sup homies.. Some random Thoughts

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Apr 25, 2002
Imagine if the Lakers got a new coach this year, and the coach tried to come in, COMPLETELY re-work the team, and tell THEM all what to do...they'd look at him like he was crazy!!

You mean just like Phil Jackson did when he came in and turned them into 3 time champions?

everyone was marchin' to different drums and Phil Jackson came in and used his respect and great background to have them listening to him.

poor analogy on your part.

-og MS


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
^^^ No, no, no, grasshopper, im talking about POST-Champion Lakers, as i was almost CERTAIN that i conclusively alluded to--i guess not. Once again, you have retooled a perfectly logical metaphor for your own advantage; please do not let this happen again. Thank you.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Alright then....allow me to retort.

tadou's original "i dont know shit, but you cant prove it!" statement:
Imagine if the Lakers got a new coach this year, and the coach tried to come in, COMPLETELY re-work the team, and tell THEM all what to do...they'd look at him like he was crazy!!
og MS's "i am in the game, and you are not, so respect me" response:

You mean just like Phil Jackson did when he came in and turned them into 3 time champions?

everyone was marchin' to different drums and Phil Jackson came in and used his respect and great background to have them listening to him.

poor analogy on your part.
As you can see, i CLEARLY said "got a new coach this year" alluding to the fact that the Lakers are already playing in a way that is, obviously, working for them, and HAS worked for them for quite some time. The same could have been said for former members of certain unmentionable groups, and their microphone skills and work ethic, not in reguards to the "franchise" as a whole, but rather in reguards to--if i may enter the realm of philology for a moment--the rampant implementation of tyrannical ramifications and radical mischaracterizations via dictatorial explification.....(no rhyme intended)



Sicc OG
Oct 20, 2002
^^^I have to agree with the big OG MS on this one......Tadou you are a good writer and have obviouslly been educated or least have a vocab of an educated person who has a sohpistocateed train of thought......but your points are getting lost by your over used vocab words. Your using too many words to get your point across.....However, I do have to say one thing, Tadou is the best writer on this forum by far, he has the potential to be a writer or a journalist.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
"the rampant implementation of tyrannical ramifications" was the main part....sorry about the rest :devious: I basically meant to say, CEO's shouldnt nitpick, they should just trust their artists to act a certain way that benefits both themselves and the label.....if they dont, cut em lose, but dont BLAME them for the lack of success at the label, especially when THEY arent/werent the ones in charge! "Attitude reflects leadership", basically...

CODE: thanks, homie....yeah, if (/when, HAHA) my rap career falls through, thats where im headed :)

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
tadou said:
I basically meant to say, CEO's shouldnt nitpick, they should just trust their artists to act a certain way that benefits both themselves and the label
That's the dumbest fucking thing you've EVER said Doofy. What do you think a CEO's job is? To make sure things run make sure everybody is doing THEIR job.....and to make executive decisions.

The funny thing is.....(and I'm sure more than a few other record label heads will concur) we sit down and talk to the artists and tell them.....

"Look.....we're not Universal.....we're independent. So that means we don't have all kinds of money to do all that extra shit like hire streets teams all over the country and get hella magazine ads. We're gonna have to get out there and GRIND.....we gotta do this shit ourselves."

And they always say.....

"Yeah...I understand that. I'm willing to get out there and do all that shit. Promote.....sell CD's.....hand out up for shows.....whatever."

And it always ends up being some bullshit.

So.....they ALWAYS tell you one thing.....then do the opposite. And WE end up spending months and years waiting for people to get MOTIVATED to do shit. Plus around here......everybody would always stick up for the fuck-up......."Naw.....he's the homie....give him a break." WHATEVER!

And then they think that the few times that they went and handed fliers out was a big deal......they "did their job" supposedly. What a joke! The rest of their time they're in jail......drunk....high.....playing PS2.....and jackin' off. How is that PRODUCTIVE??? It's not. Not when there are other people out there EVERY-fuckin'-DAY promoting!

That's what I've always stressed to people.........YOU GOTTA BE WILLING TO DO WHAT THE NEXT MAN WON'T!!!!! YOU GOTTA WORK HARDER THAN THE NEXT MAN!!!!! If your competition is working 8 hours a day promoting......are you gonna be better than them by working only 4 hours a day????? NO....YOU FUCKIN' DUMBSHIT! :confused:

og MS

Member since 1997
Apr 25, 2002
D-Sane be killin me ... but you're speakin real...

Attitude reflects leadership

Since when. Lack of motivation is within. You can preach work ethic all day, but if it isn't within that particular person.. it's a moot point

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
og MS said:
D-Sane be killin me ... but you're speakin real...
Thanks......I I'm here every Monday, Tuesday & Friday folks....

I have YEARS of frustration to get off my chest......for real.

Attitude reflects leadership

Since when. Lack of motivation is within. You can preach work ethic all day, but if it isn't within that particular person.. it's a moot point
Beautiful point.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Attitude reflects leadership

Since when. Lack of motivation is within. You can preach work ethic all day, but if it isn't within that particular person.. it's a moot point
Since when? Since the age-old proverb, thats when! And im sure Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, etc didnt need to think about multi-national corporations to understand that Leadership dictates attitude. PERIOD!

An artist who feels powerless is going to be a relatively unproductive one, unless his pay is VERY good. For example, Boeing workers who get paid, say, $20 an hour to build jets that sell for MILLIONS of dollars.... but someone of equal or better IQ/skills might only get paid $10/hour for an office job........

In this day and age, people are REGULARLY compensated for their lack of authority at their workplace. If an artist comes in and spits verses, why should they be LOOKED DOWN UPON if they dont go out and promote every day? How is that NOT the job of the label to take THEIR SHARE of the funding/budget (or lack thereof) and hire a PROFESSIONAL promotional staff? You cant blame the artist because the CEO is thrifty and cheap! If you hand an artist a handfull of CD's, how you can you EVER expect them to come back with 100% the money, or even half? If they're doing the rapping AND promoting, they're gonna see themselves as being ENTITLED to that cash!

Unfortunately, these days--and ESPECIALLY in the independent game--95% of artists give a MOTHAFUCK about building up a label from the ground up, they just care about getting a springboard for their studio exposure....etc etc...and at the same time, the CEO convinces himself/herself (hello, S.H.!) that the artist is in it for the long-haul, until they're all bankrupt..which simply isnt the case........(if it was me personally, and i thought i had a fire product, i'd go take out a bank loan MYSELF to help fund my project...but this aint about me)......

More often than not:
CEOs--TYPICALLY(!!!)--complain too much....
Artists put up with said bitching until they find a better set-up...

The Moral: Understaffed CEOs and Lazy Artists Dont Mix!

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
It's soooooooo easy to TALK about doing shit Doofy.......but when it comes down to ACTUALLY doing's easier said than done. That's where your inexperience comes into play.......and that's what makes us laugh at you. You TALK about it.......while we LIVE it. It's like you trying to tell an astronaut what it's like to be in space......when you've never even left Aberdeen.

Everything LOOKS easy until YOU actually have to do it.......and once you do makes you have a whole new respect for people.

And 1 more thing........MONEY is not the answer to motivating artists. If they're not motivated when they're BROKE.......they sure the fuck ain't gonna be motivated when they're PAID. It sounds good.......but an artist with no ambition, drive or hustle will ALWAYS be that way. They expect things to just be handed to them and don't understand the concept of working hard for what they want. Most of them are delusional from watchin' MTV and BET all day.....seeing all that bullshit.....rented cars, houses and jewelry and thinkin' that's how things are in the music business. It's called a pipe dream......and I know alot of cats that are suckin' on that glass dick.

I've said it a million times........the key to being successful in this business is the perfect combination of TALENT, AMBITION, WORK ETHIC AND HUSTLE. If you're lacking in any of those might as well keep your day job at Mickey D's and get a paper route. This ain't the job for you.....not if you expect to get PAID anywayz.

og MS

Member since 1997
Apr 25, 2002
an artist with no ambition, drive or hustle will ALWAYS be that way. They expect things to just be handed to them and don't understand the concept of working hard for what they want.

Chalk up another one for the gipper.... D-Sane that is.

the key to being successful in this business is the perfect combination of TALENT, AMBITION, WORK ETHIC AND HUSTLE.

Toss LUCK in there and we have a winner!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Mr. D-Sane said:
It's soooooooo easy to TALK about doing shit Doofy.......but when it comes down to ACTUALLY doing's easier said than done. That's where your inexperience comes into play.......and that's what makes us laugh at you. You TALK about it.......while we LIVE it.
So let me ask you a it possible that you think og MS only started this thread (in this SPECIFIC forum, mind you), KNOWING that only one or two people would actually "know" enough to speak on it?

What i mean to say is...there is a reason for things like this being discussed. You're supposed to find a MEETING point between Logic and Experience....not just say "ive done this and this, and you havent, so therefore, i know more than you and you're an idiot!" If everything was still based on past experience, we'd all still be worshipping a king who's family had been in power for the last few hundred years.... Thank God that isnt the case, and that now more than ever, people's suggestions are, if not enacted, at least CONSIDERED!

I've said it a million times........the key to being successful in this business is the perfect combination of TALENT, AMBITION, WORK ETHIC AND HUSTLE. If you're lacking in any of those might as well keep your day job at Mickey D's and get a paper route. This ain't the job for you.....not if you expect to get PAID anywayz
I cant even argue with any part of all makes own addition would be "charisma", particularly if one hopes to make the 'big bucks', so to speak. (Vocabulary doesn't hurt, either!)

I dont know if you read it in the other "Do you Sing or Rap?" thread...but i dont want the money. Well, not so much don't want as don't quest for. I dont write verses/songs and think of selling them.....i charge things that TRANSCEND money--like patience, kindness, respect, work ethic, good attitude, etc. among the people i work with--a concept which is BEYOND many people's ways of thinking.....

Im ALWAYS gonna be willing to rap, freestyle, and make albums, whether i get a profit or not, or have to work 10x harder or that separates me from other people right from the gate....Its all about how you look at things, i guess... :devious:
May 15, 2002
I think your missing the point.. and now running with reasons why you are a non profit organization. Just dig a little deeper.. Dont talk about it (online, in your music, to friends, family ect..) Be about it (online, in your music, with friends, family ect...) I hope you can shine someday... Just with out me havin to hear all the im gonna.... all anybody will ever really care about is the i did. Actions speak louder then any words. You live on your computer to proove to the street level form that your gonna... Ok now show us what you did?

Until you have BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT... I seriously doubt you can be taken seriously.