Six in one hand...
Saying definitively either way that this flu was man made or not is illogical because no one here can know with absolute certainty what that truth is.
Having said that and after everything I have read about this virus, it doesn't seem all that unlikely that a strain of flu passed from birds to pigs to humans. I also have not seen a compelling argument as to why the government would create and then release this form of influenza in Mexico. Whether or not there is a conspiracy behind all this or not, it does get somewhat old that every time something unusual comes to a large scale a conspiracy is suggested.
For any of the reasons suggested by conspiracy theorists the government could have easily created something much more effective than what we are currently experiencing.
I'll give you a brief explanation on why what you just typed was a waste of time.
1. Knowing america has a history of creating weapons, and using them on it's own people, and others, it doesn't seem unlikely that this is man made.
2. Knowing people were talking about a man made flu virus at least five years prior to this would should at least warrant some concern. Again, it doesn't seem unlikely that this is man made. Also note, the people saying this are involved in the field of genetics, bio-weapons, etc.
3. The leaders of this country previously said Avian Bird Flu would kill 200,000 - 2 million people and ordered 80 million doses of tamiflu. The government ordered 20 million doses at $100 per dose. That's $2 billion, and who was it that stood to benefit from this? Gilead, but more specifically, Donald Rumsfeld, the guy who was the chairman for four years and still has major holdings with the company. Knowing our countries history, and all the false flags they have given the public, would it be unlikely that this was done for money?
4. We have an issue with our borders. It is dialectic at it's finest and would make total sense to do something like this
IF it were done to close the borders. People would not stand to close the borders if nothing was going on, however, with a health crisis, no one would exactly question the closing of the borders would they? No. Why not? Because it's for your health and well being to close them. Again, thesis, antithesis, synthesis what more do you need?
5. When you said, "For any of the reasons suggested by conspiracy theorists the government could have easily created something much more effective than what we are currently experiencing." you left out a major ingredient of your argument. First off, you just acknowledged the government is capable of creating something much more effective, knowing this to be true, what do
YOU feel the government could have made that is much more effective? Also, another major error is you're basing it on what we're
currently experiencing. What if the Iceberg model changes and more people experience the most severe symptoms or sickness?
6. Finally,
"Mexico's top government epidemiologist said Wednesday that it is "highly improbable" that a farm in the Mexican state of Veracruz operated by Smithfield Foods Inc. is responsible for the nation's swine-flu outbreak." Which leads us to this question, is this guy incorrect in his findings? If so, have any independent bodies outside of the Mexcian and american labs tested the pigs? If he is not incorrect, or the test run by american labs said it didn't start in some small town in Mexico, we're back to square one--which is--where did this come from?