We both know that GOD is the creator. The bible says that GOD created man in his own image. Look in the mirror and all the humanly features that you have were patterned after GODs. He has two eyes, a nose 10 finger and toes, because man (as in mankind) was made in his image. (I made sure I said mankind so you wouldn't think that GOD looked like some kind of male/female looking freak....the reproductive organs men and women have are only for us to be fruitfull and multiply.)
Satan is the Devil. When he was created he was an angel by the name Lucifer, the greatest and most beautiful angel that GOD ever created. Descriptions of how he looked as an angel are found in the bible in the book of Eziekiel 28, verse 12, 13 and 14. (The reason I give you the names of the books in the bible is for you to look in the book and see it for yourself....never take my or anyone's word for it, only take GODs word for it and the bible is GODS WORD......
On verse 15 the bible says (This is talking about Lucifer, before or should I say as he became Satan...I'll explain....) Verse 15 "You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created TILL wickedness was found in you." As you can see God describes Lucifer as being blameless or in other words perfect UNTIL wickedness was found in him.
It explain how this became possible reading further but what stands out in explination the most to me is Verse 17.....it says "Your heart became proud on account of your beauty....and YOU CORRUPTED your wisdom because of your slendor."
There is one sin that this verse is refering to and it is called PRIDE! The sin that got Lucifer the boot out of heaven and stripped of his beauty to the enemy we have today by the name of SATAN! (The word Satan means Adversary or Enemy).
He was so cought up on how great he looked and thought of himself higher than all of GODscreations and it got to the point that he felt he was greater than GOD!!! HA HA what a fool! He thought that he was greater than God almighty the creater of everything.
He was so serious about himself being greater than GOD that he attempted to over throw (I'm laughing ) GOD from the throne because he thought that he was greater...what adds to the crazyness is the fact that he managed to get 1/3 of the heavenly host of angels to rebel against God and there was a war in heaven between the angels thats turned crooked including Lucifer against the angels that were still loyal to GOD of course the devil got his butt kicked and the rest of them too were defeated and kicked out of heaven banished forever.
One thing about angels that turn against GOD...there is no saving them...ITS CURTAINS...but for mankind...things were and STILL ARE a lot different!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now taking everthing that you know now, you will understand why Satan wants to get back at GOD and what happened in the garden of Eden was just the beginning of the devils plan..........
too bad for him he is not as smart as GOD because is truly perfect...in knowledge and everthing ther is to be perfect in.
When you open the bible to the first page in the first book called Genesis it says (Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the Earth." That particular part of that verse is refering to the period where God first made this planet and the heavens and the period where Lucifer fell and became Satan our adversary. In verse 2 it says...."And the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of GOD moved upon the face of the waters. How could it be without form and void if GOD just created it!!!!! Makes since doesn't it...that means verse two is definately along was from verse 1. God possibly created the Earth 1,000,000 years before the events in verse 2 and the other following verses came to play.
If you never noticed it,......GOD says LET there be light...etc Let there be this, let there be that and so on..... the word let is a word of allowance. In other words GOD is giving or allowing the light the permission to shine again. Something must have happened to cause it to stop shining, and what that was I don't fully understand so I won't speak on it...I aint trying to get you confused...I'm just going to lay down the importance. Keep that in mind when reading Genesis and he says Let, he is only restoring or fixing what he had created and made it good again.
The only different LET you should see is the one when he created man. The reason is simply, there were no men to even restore or put back in order, where as when he divided to waters from the firmament (which is the sky) in verse 6 he was fixing things back to how he originally made it ......GOOD.