Dude, it was a fuckin' joke. Take your big internet balls somewhere else, Tony Toughnuts, because I've clearly moved on.
I like the name. Was it an original thought or did you get it from some place else? In any event, your jokes aren't funny, and next time quote someone else if you want to be "Ha Ha funny" guy.
Argue all you want homie, you never heard of, nor played that game that was A VERY LITTLE BIT of what GTA was before you looked up that article. Since you choose to be a nitpicky little bitch about it, let me change my words for you...
Playing a game that beat GTA 3 to the shelves by two years is not a prerequisite to anything. You're relying on a fallacy here, do I need to tell you which one? I'm not nitpicking and you seem to forget YOU quoted ME. Logic my friend, pure logic.
I bet you never heard of, or played a "sand-box" game before GTA. I bet you've never even heard the term "sand-box" before GTA. Open any magazine or website and see how many times you see a game labeled a "GTA clone", as opposed to how many are called "Ultra Eagle clones" (whatever the hell the name of that game was). You can search the interwebs for any damn obscure game you want, but GTA is the basis of that entire genre.
Again, I already said GTA/ROCKSTAR took it and ran with it. You can see me saying that several pages back. They did the same thing EPIC did with Gears which was build on an existing formula or concept and throw their own twist on it. However, just like EPIC, GTA/ROCKSTAR did NOT reinvent the wheel, and they did NOT create a "new genre" as the genre already existed. What it was called before hand is of no concerned because the gameplay is still there--open worlds, non-linear gameplay, etc. I am not saying GTA is not the basis for the genre or use as a reference point. What I am saying is GTA /ROCKSTAR did not
INVENT a new genre. This is YOUR claim, and so far you've yet to prove it! LMAO! It's sad because another user had to point this out to you, but you still don't get it.
Doom was the basis of the 1st person shooter genre... Not the first, but a genre hardly even has a name before a game that more than 4 internet nerds play comes out. Street Fighter 2, didn't invent 2D fighting, but it stands out as the originator of the genre. I don't believe that Super Mario brothers was the first side scrolling platformer, but... There it is, at the forefront of the minds of the American public because it was the first game of that type that reached a broad audience.
Wolfesntein. Karate Champ. DK. And I don't know of anyone in their right mind who would say
SF II was the orignator of 2-D fighting when you obviously have
SF. LOL! Again, while the games you listed may have helped push the genre, they were not the originators of said genre which leads me to the next question. What genre did GTA3 invent?
I know you're sitting there knowing exactly what I'm talking about and choosing to pick out one word or another to harp on.
You yourself don't know what you're talking about, so why do you think I know what you're talking about.

Cuzzo, you quoted me and told me GTA3 invented a genre, and when I asked you to tell me what genre you went to bottle spinning.
If you honestly believe that GTA3 wasn't absolutely revolutionary to the entire video game industry and didn't deserve a 10 rating, then I don't know why I'm bothering to sit here and type to you.
Why do you think I don't believe it wasn't revolutionary when I said this on page 5:
GTA & Rockstar may have refined or revolutionized the sandbox genre
Please stop. This is going nowhere and you aren't making any sense. Yes I made a bold statement and can back my opinions up. Yes, millions of people and magazine editors may disagree with me, but at the same time there are magazine editors and millions of people who agree. However, not too many people will agree that GTA3 invented a new genre. That, my friend, is the boldest statement of them all.
Good day...