The Last of the Siccness Christians

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Aug 28, 2006
Hutch said:
Yes you did, you attacked my character. You just attacked my character again whilst trying to explain why you weren't attacking my character. You can't trust someone who doesn't have the correct belief system. In other words, you can't trust me because I'm an athiest. I'm out of sync with the true nature of reality and thus will eventually collapse because of my lack of belief in your God. This is followed by another stab at my character, where you presume (wrongly) that all of my values are self-made and thus I'm by nature a selfish, bad person. Finally, you reiterate your initial statement that I will physically deteriorate and have a break down because of my 'incorrect belief system', i.e. because I don't believe in your God.
i meant it as an extreme, its kind of hard to communicate meaning through typing for me. yes your an atheist, but that doesnt mean i cant learn from your knowledge. i will, though, limit it up until evolution and creation. again its not an attack on your character because i dont know you enough to know your character.

Hutch said:
Look jon, if you need a God in order to prevent yourself from breaking down, then have your God. I, for one, don't need 'Him' to stay together. I'm mentally and physically strong and know my place in this world, what good would God do me right now?
i dont need god to live physically, but it is said in the bible that man does not live of bread alone.

Hutch said:
So my belief system, evolution, will break down because it doesn't tell you exactly why you're here and doesn't support your arrogant and false anthropological stance? You don't have a purpose jon. You must create your own - and yes, beware of the pitfalls because society CAN and DOES corrupt you, it's a part of life - either get used to it or change it. If you want to change it, then action speaks louder than prayers.
i have a purpose. my purpose is to help others. i am naturaly a symphetic person so i try to help others. however i can be cold and very logical, but i know that wont help anyone. if i may ask, what is it that you ultimately want from life?

Hutch said:
It's been happening for a very long time jon. Popular media may be gaining a grip on weak minded people, but I just see that as popular media taking over from where religion left off. People can be manipulated with money - do you know how rich the church is? Studies have shown that uneducated people are more likely to believe in God than intelligent, educated people. They quest for knowledge instead of deliberately trying to make the world remain ignorant of that knowledge. Povery exists in your country because of personal greed, capitalism gone mad - and yet it is one of the most religious countries in the world - fancy that!!! In conclusion jon, yes - it is clear to me what is happening in the world. The only difference between us though is that I am more aware of the CAUSE, not just the symptoms (and no, I did not just blame religion for all of the problems, I'm simply pointing out that blaming a LACK of religion on these problems was preposterous).
but would you also agree that the less educated have to have faith in god since they have limited knowledge? you on the other hand have had the oppurnity and will to aquire knowledge. i am not against knowledge and neither is god, there is a quote in the bible pertaining to this. is saids "ask any questions and i will answer, for i will not withold any knowledge from you.
i love knowledge, but knowledge alone is useless without wisdom. i am aware of the symptoms as i am aware of the cause. i am also aware that the CAUSE loves to withold knowledge from us, including spiritual knowledge. its not lack of religion thats causing all these problems, but the greed of people who hate religion. those in power.

Hutch said:
Greedy people control the educational system, the media and the money. They are usually educated although I am unsure as to their emotional experiences. No offense jon, but just taking into account your spelling, prose and ability to put forth a convincing argument, I would have to say that you don't seem like a well educated individual. I'm not sure about your emotional experiences, but if they're relatively neutral, then your mind must be... strong? nope.
i admit i dont have the best spelling in the world, i may talk in laymens terms, and i may not be able to convince you. but that doesnt discredit my ideas, it just shows my lack of grammar and communication abilities. i have the knowledge and logic to back up my ideas, i just lack the ability to communicate them well to others. but it is something that is a priority of mine.

Hutch said:
I don't care whether any government is controlled by athiests - I doubt whether their religious affiliation (or lack thereof) would have anything to do with the decisions they make. Your assertion that 'if the country were run by christians, then they would give a shit about the population' is also bullshit. Religion has been weilded as a weapon from its very inception.
i am not saying that atheist are the ones to blame. and i'm not saying the country should be run by christians. what am saying is that those in power are racist and they are using a theory of you know what to distort you from the truth along with other tactics, like war and materialism.

Hutch said:
Thanks. I sometimes respect your ideas but it can be difficult. If you could present a more cogent (convincing) argument, such as those of Heresy or even Dirty Shoez before he was banned, then I would respect them more.
i understand, but just to see the fault in that i'll ask you a question. if you where walking down a ghetto neighborhood that was very dangerous and you needed to get out quick. and two guys aproach you. one is very intellingent but does not know the neighborhood, and the other seems very crude, thug like and you can barely understand what he is saying, but knows his way around.the intelligent one tells you he will gladly get you out safe for a 100 bucks, and the "thug" tells you the same thing. tell me who would you rather have to get you out of their?
point is, smart, intelligent people dont like taking in advice or knowledge from people they think are less educated then them. intelligance will only get you so far.

Hutch said:
Examine my side? I'm fluent in 'my side of the coin' arguments, they are the ones I put forth every time I post. I've tried to understand your perspective, but it is irrelevant to me. As you suggested previously, different people require different belief systems - I personally believe in evolution and nature. I don't believe in anything that can be considered paranormal, including your God. I don't need it to give me purpose or to explain away the things I don't know. For those of us who do require the existence of a divine being to give their life purpose, then by all means believe. I just hate it when people quote the 'good book' and then criticize me for not believing in what is written therein.
then what about conscience? thinking meat? how is that possible? the mind has the power to affect the physical. but im sure that you know that and have a logical explanation? so tell me what is your take on the conscience?
Mar 9, 2005
jon21 said:
i meant it as an extreme, its kind of hard to communicate meaning through typing for me. yes your an atheist, but that doesnt mean i cant learn from your knowledge. i will, though, limit it up until evolution and creation. again its not an attack on your character because i dont know you enough to know your character.
Is that because evolution helps to discredit your God and His book? Any knowledge which can provide an alternative explanation to 'God did it' is to be ignored completely because if you actually understood it, it may shake your belief in God. Ignorance is better than a lack of belief, isn't it?

jon21 said:
i dont need god to live physically, but it is said in the bible that man does not live of bread alone.
Any argument that uses the bible to support it's claims is a weak argument at best.

jon21 said:
i have a purpose. my purpose is to help others. i am naturaly a symphetic person so i try to help others. however i can be cold and very logical, but i know that wont help anyone. if i may ask, what is it that you ultimately want from life?
I would like to finish my PhD and have a long, fruitful career in plant science, get married, buy a nice house and have either two or three children; I would like to continue to spend time with my family and friends, laugh and have fun, travel around the world and experience the wonder of ancient ruins, natural landscapes and the multitude of cultures in existance. You get the picture. God has no place in any of this though.

jon21 said:
but would you also agree that the less educated have to have faith in god since they have limited knowledge? you on the other hand have had the oppurnity and will to aquire knowledge. i am not against knowledge and neither is god, there is a quote in the bible pertaining to this. is saids "ask any questions and i will answer, for i will not withold any knowledge from you.
i love knowledge, but knowledge alone is useless without wisdom. i am aware of the symptoms as i am aware of the cause. i am also aware that the CAUSE loves to withold knowledge from us, including spiritual knowledge. its not lack of religion thats causing all these problems, but the greed of people who hate religion. those in power.
I would agree. Less educated people are more likely to believe in God due to their ignorance, or as you put it, their lack of knowledge (same thing). Again, referring to the bible is useless - ask God any question and he will answer? That's bullshit and you know it. I also agree with your statement 'knowledge alone is useless without wisdom', but again we must disagree on the definition of wisdom. It sounds as though you're saying 'knowledge is useless without God (or spiritual understanding, whatever)'. I prefer the phrase 'knowledge is useless if you don't know how to use it'.

jon21 said:
i admit i dont have the best spelling in the world, i may talk in laymens terms, and i may not be able to convince you. but that doesnt discredit my ideas, it just shows my lack of grammar and communication abilities. i have the knowledge and logic to back up my ideas, i just lack the ability to communicate them well to others. but it is something that is a priority of mine.
You're getting better jon, but you still make bold claims without any evidence. If the only thing this board teaches anyone is how to increase the cogency of their argument, or increase their ability to spell or type grammatically correct sentences, then this board has done an excellent job of teaching.

jon21 said:
i am not saying that atheist are the ones to blame.
A contradictory statement;

jon21 said:
ts not lack of religion thats causing all these problems, but the greed of people who hate religion.
jon21 said:
i understand, but just to see the fault in that i'll ask you a question. if you where walking down a ghetto neighborhood that was very dangerous and you needed to get out quick. and two guys aproach you. one is very intellingent but does not know the neighborhood, and the other seems very crude, thug like and you can barely understand what he is saying, but knows his way around.the intelligent one tells you he will gladly get you out safe for a 100 bucks, and the "thug" tells you the same thing. tell me who would you rather have to get you out of their?
point is, smart, intelligent people dont like taking in advice or knowledge from people they think are less educated then them. intelligance will only get you so far.
Um, jon, that actually highlights a fault of yours. Logic tells me that asking this intelligent man for directions when he clearly doesn't know them is a stupid move. I would definitely request the help of the 'crude, thug like' man because he is a useful source of information. When it comes to the task of getting out of the hood, this thug is clearly smarter than the 'intelligent' man.

Using the exact same argument, let's say that I am about to be thrown from a cliff by a band of raving lunatics. There is an intelligent man, who says he'll tell me how I can survive such a fall for $100. Then there's a priest, who puts forth the same offer. Let's say I take the advice of the less intelligent man (the priest). What will he say? I bet you it would be something along the lines of 'God is with you, have faith and pray as you fall and Gods hand will come down and guide you to safety'. In other words, I'm FUCKED! If I ask the more intelligent man, he would say, 'as you fall, hook your jumper on that tree to the left about ten metres down. You might be able to swing yourself onto that revine and survive'. I would MUCH rather take the intelligent mans advice! In other words jon, knowledge of the world is far more important than blind faith.

I don't refuse to listen to the arguments of those who are less 'intelligent' than me. However, I have spent an AWFUL lot of time thinking about such topics from multiple angles and am extremely comfortable with my resulting paradigm. When someone less 'intelligent' than me says I'm wrong and supports his claim with a ridiculously stupid argument, I am not likely to listen to them!

jon21 said:
then what about conscience? thinking meat? how is that possible? the mind has the power to affect the physical. but im sure that you know that and have a logical explanation? so tell me what is your take on the conscience?
In detail, this is a very complex topic. In simple terms though, the formation of a consciousness is an evolutionary adaptation just like the eye. It helps us survive by giving us the ability to learn, to adapt, to remember and communicate more effectively - you get the picture. The mind forms as a result of the complex electrochemical interplay between millions of neurons - there doesn't need to be any spirit or soul which gives us the ability to think, there is no homunculous in our heads jon.
Mar 12, 2005
Hutch said:
Is that because evolution helps to discredit your God and His book? Any knowledge which can provide an alternative explanation to 'God did it' is to be ignored completely because if you actually understood it, it may shake your belief in God. Ignorance is better than a lack of belief, isn't it?
Disprove him how? Evolution is a THEORY, not a proven fact.
Apr 4, 2006
Ok, you lying sack of foreskin!

Then you go on with Shoowilla about the Quran in an earlier thread.

No wonder why you're as sorry as K-Nine.
cockton you are not a christian, believe that.all you are is a walking,and talking want to discredit every non biblical theory but believe every conspiracy theory.what a joke.
Mar 12, 2005
The Book of Enoch, you couldn't tell me which enoch wrote it, you couldn't tell me what text it was written in, and you couldn't tell me when it was written. You also said he spoke of many things in the bible that came AFTER HE WAS RAPTURED! You also said in Jude God quotes Enoch, but you claim that enoch was the same enoch who wrote the book.
Dec 25, 2003
See Stockton this is why you need to really expand your intellectual base.

All your Christian tinfoiler theories and reading stop you from learning from the world. You need to put down the Cross and the Switchblade, or the Real Da Vinci Code, or Left Behind, or The Lost Books of Shadrach, and really *learn* something.
Mar 12, 2005
See white devil, since you're always on my nuts, and this is a Religion thread. You grew up in a pentocostal home right, what's more important salvation by God's Grace, or being informed of current events. I do both, and because I post alot about Jesus in Religion threads, you think I lack knowledge in other parts of educations. Get the fuck here with that shit.
Feb 8, 2006
lol at Creation. How did "God" get here then?

Some things can't be explained. But I can't find it in myself to believe we all evolved from one cell into this but you can go ahead and do so.
Mar 12, 2005
Adam and Eve=Possess all genes, necessary for different races


Or we all evolved from a Cell. Scientist argue that we came from the Sea, we came from mud, we came from monkeys, we came from insects, some say even from light. Yeah the scientific theories sound much better. *sarcasm*
Dec 25, 2003
GTS said:
Some things can't be explained.

Heresy said:
Thats explained in the bible.
Of course it is. It sort of reminds me of the same exact argument Evolutionists use.

BennyHinn said:
Yeah the scientific theories sound much better. *sarcasm*
I know, huh. Haha! Those "scientists", with their "theories!" lmao!

I bet you they don't even know the difference between Habakkuk and Hamakai. Pssht. Scientists...people who go to school for years just so someone can teach them that the Bible is wrong. They should just have a piece of paper that says "The Bible is wrong", and that should be their certificate of PhD, since that's all they know anyways.
Feb 8, 2006

Of course it is. It sort of reminds me of the same exact argument Evolutionists use.

I know, huh. Haha! Those "scientists", with their "theories!" lmao!

I bet you they don't even know the difference between Habakkuk and Hamakai. Pssht. Scientists...people who go to school for years just so someone can teach them that the Bible is wrong. They should just have a piece of paper that says "The Bible is wrong", and that should be their certificate of PhD, since that's all they know anyways.
Do you believe that George Washington was real?