Super Middleweight tournament officially annouced. Who will win?

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who wins??

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Apr 25, 2002
Dirrell really impressed me. I didn't think much of him in all honesty. Some people say he won the fight against Froch but I didn't think so at all. I thought he actually looked scared during the introductions tonight. But he really stepped up... boxed beautifully! Smart gameplan. Stick and move, counter punch. Really frustrated Abraham.

The ending sucked, but the first 10 rounds were great. The DQ was justified but it wasn't THAT bad. Looking at the replay the punch was late and hard but not devastating. Dirrell played it like a Divac flop and didn't need to. You could tell he regrets not getting up and finishing him.
May 13, 2002
dirrell put on a clinic, just like I thought. I lost all respect for abraham, for one, he hit him when he was down. Ok, I can maybe understand if he just fucked up, it was a mistake, but for abraham after teh fight to say he was acting, fuck him. he was having convulsions on the ground. You cant fake that shit and he had NO IDEA where he was. They need to get dirrell to the hospital asap.

When your down, and your not expecting a punch, those are the most devastating. It was square on the chin.

DQ win. I wonder how many points dirrell gets and more importantly, I wonder how that effects my online gambling!

that shit was a crazy fight though, crazy ass ending.

Dirrell played it like a Divac flop and didn't need to. You could tell he regrets not getting up and finishing him.
dog, didn't you see the interview after?? He didn't even know he won the fight, he was clueless man, he was out of it. The doctor after said he didn't understand where he was.
Apr 25, 2002
To me he got hit late, and yes it was a big hit, but he reacted way after, and it was more dramatic than it should've been. But I guess the "convulsions" were something. I don't know. Either way, great win for Andre. I didn't watch the post fight interviews, flipped to the HBO fights.. if Arthur was talking shit thats all bad.
May 13, 2002
To me he got hit late, and yes it was a big hit, but he reacted way after, and it was more dramatic than it should've been. But I guess the "convulsions" were something. I don't know. Either way, great win for Andre. I didn't watch the post fight interviews, flipped to the HBO fights.. if Arthur was talking shit thats all bad.
delayed reactions happen a lot in boxing.

But yeah, you have got to see the interview after, I'll post it when it was up. He had no idea what was going on, he thought he lost the fight. Dude asked what's wrong and he said, "I got dropped and lost" he was actually crying cuz he thought he lost the fight. Everyone in his corner was trying to tell him he won but he didn't understand. And this was AFTER the announced Dirrell as the winner. A few minutes later, in the dressing room, the doctor said he didn't know where he was and he's concerned he had brain bleed and they are taking him to the doctor.

I'm actually pretty concerned he'll never be the same fighter after that.

They asked Abraham if they thought he should have been DQ'd and he said something like, "No I don't understand what I did wrong. He went down, I hit him and knocked him out. That's normal." Then he said something like, "he was acting, he is big actor." They asked him what he thought about how dirrell was winning almost every round and he said something like, "no, I was going for KO and got the KO." He wouldn't give him props at all.
Jan 18, 2006
Fuck Abraham, he should get suspended and kicked out the tournament. Dirrell has me worried that he will give ward a lot of problems. Crazy ending, never seen the winner of a fight so disoriented. Dirrell doesn't seem to have many flaws and I think he has the best hand speed in this weight class


CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
I thought Dirrell fought a great fight, but his one flaw is relies on his athelticism too much and keeps his hands low when he is backing away from punches. Abraham started to catch him with some strong punches towards the end and was hurting him. I hope he is ok because he got caught clean on the chin when he was down. Abraham was clearly frustrated and deserved to be disqualified. He whined about low blows the whole fight but I was glad the ref wasn't goin for it. Had this fight taken place in Germany, they would have let him sway the fight with that shit.
Jan 18, 2006
Ur right dirrell got caught with some good shots while backing away. I'm amazed he knocked down Abraham even if he wasn't hurt from it. Also was very surprised dirrell held his own when the 2 were trading punches which actually didn't happen that much in the fight. Dirrell looked better against froch but Abraham obviously blocked a lot more then threw punches
Oct 21, 2003
gotta give props to Dirrell for a sick perfomance but I dont know about that knockout in round 11.

Arthur was way too passive and started late (10th round) throwing punches.

I was kinda surprised that dirrell went down from that punch and started to act confused:

The Ref was kinda shady though!
May 13, 2002
The ref made a couple mistakes but nothing to serious.

The first was a second knockdown dirrell scored on abraham, but the ref ruled it a slip.

Next was a knockdown that abraham scored on dirrell, even though they're feet were tangled it probably should have been ruled a knockdown cuz the punch came just a tad bit first before teh feet got tangled.

There was a third mistake, not by the ref but by the doctor, when abraham's cut was bleeding bad they called time and the doctor came over to look at it, he actually treated the wound by applying pressure on it when that is not allowed.

other than that he made the right calls and the DQ cannot be questioned because if you hit a fighter when he's down that's an automatic DQ. Rules are rules. So even if you hold the absurd belief that dirrell was faking it, it doesn't matter because the rule states you hit a fighter when he's down and you get DQ'd, period (see Roy Jones vs Montel Griffin in the first fight for an example).
May 13, 2002
well, he might be garbage but the guy simply finds ways to win. He has the best resume at 168, easily.

I think kessler is garbage to be honest, he cant perform when the competition is stepped up.

For the record I hate froch, he's annoying piece of shit. His girl is pretty damn hot though, not gonna lie.

Dec 9, 2005
Yeah, Froch's girl is smokin hot!

Just got done watching Epidsodes 4 & 5 of Fight Camp 360. I must say, I like these as much, or more than the 24/7 episodes. They get really personal, and I really like how they highlight the fights.

Awesome job by Showtime.

I don't know who I pick this Saturday. My mind says Kessler, but Froch always finds a way to grind out a W.
May 13, 2002
Dirrell has me worried that he will give ward a lot of problems.
He will give him problems but I think Ward is just too tough, physically & mentally to lose to Dirrell. Ward is so determined it's crazy, he reminds me of Hopkins a little bit in that sense.

I'm actually pretty excited for Ward vs Allan "stares at feet" Green. Should be entertaining.

Aug 31, 2003
Green sucks .. Ward gets an easy touch here. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ward put Green away. I've been saying this for years when they were coming up might as well stick to it now .. Dirrell beats Ward.

.. and I pick Kessler over Froch. Froch gets hit a lot and Kessler can hit. Kessler might be straight up & follows people in a straight line but that won't mean anything against someone that fights like Froch .. I think Froch gets beat up, dropped and loses a clean decision.
May 13, 2002
great fight.

kessler's win actually helps out andre dirrell. Now the scores are:

abraham: 3
ward: 2
froch: 2
dirrell: 2
green: 0

Ward vs Green next, Froch vs Abraham, Kessler vs Green, dirrell vs ward. It's going to be real interesting.

Here is the bracket:

**Froch threatened to pull out today unless his fight against abraham is in the UK.