fans shouldn't be allowed to vote. They were wrong on almost all counts.

Chicago Blackhawks should have won team of the year, easily.
May 13, 2002
Mayweather is getting lynched on ESPN lol his shit backfired big time, they're all calling him a coward and saying he might as well just retire being the coward he is, etc.

If he doesn't sign in the next 24 hours this one may hurt his legacy a lot more than he realizes.
Apr 20, 2005
damm. he really is a bitch. hahaha. No more excuses. He should just say he scared. Or maybe he'd rather fight Ricky Hattons brother. Shit. Maybe he'll fight Manny's brother.


CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
Check this Story all you Pac Man fans (Mayweather Haters lol)
Read or click the Link:

"The Decision" - Mayweather's Moment or Pacquiao's Problem?

Vivek Wallace: For more than 7 months now, the world of boxing has been held captive at the mercy of Floyd Mayweather jr. and Filipino phenom Manny Pacquiao. The evolution of this 'captivity' has seen unconfirmed allegations, questioned regulations, testing complications, and one stiff revelation. That one revelation is the fact that only one thing in boxing truly outweighs politics.....and that one thing is egos. In the case of Floyd Mayweather jr., there are no secrets. No facade. No catch. Despite being a great friend of famed New York City rapper 50-Cent, his demeanor is best captured by quoting west coast rapper Snoop Dogg, as without question, his "mind's on the money, and the money's on [his] mind". With Pacquiao, the squeaky clean image of the sports most spirited warrior blinds some to the fact that he's a "prize fighter" too, and concessions like money, weight, etc. are equally part of his ultimate strategy in negotiations, as well.

As many obstacles as we've seen in these negotiations since they began back in December of '09, the intriguing thing at this point is that the ever-resistant party (Team Pacquiao) has actually agreed in principle to the terms disclosed. Or have they? Seems nothing about this negotiation is ever etched in stone, and this false impression could very well be part of that trend.. There's a blind belief that the ball is back in Team Mayweather's court to sign the dotted line of a completed contract, but what was never disclosed by the only party that seems to be talking (despite being told not to) is whether or not Team Pacquiao has actually signed off on it yet, themselves.

There was supposed to be no talking during the negotiation process to maintain the integrity of the details privately discussed, yet the world has been told that "all points have been agreed to by Team Pacquiao and Team Mayweather has been sent an official copy to make it official". Did those words ("all points were agreed to") include the full scale blood and urine randomized testing throughout fight camp that Team Mayweather imposed? Or something to once again bring us so close, yet so far in the end? Now, if randomized testing throughout camp was agreed to by Team Pacquiao and Team Mayweather fails to solidify the deal, we have a bona fide reason to draw conclusions, (about Team Mayweather), whether they be true or false. Trouble is, as of now, this hasn't been confirmed. So, for the one side that has decided it's OK to talk to just intentionally leave this very important set of details out, one can only question what the truth really entails.

Few seem to discuss the fact that in the last negotiation for the fight, a mediator (Judge Daniel Weinstein) was brought in for what was supposed to be hush-hush negotiations. There was one side talking then, too. After the world began to form opinions based on what was said, that same neutral mediator came out in an unequivocal tone by producing what he called (and I quote) "A correction of false claims by Team Pacquiao". That action placed fault squarely on one side. As we reflect back on those failed negotiations and remember seeing them officially fall apart 3 hours prior to the midnight deadline given, it kinda makes you wonder if..........well.........if we've been set up for the same thing.......again!

If in fact this is an example of deceit where we learn that the true stipulations were never met and Mayweather opts not to move forward, despite him looking bad in the eyes of the public temporarily, it could be Pacquiao who ultimately looks worst in the long run. Few have considered the fact that a man who most view as the greatest in the sport today currently has a contingency plan that would place him in the ring with either a suspended fighter who is currently banned in the U.S.A., (Margarito); or the man he savagely humbled who has never been the same ever since (Cotto). Not exactly great options for a man fighting steroid allegations, himself.

With so many other talents on the rise (Williams/Bradley/Berto) and on the fall (Mosley/Marquez), why Top Rank would limit Pacquiao's options to two men who have no business in the ring with him remains one of those questions few would even care to answer. Some would say it's about dollars, yet, at the expense of tarnishing a crystallized legacy, the end result doesn't appear to make much sense. Don't believe the hype fight fans! Mayweather loves attention, but he's not this moronic! If he was gonna sign the contract it would have come long before tonight. As the midnight deadline draws closer, we are told it's Mayweather's moment; but when he buck's the system like he has so often in the past, trust me, this Mayweather moment will be nothing more than the start of more Pacquiao problems!

(Vivek Wallace can be reached at FaceBook, [email protected], 954-292-7346, Youtube (VIVEK1251), Twitter (VIVEK747), and Myspace).
Feb 13, 2006
Dan Rafael (12:03 PM)

The addition of the clock to the TR web site tells me they know Mayweather isn't going to sign and now they can let loose. There were negotiations and they were substantive. I believe Pacquiao and Top Rank really want to make the fight for November. When it was talked about for March, I do not think Arum wanted to make it. Now he does. But back then Mayweather, who needed the money, wanted to make it. Now he has money from the Mosley fight and doesn't want to fight.