How do you know you cannot exist with a great grandfather? How do you know you weren't adopted or created by some other being, either by supernatural divinity or maybe you were cloned a certain amount of years ago and given to a foster family? You don't and can't prove it unless you remember your own birth. Even if you have pictures or film of your birth there is always the possibility that this proof could have been doctored. Fact is you can't be sure.
1)I never made that assumption. I even clarified myself.
2)They didn't make a space ship because they did not have that technology that is correct but that is not to say they had no technology, that was my point, nothing else.
3)If you worship your toilet and treat it as your god then by definiton of the word the toilet is a god. If you are still asking me if your toilet is a devine being then that is up for debate and I would say no.
Yes no human. My answer is not NO. Over confidence can lead one down the wrong path. Logically I believe that no human truly understands nature. Because I believe this I have no proof of a human that truly does understand nature, if you believe that some human ever has then please back up your statement with proof.
You may have been talking to me, I didn't know. Your comment was a generalization. All you said was people, well i am a person and i belong to people.
1) Common sense is logic to you, not necessarily that to me. It doesnt seem to be very common.
2) Don't kill people because it's not good. I dont believe that is common or logical. If anything I would say killing and/or murder are norms.
3) Maybe people are dependant on a higher power because they wish to do so, it is not necessarily because they feel they must have a crutch in order to face life, death, uncertainty.
1)I never made that assumption. I even clarified myself.
2)They didn't make a space ship because they did not have that technology that is correct but that is not to say they had no technology, that was my point, nothing else.
3)If you worship your toilet and treat it as your god then by definiton of the word the toilet is a god. If you are still asking me if your toilet is a devine being then that is up for debate and I would say no.
Yes no human. My answer is not NO. Over confidence can lead one down the wrong path. Logically I believe that no human truly understands nature. Because I believe this I have no proof of a human that truly does understand nature, if you believe that some human ever has then please back up your statement with proof.
You may have been talking to me, I didn't know. Your comment was a generalization. All you said was people, well i am a person and i belong to people.
1) Common sense is logic to you, not necessarily that to me. It doesnt seem to be very common.
2) Don't kill people because it's not good. I dont believe that is common or logical. If anything I would say killing and/or murder are norms.
3) Maybe people are dependant on a higher power because they wish to do so, it is not necessarily because they feel they must have a crutch in order to face life, death, uncertainty.
Over confidence can lead SOME down the wrong path. Ignorance is a big role in that as well, not just ego homey. About the humans understanding nature, I was just trying to get you to see my perspective. You are trying to convince me of something you have NO proof of, its a bitch when people do that shit to you huh?
1) Common sense should be very common. That's the problem with our species. Common sense does not mean, "what everyone agrees on." It means what is right based on ethical reasoning.
2) Just because something is a normal happening doesn't mean that it's not good. People do drugs and fuck of there lives all the time, that's a norm, but it's not a good thing. I just used that as an example. Maybe I should have used more examples or generalized shit so you could understand better?
3) Wish to do so? WHAT IS THERE MOTIVATION? There is always a REASON. You can't say that it's not what I said because to be perfectly honest, you don't know why every single person believes in god, if they do.
BTW....If I worship my toilet, that makes it a god, as you said. Just because I worship it, DOESN'T MEAN IT'S GOD. See what I'm sayin? Just cause you worship it, doesn't mean it's really there or that there is a god. Thanks, have a nice day! :dead: