Religeon or Atheism??

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Jul 24, 2002
Naw, there's many reasons why one shouldn't follow their ways.
But they ain't the only ones, I only brought them up cuz that's who Loca used as an example.
I can say the same for Budhism, which I think it's more dangerous than any other religion.
As for the rape, murder, genocide, pedophilia, insest etc. you pointed out that's in the bible, how much do you know about it?
May 8, 2002
Locahontas said:
Here's my question...I know you've all probably heard about those people who are fighting to keep the 10 Commandments monument in the lobby of some Alabama judicial building. What is your view on that? Should they be removed?
No, they shouldnt be removed the 10 commandment can be considered a historical document and not necessarily an endorsement of any 1 religeon.

our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values/morals. therefore the 10 commandments can/should be considered a historical document.

different judges have different beliefs and judge Moore feel s more strongly than some others and decided that he wanted than commandments there, obviously there other justices that serve with him had no problem with it, until after it was blown out of proportion and they felt the pressure of political correctness coming down on them.

Locahontas said:
IMO...I think they should be removed. By them being there, I feel that the government is endorsing Christianity.
the 10 commandment are more Jewish than Christian though arent they??

and anyway i thought that the GOD of Christians, Jews, and Muslims was the same???
May 13, 2002
miggidy said:
Naw, there's many reasons why one shouldn't follow their ways.
But they ain't the only ones, I only brought them up cuz that's who Loca used as an example.
I can say the same for Budhism, which I think it's more dangerous than any other religion.
As for the rape, murder, genocide, pedophilia, insest etc. you pointed out that's in the bible, how much do you know about it?
I got a question...How the hell do you figure Budhism is the most dangerious religion? Thats some crazy shit that I dont understand. Out of all the religions, Budhism is one of the very few which I actually admire.
May 13, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
No, they shouldnt be removed the 10 commandment can be considered a historical document and not necessarily an endorsement of any 1 religeon.
A historical document? You have got to be kidding me.

our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values/morals. therefore the 10 commandments can/should be considered a historical document
No it wasnt you fucking idiot, do some god damn research. One of the biggest misconceptions of amerikans.

different judges have different beliefs and judge Moore feel s more strongly than some others and decided that he wanted than commandments there, obviously there other justices that serve with him had no problem with it, until after it was blown out of proportion and they felt the pressure of political correctness coming down on them.
Ok, so according to this statement you would be ok with a Pentagram in the courthouse or the Satanic Bible? Is this true you fucking idiot?
Jul 24, 2002
those are some good points. There is the argument that this monument is historical to this nation's roots.
But I feel that if people are offended by it then get rid of it.
It's going to make you and your religion look bad in the eyes of ignorant people, hence everyone who was against this monument's exhibition.
Remember what Paul said, you'll never shed light on people by pushing it on them.

You're right, the 10 Commandments are Jewish beliefs and only have a historical significance to Christians.
But you see the ignorance of America?
They're quick to tagg them as a Christian belief.

As for your question, only Muslims hold the belief that the God of the Jews, Christians, and Jews is the same.
You ask a Jew and he will tell you that their God is Yahweh and the Jesus is not God, but a heresy.
You ask a Christian and he will tell you that Jesus is God....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
those are some good points. There is the argument that this monument is historical to this nation's roots.
But I feel that if people are offended by it then get rid of it.
It's going to make you and your religion look bad in the eyes of ignorant people, hence everyone who was against this monument's exhibition.
Remember what Paul said, you'll never shed light on people by pushing it on them.
i see what you are saying but, at some point you got to stand up for what you believe in. or before we die we might see a country where relieon is banished or at least a small resemblence of what it used to be.

like i said before i dont consider myself very religous although i do believe and am a catholic.

the same way i cant stand the smell of cigarette smoke and it burns the shit out of my eyes but i dont feel there smoking should be banned or over taxed. i mean if a restaurant allows it and it really bothers we i just wont go.

i am the type of person who says if it doesnt affect me it doesnt bother me. if a judge is a muslim and wants to have the koran in his courthouse as long as he follows the laws it dont bother me. same with the 10 commandments it doesnt bother me so long as the judge follows the law.
May 13, 2002
i am the type of person who says if it doesnt affect me it doesnt bother me.
i am the type of person who says if it doesnt affect me it doesnt bother me.
i am the type of person who says if it doesnt affect me it doesnt bother me.
This explains all of your views. No wonder you are against affermative action. No wonder you dont give a shit about the people dieing in Iraq. No wonder you are a piece of shit.
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
This explains all of your views.
"ALL" i see you are generalizing again.

2-0-Sixx said:
No wonder you are against affermative action.
i am agianst AA because i am against ALL forms of racism regardless of color/race.

2-0-Sixx said:
No wonder you dont give a shit about the people dieing in Iraq.
i do care about all the people there under the oppressive regime that were dying. and for all the people that died that were in all those mass graves we found.

2-0-Sixx said:
No wonder you are a piece of shit.
same can be said about you and your communist views buddy
May 13, 2002
our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values/morals. therefore the 10 commandments can/should be considered a historical document
Our founding fathers would be pissed off if they knew there was even a debate about the 10 commandments in a courthouse.

Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every person's life, freedom of religion affects every individual. Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the "wall of separation between church and state," therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society. - Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson - Border line Atheist, most likely Agnostic.
"It spite of Christian right attempts to rewrite history to make Jefferson into a Christian, little about his philosophy resembles that of Christianity. "

Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity.
-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782.

Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear.
-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787

Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814

I can go on and on and on with Jefferson quotes.

Bejamin Franklin had some religious beliefs, definately not a christian.

Lighthouses are more helpful than churches. -Benjamin Franklin

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." - Benjamin Franklin

"I wish it (Christianity) were more productive of good works ... I mean real good works ... not holy-day keeping, sermon-hearing ... or making long prayers, filled with flatteries and compliments despised by wise men, and much less capable of pleasing the Deity."
--Benjamin Franklin [Works, Vol. VII, p. 75]

John Adams
"As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?" - John Adams, letter to F.A. Van der Kamp, Dec. 27, 1816
"I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved--the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced!" - John Adams, letter to Thomas Jefferson

"What havoc has been made of books through every century of the Christian era? Where are fifty gospels, condemned as spurious by the bull of Pope Gelasius? Where are the forty wagon-loads of Hebrew manuscripts burned in France, by order of another pope, because suspected of heresy? Remember the 'index expurgatorius', the inquisition, the stake, the axe, the halter and the guillotine." - John Adams, letter to John Taylor

"The priesthood have, in all ancient nations, nearly monopolized learning. And ever since the Reformation, when or where has existed a Protestant or dissenting sect who would tolerate A FREE INQUIRY? The blackest billingsgate, the most ungentlemanly insolence, the most yahooish brutality, is patiently endured, countenanced, propagated, and applauded. But touch a solemn truth in collision with a dogma of a sect, though capable of the clearest proof, and you will find you have disturbed a nest, and the hornets will swarm about your eyes and hand, and fly into your face and eyes." - John Adams, letter to John Taylor

James Madison
"What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not." - James Madison, "A Memorial and Remonstrance", 1785
"Experience witnesseth that ecclesiastical establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and efficacy of religion, have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution." - James Madison, "A Memorial and Remonstrance", 1785
Nov 17, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
in a recent debate i had with another member we kind of touched on religeon.

my question is this not endoring one religeon over another is something our constitution requires, but by denying that there is a superior being are we in fact endorsing Atheism over all established religeons??

It does seem that atheism is slowly becoming the standard. Unfortunately, we live in an age where real knowledge is scarce. People generally worship the power rather than the Powerful; serving to enhance the body and care nothing about the truth behind all temporal manifestations. Atheists try so hard to be contrary to the obvious truth of the matter. No one is self-sufficient, but yet these atheists believe the only thing above their own ego is pure chaos. The nicest word I can find for those who adhere to such nonsense is "idiot". Oh well, it will only become more and more degraded as time goes on... at least for a while...
Nov 17, 2002
nefar559 said:
why should a government endorse a god/religion? if they all can't get along

How about endorsing The God?

They can't get along because people are idiots. There is such thing as a basic understanding of the Supreme and it is non-secular. The government should not endorse one religion but should at least endorse the concept of the Absolute, at least on an impersonal level. Atheists have nothing to stand on. Why should we incorporate a lesser intelligence into our society? Don't get me wrong, we all should have the freedom to choose to accept God or not, but for the government to endorse atheism is to say that its way of thought has a valid stance on the same level as the theist.
Nov 17, 2002
phil said:
youre viewing atheism as a religion when it is in all actuality the ABSENSE of religion altogether.

Atheism is the absence of knowledge. And it goes even further to actually be contrary to knowledge. Since, to the atheist, there is no soul, we should just fight for the body. Let's spend all our time trying to enhance and allow the body to live longer. Fools stare into oblivion and make no move from the point they began. These people are on a hamster wheel. The most an atheist should hope for is complete destruction of the human race...
May 13, 2002
You know, you could have wrote all of that shit in one reply.

I knew there was a reason why I cant stand your meaningless replies.

Atheism is the absence of knowledge.
Your no better then the christian, the jew, the muslum the hindu or the man who worships a stick. Here you are posting reply after reply about how YOU are correct and YOUR beliefs are the only true beliefs. So go ahead and speak this nonsense about "The God" and "The Absolute"

These people are on a hamster wheel. The most an atheist should hope for is complete destruction of the human race...
Right. So how many wars were faught over Atheism compared to religion?
Jul 24, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I got a question...How the hell do you figure Budhism is the most dangerious religion? Thats some crazy shit that I dont understand. Out of all the religions, Budhism is one of the very few which I actually admire.
Remember that Budhism is a spin off of Hinduism.
Sort of at least. Mr. Budha couldn't hang with Hinduism so he set out to start a religion that suited him better...
His philosophy's too loose, it tells you to go and find yourself.
Be happy with what ever makes you happy etc. etc.
I should've mentioned these new age religions, they're a spin off of these Oriental religions.
Human inspired philosophies....
They pretty much tell you, go with the flow and shit....

Personally, and I know a lot of people can relate to this but my life was fucked up when I used to "go with the flow"....
People will take the path of least resistance, these philosophies make these people too self centered.
And they're picking up steam all over the world, especially here in America. For the simple fact that it asks very little from you.
That's why I feel Budhism and these new age religions are very dangerous....

I knew I would get shit for having said what I did, but hey, I ain't afraid to speak my mind. I'm prepared for what ever backlash I get. It won't be the first time I say this, I'm gonna try to get my message across in a wider scale.

It says a lot about a religion when Richard Queer is a member of it....