Should "tookie" williams be granted clemency??

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should "tookie" be granted clemency??

  • Yes, he's a changed man..

    Votes: 61 64.9%
  • No, hes a murderer

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
Nov 7, 2005
what would you get out of killing him?hes worth more dead than alive and if he spends the rest of his life trying to do the right thing,wouldnt that be worth sparing his life?
Oct 28, 2005
No, but not because he's a murderer, but because he will not come out and admit to the killings. He continues to refuse to do so. That is not a changed man; that is a man who is writing books and doing a lot of mouth-talking to avoid punishment. That he started 10+ years ago doesn't matter. You don't admit to your crime, then you get exactly what you deserve.
Dec 25, 2003
While in prison he has become a "reformed/changed" man. He has worked to broker gang peace and appears to have recognized the error of his ways. This doesn't undo his crimes.

I don't care if he convinced some kid to not join a gang, he is directly and indirectly responsible for far more deaths than anyone else on death row. Even if he didn't kill those four people, he was a leader and founder of a violent street gang, there's virtually no chance he didn't murder numerous people in his lifetime. Some people earn the death penalty through a single heinous act, I'd say founding the Crips and the violence that is bound to require from him more than earns Tookie the death penalty.

And about the "Don't do as I did, do as I say" Tookie tells kids not to join gangs bullshit. Did your Dad telling you to do as he said and not as he did have any effect on you? I doubt it. Didn't on me. I never believed that's how you teach a kid to do anything. "Do as I say not as I do" is the epitome of hypocrisy.

Kids see through Tookie. They know he's full of shit. Don't fool yourselves, he doesn't convince a kid who wants to join a gang to not join a gang.

Tookie's not an idiot. Here's how he presents himself now...

Here he is back then...

I do think there is one thing that all of us should be able to agree on in this complicated case...




Nice 'fro as well.
Dec 11, 2002
GOTdamn..!! ..them are some HUGE arms..

Little Daz said:
While in prison he has become a "reformed/changed" man. He has worked to broker gang peace and appears to have recognized the error of his ways. This doesn't undo his crimes.

I agree that it doesnt undo his actions in the past.. but really.. what will this man's 'death' bring about.. whats so beneficial about putting the man to death.. because its "the right thing to do"..? nah... if in his life he can bring about more good... damn.. I have a huge headache this morning and can hardly focus.. ugh.. anyway... let Tookie live.
Dec 11, 2002
caffeine said:
here in l.a there saying if the execution takes place, they will be a riot after midnight....

... thats alll bad.. stay safe caffeine..

.. turns my stomach at the thought..
Feb 28, 2005
caffeine said:
here in l.a there saying if the execution takes place, they will be a riot after midnight....

thats just proving the point of why he shouldnt be let free...the people who follow his ways and agree with him are gonna start a riot?? isnt that COMPLETELY going against what hes trying to do...thats fucking ignorant
Mar 24, 2004
J-Boeg said:
thats just proving the point of why he shouldnt be let free...the people who follow his ways and agree with him are gonna start a riot?? isnt that COMPLETELY going against what hes trying to do...thats fucking ignorant

if hes granted clemency he wont be let free, he just wont be executed
Jun 23, 2003
He's only being put to death because cali don't fuck around with killers. Look at scott peterson. In 45 other states he would have just gotten life.
Mar 16, 2005
nonstop_ga said:
but shit like that, is on a different level... ive lost loved ones also... 4 people this year alone, and this has been a slower then normal year...

serial killers do deserve to die under the law... niggas on the streets can and will handle street it if they feel its nescessary...

im not defending killing people with out reason, but trust, i have no problem do anything to someone that deserves it.. as far as my family and friends are concerend, i do it in a heart beat, and will face whatever time im givin. period... his situation is different then the faggot that killed your auntie..

and menace, im sorry that your family had to go that way... i feel you 100% on how you feel towards that fag that did it
OK then put yourself in the shoes of the 4 that died at his hands!!!!!!!!!

3 people died over 100 bucks.
Jun 27, 2003
thascary1 said:
OK then put yourself in the shoes of the 4 that died at his hands!!!!!!!!!

3 people died over 100 bucks.

what PROOF do you cite with this? C'mon bro, you know the legal system in Cali aint shit bruh, You read the case file? He might not be innocent, but he sure as hell shouldnt have been found not guilty.

Tookie is finna be murdered for purely political reasons. His murder will not help America, it can only hurt America. He can continue to change lives behind bars; however, he will not now.