Should "tookie" williams be granted clemency??

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should "tookie" be granted clemency??

  • Yes, he's a changed man..

    Votes: 61 64.9%
  • No, hes a murderer

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
Nov 7, 2005
Tookie deserves to die. This question needs to be asked to the Army veteran that was killed with a gauge by Tookie. It also needs to be asked to the family members of the husband , wife , and daughter that were bucked by the gauge as well , not people who probably weren't even born when he killed those people. He even bragged about killing some white guy after he did it. Fuck Tookie's racist ass regardless of what he's done afterwards , he could have changed his ways before he decided to murder innocent non-gang affiliated people but no he waits until after he gets caught. Fuck Tookie and fuck his life he deserves to die.

Read up on the case and decide yourself.
May 6, 2002
"Two expended twelve-gauge shotgun shells were recovered by investigators during the
crime scene investigation at the 7-Eleven. (TT 1979-1980, 1984). These expended shells were
received as trial exhibits 9C and 9D. (TT 1982). Although these two shells lacked sufficient
identifying characteristics to be conclusively matched to Williams’ shotgun, the firearms expert testified that they were consistent with having been fired from that weapon. (TT 2301-2310).
Moreover, the firearms expert did not find any dissimilarity that would exclude trial exhibits 9C
and 9D from having been fired from Williams’ shotgun. (TT 2301-2310)."

so basically they said, they CANT conclusively link the shells to his gun, but fuck it.. he has a shot gun, so it must be him...

fuck that... that man didnt do it...
Nov 1, 2004
BelialX3_666 said:
Read up on the case and decide yourself.

Decide yourself? Because a DA report is real fucking ubiased. You're a clown.

And damn near everyone whos saying he shouldnt be murdered by the state isnt saying he's innocent. They're saying he shouldnt be killed! Guess what? I bet you he could have made a plea with the DA to plead guilty and not get the death penalty... but because he used his rights to fight a case against him, thats when he deserve to die? That's fucking stupid.
Apr 25, 2002
most of yall dont even know shit about the case...but are real quik to say yes or no...i dont know enuff to say either or...all i know is ALOT of people on death row over the last 100 years have claimed to change they life...and they werent granted why should this guy?..will gang members really listen to a drop out? just sayin..hypothetically

and to the guy who said theres people who were convicted of worse shit than tookie williams and were sentenced to less than 20 years your fuckin hilarious..i find it hard to beliecve anybody was CONVICTED of somethin worse than 4 murder charges and doin less than 20 years

i think overall its a shame...if he dies yea a 5th life will be taken...but its not up to me decide if thats right or wrong..if hes really innocent i hope somehow he is exonnerated...if hes guilty...may god have mercy on him
Nov 7, 2005
KALYN said:
I was born before Feb 1979... were you?

.. thanks for the link.
If you look at my bio you will see I was born in 1981 , come on it's not that hard to look up(although you probably did but want me to feel stupid). Anyways, I should have been a lot more clear , I just don't feel it's right that a large amount of people yelling "free Tookie" and signing his petition weren't even alive when this all went down. All they know is that he's an OG that that was convicted of murder and writes children's books and thinks it's cool to say free Tookie. The case went to trial ,he was convicted and a punishment was given and that's that. The family members of the four innocent people should have the respect and gratification of seeing his punishment go through. But that's just my opinion, so if you believe he should live good for you, personally I think he's just a waste of space and needs to be executed. I have no sympathy for a man like that.

You're welcome for the link by the way.
Nov 7, 2005
nonstop_ga said:
so basically they said, they CANT conclusively link the shells to his gun, but fuck it.. he has a shot gun, so it must be him...

fuck that... that man didnt do it...
Did you even see the letters he had written about breaking out , taking out one of his homeboys and some guards and talking about dynamite? Oh wait those were probably fabricated too...
Jul 25, 2003
^^^^yea man i was wondering why no one is bringing up that he wastrying to break out....kats wanna say hes reformed...of course your gonna say that shyt if u wanna get appeals....and did anyone really look into what he did?....innocent people died and he bragged about it....fuck what he did while IN prison....what he did outside of it is why he is going to be executed....
Nov 7, 2005
eastbayrider510 said:
^^^^yea man i was wondering why no one is bringing up that he wastrying to break out....kats wanna say hes reformed...of course your gonna say that shyt if u wanna get appeals....and did anyone really look into what he did?....innocent people died and he bragged about it....fuck what he did while IN prison....what he did outside of it is why he is going to be executed....
Thanks for agreeing with me man , I just don't get it when fools come on here yelling free Tookie and have no fucking clue what went down , he could have changed his ways before the murders but he chose to change after he got caught. The thing is, if he never got caught he would have killed even more people. People are ignorant nowadays.
Jul 25, 2003
^^^thats real talk...thats what i was telling these kats..they said cuz i am a norteno thats why i hate...i told i could give a fuck what you claim...blood,crip, norte or whatever else...if u kill an innocent person...and multiple ones at that u get no love from me....fuck that shyt....if it was ur family that was killed for no reason with a shotgun then you would want him to die as well...they got their lifes torn apart by him ....and like u said...he could have gotten all conscieous b4 he did that shyt....
Nov 7, 2005
eastbayrider510 said:
^^^thats real talk...thats what i was telling these kats..they said cuz i am a norteno thats why i hate...i told i could give a fuck what you claim...blood,crip, norte or whatever else...if u kill an innocent person...and multiple ones at that u get no love from me....fuck that shyt....if it was ur family that was killed for no reason with a shotgun then you would want him to die as well...they got their lifes torn apart by him ....and like u said...he could have gotten all conscieous b4 he did that shyt....
That's what's up right there.


Sicc OG
Dec 11, 2002
BelialX3_666 said:
If you look at my bio you will see I was born in 1981 , come on it's not that hard to look up(although you probably did but want me to feel stupid)

I guess if I cared that much I could have looked at your profile.
Do you feel stupid? .. you made a generalized statement not knowing who you were talking to.
I didnt run up in here screaming Free Tookie.. I've actually followed the case its an interest of mine ..
I have my opinion.. you have yours...


Sicc OG
Dec 11, 2002
eastbayrider510 said:
if it was ur family that was killed for no reason with a shotgun then you would want him to die as well...

.. but it wasnt you.. it wasnt your family.. I'm looking at this based on the facts from the case.. the trial.. what he's done after being in prison.. etc.. you're basing your response from your own emotional standpoint..
Jul 25, 2003
no im basing it on he BRAGGED about what he did...he didnt turn himself in he hid and got caught....he killed innocent people...thats what it is...nothing more nothing less..the case didnt involve what he did after being incarcirated....the original case is this..he killed innocent people.....who wouldnt let their emotion be cant be sweet hearts to these fagots who kill innocent people.
Nov 16, 2005
first of all you guys are all idiots for saying he shouldn't be executed. second of all, there is no point of even discussing it cuz they are gonna pull the plug on his worthless ass regardless so just stfu...


Sicc OG
Dec 11, 2002
Read the "story"... exactly.. if youre just now getting up on this case you'll see one.. maybe two versions of what happened.. if youve been following this for a minute.. you'll see more than a dozen.. why? because every mutha fucker has a story to tell..