Redheadsteve is best in northwest

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Apr 8, 2005
i gotta be honest, i kinda feel alotta shit "the hater" was sayin, i didnt like the subject matter at all, didnt really like the flow, he had a good rhyme scheme but thats where the compliments stop, he did sound like he was tryin WAY to hard, then again maybe he really is a psycho that steals cars and cuts people up and that shit, its not likely but i dont know him so i cant call him fake, i just gotta say, there are WAY tighter rappers in NW, i dunno why he is blowin and they aint


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
When exactly did Steve say he was a crip on his album? I don't know what gave you that impression. All I gotta say is I got your ticket paid for if you wanna come up here and handle this in person with Steve, and that's REAL CHOP. Holla when you're ready to speak in real life and not behind the comfort of your computer.
Aug 15, 2005
Gringo Starr said:
Havin an opinion is one thing...HE was hatin...plain & simple...

You mean how you used to hate on d-sane behind his back jesse? Oh but I thought ya'll was family? Right didn't expect anyone to bring that shit up huh. I suggest you shut the fuck up and quit talkin big before I expose you.
Sep 4, 2002
i dont know i thought the brotha lynch hung killin type shit was over when season of the sicc came out. Man i cant stand these rappers that talk about cold bolded murder, thats like his thing, hes like a poor mans brotha lynch just my two cents i aint gonna respond to people throwin names at me i dont care. that killer rap shit is unorignal. period. thats LYNCH's style
Feb 8, 2003
MrFedEx503 said:
hes like a poor mans brotha lynch just my two cents i aint gonna respond to people throwin names at me i dont care. that killer rap shit is unorignal. period. thats LYNCH's style


No Disrespect to anyone but if anyone does get offended by my opinion I still don't give a fuck. but heres my honest opnion...

I agree that shit is played out in this day and age, MidWest & Memphis Rap invented and used to sound like that style back in the early & mid 90's. ESHAM was the pioneer of the shit. Lynch made it famous.

Aug 15, 2005
mo-x said:
When exactly did Steve say he was a crip on his album? I don't know what gave you that impression. All I gotta say is I got your ticket paid for if you wanna come up here and handle this in person with Steve, and that's REAL CHOP. Holla when you're ready to speak in real life and not behind the comfort of your computer.

Isn't one of the tracks titled "True Blue Killaz" That doesn't sound like some crip shit to you? The cover itself speaks for the album. It's some fictional shit. I guess steve didn't get enough attenchion growing up so he stayed in his room all alone listening to Lynch. Then copied his style enough so he could make an album. And now the only reason ya'll are feelin this shit is cause youve already heard about 90% of these hooks and sayings on numerous other albums. From decent rap artist. There is nothing original about stevie nix. He's not marketable. There is already mars. His rhyme schemes are simple and repetitive at best, he rymes heavy and chevy like 6 times in this album alone. Talks about all sorts of shit he has never done or would even think about doing. But i guess it takes some fake muthafuckas to relate to this shit. Ya'll can sit here with a strait face and tell me you listen to this album at loud volumes and it doesnt fuck your high off. This album is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. I would listen to the entire album again but I literally can't. I'm ellergic to this type a bullshit. And I have a fake gangsta horrorcore defficiency. This fuckin album gives me a headache.

P.S. Mo better make that ticket first class.
Apr 8, 2005
i honestly think the best in northwest is this in no order

underworld huslas
lil danger
so sicc
on one

ive heard lots of steves themes on other peoples shit, some of his rhymes are repedative, and i really think this cd is WAY played out, and what i said bout him blowin up, he may not really be blownin up but he sure as hell has more followers than the better rappers of the northwest
Jan 18, 2003
LOL at the hatin goin on this thread. IMO Steve is a real hard workin cat with a lot of talent and skill. I am still listenin to REDRUM. Steve bring his own unique twist to this type of music. I don't think it sounds like Lynch, or Esham, or the other artists mentioned on here. Sure, you can compare one album to another, but everything has to have similairities to somethin else. This is the man's first album and it is doin well as far as Steve makin a name for himself. Just wait til he drops his new shit.
May 13, 2002
MrFedEx503 said:
i dont know i thought the brotha lynch hung killin type shit was over when season of the sicc came out. Man i cant stand these rappers that talk about cold bolded murder, thats like his thing, hes like a poor mans brotha lynch just my two cents i aint gonna respond to people throwin names at me i dont care. that killer rap shit is unorignal. period. thats LYNCH's style
Lynch invented "killin type shit"? Wow, I didn’t know that. So every rapper that spits murder lyrics or whatever you want to call it stole that from lynch? Interesting.

And for the record I don’t own a Red Head Steve album. He seems like good people but I don’t know his music. Just thought your statement was a bit on the retarted side.
Sep 4, 2002
when is someone not up to your quailty of posts, when i think gorey type rap shit, the first rapper that comes to mind is lynch. ok he didnt invent killin people on the mic but that is what he is known for...
Nov 30, 2002
Olde E.. your opinion isnt the right one or the wrong one.... you may like it or not.... doesnt matter to me.. nor do i think steve really cares... im sure hes 100% satisfied with the product he put out... and the listeners are 100% satisfied with it too... ask people around here.. 99% of them will say it is a NW classic...

and steve is a sav bro... he just brought a new style to the NW.. game recognize

May 13, 2002
MrFedEx503 said:
when is someone not up to your quailty of posts, when i think gorey type rap shit, the first rapper that comes to mind is lynch. ok he didnt invent killin people on the mic but that is what he is known for...
You clearly stated that it's lynches style, he stole lynches style, etc. I dont care if you're opinion is "murder rap" is wack, that's cool, it’s your opinion just like I think people who rap about diamonds and cars are corny, but let's get things str8- lynch didnt invent that kind of music, that's an entire genre of rap IMO, started before lynch in multiple regions (west coast, midwest, etc.). There were literally hundreds of rappers rappin about murder etc. before lynch touched a mic.
Jan 6, 2005
you sure know alot about steves album for hating it so much, did you buy it before u started hating it or somthing??..... an just so you know steves got a song comin out with lynch pretty soon, an im pretty sure that if he "stole lynches style", then lynch probly wouldent be cool with doin a collab with him....
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