Redheadsteve is best in northwest

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Jul 11, 2005
In my non humble opinion the best rapper in the northwest is clearly red head steve. This guy brings something to the northwest that hasnt really existed in a while, and that is a interesting crazy character. 151 might be the best known Seattle rapper but he is on steve's cd and in my non humble opinion Steve is just more enjoyable to listen too. I think he needs to keep going with the horror rap thing. He is taking something old and makes something new with his style. He has to be influenced by lynch, but what makes him not an imitation is that he isnt rapping about being in gang. The fact that he has red hair I think is interesting because red hair means you are usually the whitest of the whitest. But I can just feel things guy is not afraid of anybody. He needs to get big, and battle eminem. He would simply win because people would just feel he was way more hard than Eminen.
Aug 15, 2005

How can ya'll honestly enjoy that bullshit. It instantly fucks off my high. He's real original too with track titles like killas 4 tha payroll. There aint a gangsta rapper he hasn't bit either. And am I hearin right is he claimin to be a crip? That's like an oxymoron. A redheaded crip? I think Red head steven and D sane woulda been better off as roadies for metalica. The beats are repetitive, and predictible half ass drum patterns. Atleast the intro is less anyoing than the actual tracks. Even that is annoying as fuck. Honestly the whole album is garbage.

I'm probably the only real person that would take the time to speak honestly about this guy or even take the time to listen to this whole horrible product. I had to hear it thought. All the same people that love dsane to death are on the red headed crips bandwagon. Have you seen this guys website? Have you heard his anticlimatic beats? Make sure you check out the pics of half sane lookin thugged out with someone elses empty straps. If your gonna do a homo pose with someone elses guns at least make um a glock or something that steve raps about on every track. You know the popular straps that sound cool and rhyme with the all the predicitble carbon copy wanna be gangsta shit steve runs off at the mouth about.

This is just my opinion, but i dont hear none in the hood bumpin red head steve or dsane. Or any of that particular genre of bland ass attempt to be gangsta rap from that reigion really.
Aug 20, 2004
Man...what is your deal bro???Did ou sign up to this board specifically to hate on everyone in the NW???WOw that is REAL sad...but everyone has there its all good...put i suggest you put the haterade down before it gets you in trouble....just some advice tough guy....
Aug 15, 2005
I didnt know the red headed crip and d lame were everyone in the NW. I just thought they were 2 artists from seattle that have alot of fans on an internet message board.The truth is there is some very talented artists from the NorthWest. However You, Dsane and Red Stevie do not fit that description. I think if muthafuckas actually take the time to sit and listen and analyze their work they will agree with me. Its like Steves trying too hard. From the extreamly realisitc skit of Steve car jacking an innocent bystandard. To the pics of him lookin suspicious in the circle K. If there is anyone that really enjoy's listening to this album. I'd like to take a real close look at their cd collection. Ask em how much pussy they get and what they been smokin on. The bottom line is gringo your biased regardless. Brainwashed with horrible music. The next thing you know if dsane started making some pop remixes of gay ass tracks youd be supporting that shit too. Oh wait he already has. You see that shit on his myspace? That's some heated remixes for ya.

Get me in trouble? What you gonna do call dsane's daddy on me? Oh and gringo aint you the one that looks like eminem?
May 13, 2002
jarulefatalpac said:
In my non humble opinion the best rapper in the northwest is clearly red head steve. This guy brings something to the northwest that hasnt really existed in a while, and that is a interesting crazy character.

real deal choppery.... it's about impact.....steves on track to blow shit UP..

xpanther206 said:
BY THE WAY, 193 people rated that album 4.5 stars out of 5.
like they say...the proof is in the heatery

old e = a non factor sidelined faggot

someone close this thread...before shit gets outta hand
Aug 15, 2005
I guess you need to have 6k in post like dennis d-menace to be a factor on this board. That or like the taste of rock n roll red's dick in your mouth. Nice poster homie I like how he signed it and you felt so touched in your groupie heart to take a pic of it and put it on here. suprise suprise the guy thats got a kung fu grip on stevens dick disagrees with my statements. Are you in the red headed crip gang too? since your a major factor and all. Why do you want this thread closed? You hurt cause someone finally speakin some real shit about your favorite rapper?
Aug 20, 2004
Olde English800 said:
I didnt know the red headed crip and d lame were everyone in the NW. I just thought they were 2 artists from seattle that have alot of fans on an internet message board.The truth is there is some very talented artists from the NorthWest. However You, Dsane and Red Stevie do not fit that description. I think if muthafuckas actually take the time to sit and listen and analyze their work they will agree with me. Its like Steves trying too hard. From the extreamly realisitc skit of Steve car jacking an innocent bystandard. To the pics of him lookin suspicious in the circle K. If there is anyone that really enjoy's listening to this album. I'd like to take a real close look at their cd collection. Ask em how much pussy they get and what they been smokin on. The bottom line is gringo your biased regardless. Brainwashed with horrible music. The next thing you know if dsane started making some pop remixes of gay ass tracks youd be supporting that shit too. Oh wait he already has. You see that shit on his myspace? That's some heated remixes for ya.

Get me in trouble? What you gonna do call dsane's daddy on me? Oh and gringo aint you the one that looks like eminem?


Look buddy...its obvious...that you used to live up here or something...and got some personal vendetta against D and Steve....cus i dont know ANYONE that would go out of thier way to sit up and blantanly hate like you do...its almost comical...

Now,I dont know what D did to you or a family memeber or your ex bitch...but maybe you should PM him and handle that...and get at Steve while youre at it...all the words you speak on the net hold no water guy...could you say all this shit to these dudes grills???Thats what you need to ask yourslef...if not...than maybe you should cut the crap...i know you live out there in LA...and its easy to talk shit from your safe lil home...i can dig that...but im just sayin...if you cant speak like this in front of these particular shouldnt be runnin all out the side of your neck...cuz it really makes you look like a bitch...and im just bein real...

I supprt these cats becus they are like family...anytine someone attacks me on here...the first thing they bring up is "youra a groupie" is that???CUs i support what my boys do??Ive been with D damn near since day one...its funny that theres OTHER folks on here that promote and support thier peoples..but they aint dick riders...or if youre gonna call out folks for that...i can make a list of 100 Siccness members for you...that need the same "groupie" label as me...

Look fruitcake...i respect peoples opinons...and if you dont feel someones music...just say "i aint feelin your shit and best of luck to you" and keep it movin like a mature ass adult...but youre goin above and beyond to really drag cats names in the mud...and for what??Are you jealous??Its a bitch i know....

Anyways...this is the last post that needs to be directed to you...cus its a waste of time...i hope you get your mind right and handle this issue you have...

DO i look like Eminem???Well lets heads shaved for 1....and i have facial hair...and i dont wear hip-hop the answer is NO...but ive been told that we share the same facial,im not sure where you got that info...but its makin you sound a little suspect...cus no ones told me that in years...but its whatever...keep hidin behind that computer screen...cus it looks like it might be all you have....

Best of luck to you!
Mar 13, 2003
I think RHS is one of the many top notch artists holding it down for the NW. I know many people who aren't into the subjects he raps about on the album, but still give dude credit for a tight/solid flow and a premium sound quality. I'm a fan.
Apr 7, 2004
I think his album was coo but he's not the best. The best is yeat to come out. For a red head white dude that boy got spits. But he's not the best. He might be the best up and coming rapper as to date coming out of the northwest.
Jan 13, 2003
maaaaaaaaaan i love his's dope as fuck, real dark shit, exactly as i expected it to be...who produced the cd ?..and tell me which other cd's that dude luv...peace
Apr 25, 2002
i respect your opinion there OE, but i whole heartedly disagree witcha........RHS is one of the only NW albumz i consistantly slump. but im not gonna sit here and call you a hater or call you names because you dislike dudez thank you for you feedback.

now back to the real reason for the thread
Aug 20, 2004
EvilWayz said:
i respect your opinion there OE, but i whole heartedly disagree witcha........RHS is one of the only NW albumz i consistantly slump. but im not gonna sit here and call you a hater or call you names because you dislike dudez thank you for you feedback.

now back to the real reason for the thread
Havin an opin ion is one thing...HE was hatin...plain & simple...
Apr 25, 2002
i feel ya folkz......but katz like him digg the attention, so if ya just say "thanx for your thoughtz" and move on, he really cant say nuttin else. besidez, no matter what you say 2 him he's gonna keep thinkin the way he doez.......keep supportin Steve if you feelin his shit; and if you dont digg him, feel free to listen to anybody else you want. :devious:
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