Religeon or Atheism??

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Jul 24, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Sorry comrade, time and time again Hitler spoke of god and jesus. Look it up. Second, my point was too show you an example of a so called christian doing horrible things (In response to your insult of Budhaism and richard geer).
Bush says the same thing. But his actions show his true colors.
Jesus made it very clear that you can tell who's legit by judging his fruit. Bush's and Hitler's fruit is their actions....
It's by their actions that you judge people, not by what they say.

For example, guilty people always lie....

2-0-Sixx said:
Second, my point was too show you an example of a so called christian doing horrible things (In response to your insult of Budhaism and richard geer).
Third, You were not living your life according to the philosophy because you did not study it. From your replies I have learned you know next to nothing about Budhism.
I didn't follow Budha's beliefs but I lived life according to what he taught. That is to find your "bliss" in life....
May 13, 2002
No, you did not live life according to the philosophy.

"Anyone who tries to settle a matter by violence is not just. The wise consider calmly what is right and wrong, proceeding in a way that is nonviolent and fair. For the Buddhist one is not noble because of injuring living beings; rather one is noble, because one does not injure living beings. Whoever realizes that all created things suffer, perish, and are unreal transcends pain. There is no meditation without wisdom and no wisdom without meditation, for in meditating one becomes wise; but in not meditating wisdom is lost. Whoever has wisdom and meditation is close to nirvana."

Hmm, this doesnt seem like "the most dangerious" religion.

"Lift up your self by yourself;
examine your self by yourself.
Thus self-protected and attentive
you will live joyfully, mendicant.
For self is the master of self;
self is the refuge of self.
Therefore tame yourself,
like a merchant tames a noble horse.
Joyful and faithful in the doctrine of the Buddha,
the mendicant finds peace,
the joy of ending natural existence.7"
May 13, 2002
Compare that to Jesus, who is offered as the paradigm of love and compassion, threatened that nonbelievers will be thrown "into the furnace of fire" where "men will weep and gnash their teeth as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire."

This religion is like what america is today. Obey your rules or be punished. Do as we say or pay severly. Do good, and be rewarded. It is based soley around rules. Buddhism teaches to love yourself, to understand yourself, nature and the world. The christian faith offers none of this.
Dec 18, 2002
^^one of the leading problems with society, though society stresses to have high self esteem, our society is a low self esteem based society. this is one of the reasons.
Jul 24, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
No, you did not live life according to the philosophy.
No I didn't follow his teaching word for word but I did follow the back bone of his philosophy.
And that is to find your bliss in peace with the entire world.
2-0-Sixx said:

Hmm, this doesnt seem like "the most dangerious" religion.
The danger lies in what it will do to people.
This and all of the New Age religions are very attractive, they offer rewards for nothing and no consequences.
They focus on the individual and not the next man.
And that is a recepe for disaster....
You can already see it in Asia....
Everyone only cares about their image in the eyes of everyone else, they focus on excelling in life but only worry about themselves. The typical Asian philosophy is, every man controls their destiny. While it might be true that is only what we make out of it, it's not an excuse for not helping the next man.
Which is what these people do as a result of their philosophies,
they leave children to starve, they don't even help their own families....
I'm basically saying that Budhism and many other Eastern philosophies have the potential to hurt human kind the most. They have the potential to attract millions with mind candy....

2-0-Sixx said:

Compare that to Jesus, who is offered as the paradigm of love and compassion, threatened that nonbelievers will be thrown "into the furnace of fire" where "men will weep and gnash their teeth as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire."
What if it's true?
What if Jesus was 100% correct in what he said? What will your or anyone elses excuse be?

I have seen enough, witnessed enough, and see things clearly that has lead me to believe that Jesus was legit. Everyone else is in denial in many ways.
You for instance haven't seen enough "evidence" and do not agree with the "if you don't follow me there's a penalty" because you feel that it's deceptive. "Jesus is using scare tactics".... But it isn't a scare tactic, because he explains it over and over again that what gets you into heaven is what's in your heart. You can follow his teaching out of fear as you're implying Christians do, but that won't get them anywhere. That's what you don't understand and most who appose the whole hell thing.
This idea of hell is for the fallen angels, Satan, and the evil people who fall for their traps in life. Hell will be what's left of this Earth when Jesus comes and picks up his people.
Non believers will remain here along with Satan and his demons, it will be a painful place because that's what Satan and the non believers chose to have.
You wanted your free will right? Your bliss, what Budha was talking about, well you'll find it when the time comes. Hell is the absence of God here on Earth....

2-0-Sixx said:

This religion is like what america is today. Obey your rules or be punished. Do as we say or pay severly. Do good, and be rewarded. It is based soley around rules. Buddhism teaches to love yourself, to understand yourself, nature and the world. The christian faith offers none of this.
Isn't that what rule under a communist government is?
How else are people going to obey your rules if there isn't any punishment?
With education.... And that's what Jesus preached.
Compare Jesus's philosophy with everyone elses, read the red writing in the New Testiment. His philosophy is perfect.
Of coarse Jesus will never teach such ideals that focus so much on yourself. That is selfish. And selfishness leads to evil. Jesus tells you the contrary, "don't worry about yourself because God will provide you with everything". "Now move on, go serve your neighbor, including your enemy. Help them in order for them to recieve the light".
This basically is a cycle of help and love. If the entire world followed this cycle, then the world would be perfect. But that's not the case, there's people out there who just want to throw a wrench into the cycle and screw everything up. Thank God there's enough people in the wrold right now who help keep this cycle going no matter what. But we're doomed the moment someone puts an indefinate hault to this.
The day is coming.... We cannot avoid it, evil lurks in the hearts of the majority and most don't even realize it. For now, our job (the believers) is to help save as many souls as possible....
Nov 17, 2002

"Your no better then the christian, the jew, the muslum the hindu or the man who worships a stick. Here you are posting reply after reply about how YOU are correct and YOUR beliefs are the only true beliefs. So go ahead and speak this nonsense about "The God" and "The Absolute"

These are not MY beliefs. Real knowledge is passed down. I am not self-sufficient. I have been given the consciousness to understand the knowledge passed down to me, but you fall in thinking that it is of my own concoction. Nothing I say is exclusive to any religion. It is only a matter of realization. The atheist is likened to a hand who denies the stomach. So when the hand grasps a morsel of food it keeps the food for itself instead of putting it in the mouth to offer the stomach and thus nourish the entire body. So go ahead and speak this nonsense about there being no absolute reality, no supreme whole and nothing above your puffed up ego.

"Right. So how many wars were faught over Atheism compared to religion?"

Fuck religion when it becomes an excuse to fight. Humans may misuse scripture to satisfy their egos or their lusts, but atheism is not an answer to this.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
n9newunsixx5150 said:

Fuck religion when it becomes an excuse to fight. Humans may misuse scripture to satisfy their egos or their lusts, but atheism is not an answer to this.
religion is always the cause of fights... even in today's world when Bush says god told him to get rid of the evildoers.

"Support independant though: Become an atheist" :)
Nov 17, 2002
miggidy said:
Remember that Budhism is a spin off of Hinduism.
Sort of at least. Mr. Budha couldn't hang with Hinduism so he set out to start a religion that suited him better...
His philosophy's too loose, it tells you to go and find yourself.
Be happy with what ever makes you happy etc. etc.
I should've mentioned these new age religions, they're a spin off of these Oriental religions.
Human inspired philosophies....
They pretty much tell you, go with the flow and shit....

Personally, and I know a lot of people can relate to this but my life was fucked up when I used to "go with the flow"....
People will take the path of least resistance, these philosophies make these people too self centered.
And they're picking up steam all over the world, especially here in America. For the simple fact that it asks very little from you.
That's why I feel Budhism and these new age religions are very dangerous....

I knew I would get shit for having said what I did, but hey, I ain't afraid to speak my mind. I'm prepared for what ever backlash I get. It won't be the first time I say this, I'm gonna try to get my message across in a wider scale.

It says a lot about a religion when Richard Queer is a member of it....

I agree with you. Buddhism is a "loose" religion. I understand Buddha's philosophy as one meant for the atheists and it no doubt attracts atheists as well. I also accept Gautama Buddha as an incarnation of God. It was by His mercy that He could incarnate especially for the atheists. The best thing one can hope for is that Buddha's philosophy leads some who are initially attracted to it into greater truth. There are three levels of understanding the supreme truth. First there is knowing the absolute in an impersonal way. This is where buddhism rests with their "void" conception. The second is the localized aspect where God expands Himself and enters into every living thing. While the third, the most confidential of all knowledge, is knowing Him as a person. The Supreme Person from which the impersonal aspect emanates from His transcendental body.
These new age religions are telling people to just do whatever they want and they will find God. In a sense they are right, in that by doing whatever they want they are serving God in His inferior (material) energy. But, for those who are ignorant to the fact, this world is filled with miseries at every corner and when one serves the material energy they only become bewildered about transcendental God knowledge, The Superior Energy from which we are all made of. To truly and directly serve God is to sacrifice our capacity to please ourselves, our material senses, and then we can use what we have been given (the human consciousness) to realize spiritual truth, untainted by the material modes of nature. We are in this world because at some point in our existence we desired to please ourselves. It was and is, (and will be) God's endless mercy and grace that He could give to us an outlet for pleasing ourselves. And it will be by His mercy that we will find our way back to Him once we decide to cease our oblivious actions toward sense gratification and serve His transcendental senses.
Jul 7, 2002
miggidy said:
No I didn't follow Budhism when I lived my life as it came.
I just lived it according to his philosophy without even realizing it.
Not just his but most Oriental and new age philosophies.
Kinda like the way you live your life now.
You know, try to make the best of life while you're alive type of deal.
i think you are miss understanding Buddha Thought

one of the first concepts of buddhism is dekka roughly translated to suffering. (part of the four noble truths)

Say like someone who is materailistic, that person will only be happy when he gets his objects, but what happens when he doesn't? he suffers .

Nirvana can only be reach from within, not from without.
Nov 17, 2002
shep said:
religion is always the cause of fights... even in today's world when Bush says god told him to get rid of the evildoers.

"Support independant though: Become an atheist" :)

One should not blame the religion, but the unrighteous one who misuses it to justify themselves. There is no doubt a lot of power in religion and because of this power it is prone to be abused.

Try to look within each religion for knowledge rather than finding petty human flaws of incorporating religion as an excuse for violence. These examples of such do not, in any way, touch the transcendental knowledge within scriptures. They only show how its power can lead people to do terrible things. But, this power can also bring people to peace. Unfortunately, in this age we are very much indulged in pleasing our material senses and so we mix this with the power of the scriptures and can find ways to justify almost anything.
Nov 17, 2002
shep said:
buddhism is not meant to attract atheists.

do you know what an atheism is? obviously you don't

But, Buddhism does attract atheists. God is completely taken out of the Buddhist philosophy.

An atheist is someone who does not accept there to be a supreme intelligence, God. Or, someone who equates the supreme with themselves in all aspects can also be seen as atheist... what else?...
Jul 7, 2002
miggidy said:
Remember that Budhism is a spin off of Hinduism.
Sort of at least. Mr. Budha couldn't hang with Hinduism so he set out to start a religion that suited him better...
His philosophy's too loose, it tells you to go and find yourself.
Be happy with what ever makes you happy etc. etc.
I should've mentioned these new age religions, they're a spin off of these Oriental religions.
Human inspired philosophies....
They pretty much tell
you, go with the flow and shit....
Buddha could hang with hindus of his time. In fact they thought of him as one of his own. But left becuase he learned all that he could. HE was even an asceticism, but both those philophies couldn't bring him enlightenment, he was still suffering.

His philosophy is NOT loose. you have to follow his instructions to get to nirvana. And none of them say "Be happy with what ever makes you happy" my above post already proves that.

i suggest you pick up "the World's religions" by Huston Smith


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
and if budhism does attract atheists its because budhism is the only religion where original though is involved. it's not as if atheists are like "i'm gonna become a buddhist" it's more like "budhism is the least objectionable of all religions"
Jul 7, 2002
n9newunsixx5150 said:
But, Buddhism does attract atheists. God is completely taken out of the Buddhist philosophy.

An atheist is someone who does not accept there to be a supreme intelligence, God. Or, someone who equates the supreme with themselves in all aspects can also be seen as atheist... what else?...
i dont think Buddha ever said there was no God, he never answered similiar questions. LIke is there a soul, life after death, is the world eternal?

IF an Atheist becomes a Buddhist, s/he is still following a fate.

on the other hand, if a Atheist strictly believes in science, he will NEVER get attracted to Buddhism or anyother religion.
Nov 17, 2002
shep said:
but some forms of budhism do have gods... many of the gods are hinduistic.

Yes there are. But, this is going against Buddha when He tells His disciples that "there is no God". I would not call the people who deify Buddha, Buddhists. I mean, as far as them actually following His teachings.

and if budhism does attract atheists its because budhism is the only religion where original though is involved. it's not as if atheists are like "i'm gonna become a buddhist" it's more like "budhism is the least objectionable of all religions"

Actually, the Buddhist philosophy derives from the Vedas. Its terms and concepts, (all except the "void" concept), are from the Vedas. It is a partial spiritual truth which takes out God by equating each person to Him and then stating that all that is above us is "void". What Buddha did was show, (in a practical way for those who would not accept a supreme intelligence), how the impersonal philosophy of the Vedas can be applied. The problem with it is that when one detaches one's mind from materialistic ways of life, it is neccessary to attach the mind to something else. For this Buddha came up with the "void". Unfortunately, the "void" is such an abstract concept that it becomes ungraspable for the mind and thus many fall back into the cycle of karma. In reality there is no void, besides the lacking of knowledge the atheist has of the supreme whole. The "void" is a tool used by Lord Buddha to establish peaceful ways amongst the atheists.
Nov 17, 2002

I remember a disciple of Buddha's asking Him if He was God, in which he said, "No, there is no God". Something along those lines.

There is nothing about buddhism that is contrary to modern science. But, although not all atheists follow the Buddhist philosophy, it seems to be the most popularly accepted amongst the atheists hands down.