Should "tookie" williams be granted clemency??

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should "tookie" be granted clemency??

  • Yes, he's a changed man..

    Votes: 61 64.9%
  • No, hes a murderer

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
Nov 1, 2004
traxipuss said:
it's pointless arguing with these idiots. they pull the race card cuz they have no other logical solid arguments.
I hear that traxipuss, your logical arguments like "you guys are idiots" "there is no point of even discussing it cuz they are gonna pull the plug on his worthless ass" sure did change alot of minds. Do your parents know college isn't helping you become any less of a moron? They might want to know so they can save the money.

You know whats funny, you sit there judging this guy from your dorm room at oakramento state... while your wanna be gangster ass posted a freestyle thinking you were tight and a g rapping about guns, weed, & bitches. Sitting there whisper rapping so you dont wake up you roommate and get your ass whooped, lol you fucking clown.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003

this fool tampaximus either is a pig or has family that are oinkers cuz he sympathizes with them on every thread concerning the bacon.. i heard hes part of the 1% that makes up the 50cent fanbase in oakramento after seeing him in that pic all buddy buddy with them LOLL isnt there a neighborhood watch board for u too post on?? LOL i think hear this foolz cape flappin the breeze cuz his favorite role is that of the superhero..

ur on a rap board dumbshit, u wanna hear people talk highly of the police go ask ur pops too tell u a story while wearing ur quick draw mcgraw pull-ups cupcake...

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
@ belialx blacks are executed in a higher proportion than whites. i dont have the numbers in front of me but they are something like: blacks constitute 13% of the overall population but account for a third of all executions. frankly im amazed that anyone with even the most basic eduacation wont admit bias in the legal system. I think whoever made the point that this bias is more predicated on income than race is correct, but in a culture like ours where race and income are as corrolated as they are, the distinction doesnt take race off the table of explanations.

the governmetn shouldnt execute anyone. why? because the government make mistakes (some governemtns more than others, natch). and there is no recourse for someone who is mistakenly put to death. does anyone really believe that there hasnt been a single person in the 1000 (1000!!!) people we have executed since the reinstatement of the death penealty that have been innocent? is there any excuse for a government executing an innocent person? do 999 'legitiamate' executions justify one wrong one? maybe you think they do, but if so our ethics are in polar opposition, because i can think of NO larger evil than a state wrongly executing an innocent.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
I would probably vote yes..... and the reason being is that he's been alive all these years. If they were to execute him they should of done it a long time ago. He's over 50 years (he may pass away soon anyway, not to say that is a good or bad thing) old and is now preaching against gang violence. Executing him now would serve no purpose. If he's granted clemency it's not like he's going to get out and walk the streets again. He may continue to fight against gang violence. Didn't he help organize a truce between the Crips and Bloods?

Now about the murders that he has been convicted of. Rather he did it or not... executing him is not going to bring the victims back. It would be easier to grant him clemency if he admitted to the murders and showed some remorse but he has yet to (even with his life on the line). So maybe, just maybe he didn't committ the murders. Maybe he knows who did but refuses to tell or even go that route. I read a lot about how he was getting blamed for a lot of stuff that's has or went down because he's the co-founder of the Crips. I am not trying to come to his defense but I am looking at things from both sides. Executing him now would serve no purpose. Might as well let him live and continue writing books teaching and telling kids about how gangs aren't cool. His influence maybe saving lives as we type.
Sep 27, 2005
most O.G.s will tell u that nigga did those murders, now the way the prosecution went about gettin the evidence wuz fabricated alot, like for instance the shotgun shells, they say he picked them all up but "forgot" one , comon now, those were planted thats why they didnt ballistically match, but as far as the murders he did em...... that nigga Tookie wuz a bully in his neighborhood
Apr 6, 2004
there R more whites on death row, yes. But blacks porportionaly still out number them. In states that execute people the most blacks often still out number whites being put to death. Blacks in the whole system are charged, found guilt, and recieve worse N longer times than whites. Why R there so many blacks in jail, cuz they are arrested more, whites often get off, why cuz most of the shit is drug related, and drug laws R set-up from the 80's based on coke v crack, whites do coke they get less time n blacks N crack 5 grams of crack 5 years, 500 grams of coke 5 years wit the Rockerfeller drug laws of NY. Trax must B white N needs to go to da south side N tell em peeps that there in jail n fucke wit mo by the cops just because they R more criminaly minded than whites and its all there fault.

Even street gangstaz R political prisoners, Y? Cuz the life life they lead only gave em so many chances N most people after years of seeing no chance 4 nuttin beeta what else they got. Blacks still choose the white doll over the black 1, N if U dont know wut I'm talkin about itz cause U uneducated N ignorant
Apr 6, 2004
there R more whites on death row, yes. But blacks porportionaly still out number them. In states that execute people the most blacks often still out number whites being put to death. Blacks in the whole system are charged, found guilt, and recieve worse N longer times than whites. Why R there so many blacks in jail, cuz they are arrested more, whites often get off, why cuz most of the shit is drug related, and drug laws R set-up from the 80's based on coke v crack, whites do coke they get less time n blacks N crack 5 grams of crack 5 years, 500 grams of coke 5 years wit the Rockerfeller drug laws of NY. Trax must B white N needs to go to da south side N tell em peeps that there in jail n fucke wit mo by the cops just because they R more criminaly minded than whites and its all there fault.

Even street gangstaz R political prisoners, Y? Cuz the life life they lead only gave em so many chances N most people after years of seeing no chance 4 nuttin beeta what else they got. Blacks still choose the white doll over the black 1, N if U dont know wut I'm talkin about itz cause U uneducated N ignorant

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
^^^ he wouldnt be getting out, his sentence would be commuted to life without the possiblility of parole. hes never going to see the street no matter what gets decided.
Feb 4, 2005
Not sure but i voted yes, its a weird one cos if i was the family members of someone murdered id want them to suffer forever regardless of what good they are trying to do. Real talk. at the same time he has/is helping to guide children regardless of his motives.