@Shep (cont...)
"Another way to put it is that to be able to make plans and decisions one must act over time. If god stands above time he can not do that and has no free will. Indeed, if god stands above all dimensions god is dimensionless - a singularity, nothing, void!"
Unlike us, God, His actions, His form, His name, His word, etc., are one and the same. We are different from our bodies. We are different from our actions. We are different from our names. Our word is not absolute. God is all dimensions as well as above them. God does not require time to perform. All God's actions, being non-separate from God Himself, are done in the eternal now.
"Besides there can exist no free wills at all if god is almighty. If you had a free will, god wouldn't know what you would do tomorrow and wouldn't be omnipotent."
To have a free will does not conclude that God cannot know what choices shall be made. Nothing is free from God. But, God, knowing our desires, allows us to fullfill them. If our desires are to serve material nature by seeking out sense-gratification, He allows us to do that. He also knows that which you will do. There is both free will and an ultimate plan, as hard as that is to accept.
"If everything must have been created, then god must have been created as well. If god is not created, then everything mustn't have a creator, so why should life or cosmos have one?"
Creation has to do with the material world. Life is not a product of material substance. Therefore, life, (or spirit), is not created, rather it is eternal. If God is spiritual then the whole concept that He must have been created is proposterous. Your logic is obviously influenced by material thought. Real knowledge consists of discriminating between matter and spirit. That is the basis of knowing anything. Material knowledge, in and of itself, may perhaps, give one temporary satisfaction or enlightenment. But, the emphasis is on TEMPORARY. Real knowledge is eternal and transcendental. As material perceptions always change with time, spiritual wisdom remains the same.
"If everything has a source and god is that source, then god must have existed without it before he created it. So if god created time and space, he must live outside of time and space. Thus he is non-existent. If all life must come from something and that is god, god is not alive and hence non-existent. If moral must come from god, god lacks moral. If logic comes from god, god is illogic. If nature comes from god, god is unnatural. If existence comes from god, god is non-existent. If god is the cause of everything, god is void"
Simply put:
Yes, God is above all these things. This does not conclude that He is their opposite. This also does not conclude that God is "non-existent". God is not conditioned by material time and space, therefore He is above them. But it does not follow from this that God must be non-existent. All life is spirit; spirit is eternal. Life did not come from God in the sense of material creation. Your perception of what life is is based on the birth of the material body. Hence your logic is flawed to this endeavor. God being the source of morals would only mean that He is above morals. God being the source of material logic only means that He is above such logic. This whole "God lacking the such which He authorizes" is illogical.
"A much better way to change the world is to do it yourself. Then you would know that it was you who made the world better. The effect of prayers are not scientific provable, whilst the effect of actions are. Instead of praying you should set to work at improving your situation. This is what humanism is about."
I agree that action is better than inaction. But, any action with a purely material endeavor is only done in ignorance. Upon just a moment of thought one will realize that all material things are temporary. If one is seeking to "improve their situation" by gaining more material things to better enjoy more material pleasure, they are obviously in ignorance. "Humanism" only knows the flesh body and cannot discriminate that from the life principle. Hence, all it's (humanism's) endeavors are in vain.
"They somehow feel that their lives are meaningless without god, so they choose to close their eyes to evidence against the existence of god."
There is no evidence against the existence of God. You have not shown any. As I stated in the beginning:
"your attempt is a failure..."